Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just So There Is No Mistake...!!

Does that make it clear enough ? I hope so...

God Bless America...!


  1. Jim, I am very sorry for the misunderstanding. I never intended to question your patriotism.

    With everything that has occurred of late, I found the display of the Rebel flag very offensive.

    I do apologize for the mistake made, and do hope this has not caused a division between us.

  2. Hey Eddie...
    I can only say that if I had known that the image of the album cover would have been offensive to anyone, I would never have put it on my post.

    While our views may not always be the same, I think that we can agree to disagree from time to time. That's one of the things that makes this country so great!

    At a time when we should all stand together, I will never knowingly be the cause of a division between myself and other Patriots.

    Peace, my friend!

  3. Thank you, Jim.

    Peace to you also, my friend.

  4. Jim, I never had any doubts. How could anyone even think it? Great video for sure. Mark

  5. Hey Mark...
    I appreciate it, my friend.Thanks for taking the time to come by today and comment.

    I appreciate it!

  6. When will people realize that the "rebel flag" (Confederate Battle Flag) was hijacked by the likes of the KKK, and the talking heads on TV.... Heritage, NOT hate! That's one thing that chaps my arse, how people twist the real meaning of things...... Don't get me started on the REAL reasons for the War of Northern Aggression...... : )

    Great stuff Jim, AMEN!

  7. Hey Mayberry...
    Thank you, my friend. I appreciate you dropping by and taking the time to comment.

  8. HermitJim,
    My apologies for having missed the riot. It never occurred to me that anyone would take exception to any of your posts. Anyone that knew you that is. Seeing as how things have calmed down now, I'll refrain from starting them up again. (biting my tongue REALLY HARD!!!)

  9. Hey YOF...

    Thanks for the kind words and for coming by. I appreciate the comment, believe me!
