Monday, April 20, 2009

Start Of A Beautiful Day...

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This is a picture of Independence Park in the town of Gonzales, where a few of us met and re-affirmed our oath to the Constitution.

A beautiful day, a few good friends, some heartfelt oaths repeated, new commitments made to our country and constitution...what more could a person ask for?

I'll post the rest of the pictures when we get them all sorted out. Thanks to all of you for your support and the nice comments.

Coffee is ready, and I am getting used to having friends let's share a cup.


  1. Can hardly wait to hear about the day, been thinking of you guys all day long.

  2. I'm kicking me own arse my pics didn't turn up so good... The bestowing of that Blessed Baton had me in distracted awe...

    You were with us, Bulls

  3. Good morning,
    Glad to hear you made it back and safe and had a great time. UH IM sure you found everything in good order and the roomies in good shape? But we did miss you even if it was just a day.

  4. I'm with Bullseye. The wife and I kept checking the online news sources to see if there was anything there....

  5. Hey was a nice gathering. Not many people there, but all were welcome. Nice to have a face to face with fellows thinking along the same lines!

    We knew that you were there in spirit, my friend, and we appreciate that!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Cygnus...good on ya for the stone of color...I saw you picking it up, but didn't look to closely at it!

    Fun trip, hey?

    Hey JoJo...thank you so much for sitting with the roomies for me!

    Always nice to be missed, ya know? The nephew and I both said after getting home that the best part of any trip, is the coming home...

    Of course, this one is only temporary until I move, but you know what I mean...

    Thanks for your visit, Pretty Lady!

    Hey Catman...all was well! No problems, nice weather, pleasant company!

    All we needed was some brisket on the grill, and a frothy beverage or two. However, NO booze was allowed at the gathering, and the company was enough of a pleasure to get the spirits high.

    Many thanks for watching out for us...we appreciate it, my friend. Tell Mrs. Catman thanks as well!

  6. Hi Jim!

    So glad you guys had a nice day, can't wait for more pictures. Aww Cygnus, don't be hard on yourself, I'm sure someone will have pictures....Jim? :)Ive been busy and haven't had time to visit my online friends these last few days but did remember it was this weekend you were going. (the memory still works sometimes :)

    Glad it went well and the day was good!


  7. Hey Lydia...glad you could come by. Thanks for remembering that we were going to Gonzales! I know what you mean about the old memory thing, believe me!

    Thank you for stopping by, my smiling friend!

  8. Hi Jim, it was a pleasure to meet you and who knew we lived so close. I've probably driven by your house more than a few times. All the video is on its way. It was delayed by my wife's birthday.

  9. Hey Sanjac...almost next door neighbors, huh? Thanks for taking the time to take pictures and put a video together. I enjoyed meeting everyone, for sure!

    Thanks, my friend, for dropping by!

  10. It was sure great to meet ya Hermit, as well as everyone else there. Couldn't have asked for a prettier day, or a more fitting setting....

  11. Y'all didn't get in trouble?? Glad you had a good day and got to meet some friends... that is usually always nice.

  12. Hey Sis...naw, we didn't get in trouble. I imagine that we may have wound up on somebodies list, but that's ok!

    If saying the pledge of allegience and reading the constitution out loud causes me to be on a "list" I can live with that!

    Rather die standing as a patriot, than live on my knees, ya know?
