Friday, May 8, 2009

A Small Dose Of Inspiration...!

Well, I thought that we could all use a good dose of this.

I don't care if you have seen it before, I don't care if you really don't think you want to watch it once more. The whole point is we NEED to see this! Not only because of the Eagle, not only because of the music, but because it's time for us to realise that WE are America!

We the people! Not the politicians or the courts or the media or the news folks, but us! All of us! You see, it doesn't matter what "party" we belong to! It isn't a matter of what religion we are! It isn't important what race we are! What really matters in the long run is that we, as a people united, standing shoulder to shoulder...WE ARE AMERICA!

Please, let's take the time to be thankful for the liberties assigned to us by our forefathers for safe keeping. Let's put aside our differences long enough to wave the flag a bit. Let's reaffirm the fact that freedom is never free! It's like the song says "United we stand, divided we fall!"

Now come on, my friends. Let's get a fresh cup of coffee and sit for a while on the patio...and enjoy the fellowship of Freedom!


  1. WOW, Bubba! You really know how to start the day off right! I'm sending links to your blog to all the REAL Americans I know, be they planners or not. You're right - we all need to see this one! Thanks and love, to you and our forefathers.
    Think I'll try to make this project a priority for our DAR group.....

  2. Great Post this morning my friend.
    And I'll drink to that too, pass the pot please.
    Need to ejoy this morning while the temps are still cool.

  3. Hey Sis...
    Good morning to ya! Jut wanted to get the juicesd flowing a bit this morning!

    It would be nice if you would pass the links along to some of your friends...I would appreciate that a lot!

    I'm glad to have you take the time to come by and visit this morning!

    Love ya, Sis...

    Hey JoJo...
    Doesn't take long for the temps to strt rising this time of year, huh?

    I'm happy to see you here this morning...but I'm always happy to see you! It makes my day better!

  4. Thanks for the great post Jim. It has seemed like people have forgot where and who we are lately.
    Thanks for the reminder!


  5. Hery Rod...
    Thanks for the comments, my friend! I really enjoyed your post this taught me ther same thing, not to give up!

    I especially love the quote at the end!

  6. ..hey Jim,forgive me my absences Brother,yer last few posts were read all at once today,and a BIG Thank You is deserved...very inspirational...from 'simple man' thru 'Challenger',dam near jerked a tear...


  7. Hey Ken...
    Good to see you, my brother! It's always a pleasure!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the posts, and just know that your visits are always matter how far between they might be.

    Thank you for taking th time to come by and for leaving a comment!

  8. Beautiful video. I went to the annual spring concert at the university and they layed "America the Beautiful." It was so moving. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried. Thank you for this lovely and timely reminder.

  9. Geesh - played "America..." I swear my eyes are getting worse everyday!

  10. Hey Ginger...
    I am so glad you enjoyed the video and the post. I do know what you mean about the old eyesight, believe me. The main problem I have now days, is my fingers getting in the way of my typing...

    Thanks for stopping in today, my friend!

    Hey Eddie...
    Thanks for the visit, buddy! I appreciate it...

  11. Hey Friend,
    It is so comforting to me to be able to come here and find such wonderful things as today's post. Watching that eagle fly against a background of the Stars and Stripes just gives me chills. Thanks for always providing 'GOOD STUFF', Jim.

    Your Smiling Friend Always,

  12. Hey Cat...
    My smiling friend! We don't see you often enough lately.

    I'm glad you find plenty of the "good stuff" worth the visit...that means a lot to me. If it provides a little comfort, then I have done my job.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to drop by and post a comment. I really appreciate it!

  13. Hey Jim,

    (I just posted and lost the post somehow :(

    Just wanted to thank you for a nice video and a nice post. So true. I havent seen that one, but then with my memory these days, who knows. :)
    As you've posted though, even if we had seen it,. it's certainly a good one to watch again, and again.


  14. Bubba, wow, as usual! I had never seen that one, heard the song or heard of Challenger. I have never even thought the bald eagle is pretty compared to other birds (stop throwing eggs people) but I do think it is a majestic bird and I get chocked up watching him soar because of what he represents!
    Great job. I love you.

  15. Hey good to see you today! I actually found this video by accident, but I'm glad I did!

    The Eagle is majestic, without a doubt! I hve to admit to a little bit of teariness myself...a combination of the flight and the music, I think.

    I'm really, really glad you could come by and comment, Sis!

  16. Geesh - played "America..." I swear my eyes are getting worse everyday!
