Monday, May 11, 2009

They All Fit Me Just Right...!

I really miss the swimming holes,
The fishing spots, the old cane poles,
My sneakers with the worn out soles,
They all fit me just right!

I miss the joy of holding hands
And special rings from cigar bands,
The homegrown fruit from road side stands!
They all fit me just right!

I miss the rides in pick up beds,
With clear night skies above our heads,
The snacks of homemade jams and breads!
They all fit me just right!

I miss the times of home made toys,
Of long haired girls and short haired boys,
When hugs topped off my list of joys!
They all fit me just right!

I miss the smell of fresh cut hay,
Of fresh turned dirt on plowing day
And watching daylight fade away!
They all fit me just right!

I miss the quiet talks with friends
That seemed to never have an end!
Someday we'll have those talks again
And that fits me just right!

Jim King
May 2009

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a while...OK,my friend?


  1. Hey Sue...
    Thank you, ma'am! I appreciate that...

    Thanks for the visit this morning, friend!

  2. Hey Diva...
    Every chance I get, I will! Although now days, most of my rocking is done in a chair made for that purpose, ya know?

    Thanks for the visit!

  3. That's cool HermitJim!!

  4. I've always loved your poetry. I miss those times, too, but I barely remember most of those things. Maybe someday my life will settle a bit and I can just fade away to a simpler existence.


  5. Morning Jim!!! That was fabulous!! Post more of those, okay?!
    But you got me to thinking....
    I miss the days when my back was straight.
    Breasts were perky and eyesight great.
    I could touch my toes and wore size 8.
    When my jeans fit me just right....
    Have a fabulous day!

  6. Ah, yes, the time when life was a little slower, and a little easier, when the biggest worry of the day was whether or not your older brother was going to pick on you or not.

    That's a very nice poem, Jim. Thanks.

  7. Bubba - Always good - that's why you were Jesse H. Jones High School Class Poet! Another thing that you can thank Mom for - it's in the genes, I guess.
    And I'm inclined to agree with Team Hall about the good times - ah, yes - I remember size 8 - once, long,long ago in a lifetime far, far away.......

  8. Hey YOF...
    Thanks, Buddy! I appreciate it...

    I'll bet you remember a few of those things, huh?

    Hey,thanks for coming by today...

    Hey Ashley...
    Simple is good, in lifestyle especially!

    Less drama, more fun! That's my motto!

    Hey Cath...
    That's pretty good! Maybe we should put these together with some music!

    I especially like the part about the jeans...made me grin!

    Thanks for the visit and the kind words!

    Hey Eddie...
    I know what you mean, my friend...I know what you mean!

    Thanks for taking the time to come by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Thanks for the kind words this morning! As far as the dress size, I wouldn't worry about it too much! I'm thinking that both you and Cath still look pretty good!

    Bet your DH would agree with me on that!

  9. Good morning my Friend,
    What a great poem, I have to agree with the ladies above. :). Sure made me think of my youth too. I just don't know about the quite walks, it was more like lots of laughter and horsing around. But fun just the same.
    Lets have some coffee and remember the less stressful times of our lives.

  10. Hey JoJo...
    I'm gladyou liked th poem and glad if it opened the door to some fond memories!

    Less stress is a good thing...Hey, thanks for coming by, my friend!

  11. Thank you for sharing your talent this morning. :) I really enjoyed the poem. I could envision each verse perfectly, as if I had been there myself.


  12. Hey Felinea...
    I sure am glad you enjoyed the little poem today. Being able to take someone to a time and place far from where we are, is what I was trying to do.

    Thanks for taking the time to visit...

  13. Well you are definitely a man of many talents. Keep up the good work.


  14. Hey Rod...
    Thanks,buddy! I appreciate the kind words this morning...

    Your visit is always a pleasure, my friend!

  15. ...Jim,you never cease to amaze...

  16. Hey Ken...
    Why, thank you, my brother, for the kind words...and thanks also for the visit!

  17. Think that speaks to the hearts of all of us. Just lost my Dad last month & was feeling a little "down". Been a tough time. Thanks for the boost.

  18. Hey G3Ken...
    Sorry to hear about your Dad. It's never easy to lose a loved one, but hopefully you had the chance to make some good memories together.

    I'm glad that this gave you a little boost, and sure do thank you for dropping by!

  19. Hey Lydia...
    Thanks, my smiling friend! I appreciate it...and I appreciate the visit as well!

  20. Lovely poem, Jim, and it sounds like it was straight from your heart. Thanks for sharing.

  21. Hey Ginger...
    Thank you, thank you! Nearly everything I write is from the sometimes it sounds a bit corny.

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  22. Jim, I get the feeling that if the world had more people like you, it wouldn't be such a messed up place. Keep it up... you are going to be famous before too long ;)

  23. Hey Shiner...
    Those are very, very nice things to say, my friend! I feel honored to have you say them.

    As long as I have friends and readers that I can entertain and connect with by sharing, I count myself as a very blessed person indeed.

    Thanks for taking the time out of your day to drop by, Buddy!

  24. Hey now thats a pretty good poem Jim. It fits me just right too. Brings back memories. Thanks Jim.

  25. Hey FCH...
    Thank you for the kind words today, my friend! Always appreciated...

    Is the weather getting any better in your neck of the woods? Hope so!

    It's really good of you to come by today and I do thank you, sir!
