Wednesday, May 27, 2009

True Then, True Now...!

The year is 1907, a little over one hundred years ago.

Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

'In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.'

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

As I've said before, the Truth is always the Truth! Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a while, OK?


  1. I really dislike coming across as the annoying and opinionated "know-it-all" (probably why I'm pretty quiet at parties), but this quote has been making the rounds of the interwebz lately and I got curious...yes, Mr. Roosevelt said it--but in a letter to the American Defense Society in 1919...two days before he died.

    And the word "assimilate" when applied to humans sort of gives me the creeps and sends that shiver down my spine. Respectfully to you, Jim, but I don't see this as Truth...especially when it came from the same man who made it a personal mission to "assimilate" Native Americans, called them less than human and outlawed their use of their own language.

  2. OK Dori, you have some points there, But these Illegals are making a mess of our beautiful country as they scurry across our borders and braking our laws. They have no respect for this country and are handed every thing that is free while our own Citizens are being cut from medical care and food stamps in this time of economic bad times. Mexican Americans can't even stand them. At one time they did come here to work and have a better life, now they are here to steal, sell drugs and start gangs. They invade homes and kill people for what they can take from their homes. They are ILLEGALY IN THIS COUNTRY!
    And what was done to the Indians was horrible. And due to ignorance of other cultral beliefs.
    Now lets have some coffee and sit on the patio and try to have a better day.

  3. Oh, I totally agree with the illegal immigrants part...same rights as legal citizens? That sends shivers down my spine too!

  4. I always considered myself a Native American, having been born here...not an Indigenous Tribal Person, but a native nonetheless (anthropologist grandparents are fun!).

    Don't hold much truck with hyphenated-Americans. We either are, or we are not. Categorizing opens the door for divisiveness, separation, antagonism. Us against Them. Not very useful.

    Just about everyone in the country was an immigrant at one time or another...something worth remembering, I think.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  5. Well Jim - it seems there is a little controversy here in the comment section. I am an American without any hyphens. I proudly fly my stars and stripes, get goosebumps when I hear the national anthem, and hold my hand over my heart when the flag passes in a parade. I am proud of my country and all she stands for, even though her reputation is a little tarnished right now. I am willing to share my country with any legal immigrant willing to pledge allegiance to this country TOTALLY and COMPLETELY.

  6. 1 Afghanistan
    2 Akrotiri
    3 Albania
    4 Algeria
    5 American Samoa
    6 Andorra
    7 Angola
    8 Anguilla
    9 Antarctica
    10 Antigua and Barbuda
    11 Argentina
    12 Armenia
    13 Aruba
    14 Ashmore and Cartier Islands
    15 Australia
    16 Austria
    17 Azerbaijan
    18 Bahamas, The
    19 Bahrain
    20 Bangladesh
    21 Barbados
    22 Bassas da India
    23 Belarus
    24 Belgium
    25 Belize
    26 Benin
    27 Bermuda
    28 Bhutan
    29 Bolivia
    30 Bosnia and Herzegovina
    31 Botswana
    32 Bouvet Island
    33 Brazil
    34 British Indian Ocean Territory
    35 British Virgin Islands
    36 Brunei
    37 Bulgaria
    38 Burkina Faso
    39 Burma
    40 Burundi
    41 Cambodia
    42 Cameroon
    43 Canada
    44 Cape Verde
    45 Cayman Islands
    46 Central African Republic
    47 Chad
    48 Chile
    49 China
    50 Christmas Island
    51 Clipperton Island
    52 Cocos (Keeling) Islands
    53 Colombia
    54 Comoros
    55 Democratic Republic of the Congo
    56 Republic of the Congo (yes, these are two different countries)
    57 Cook Islands
    58 Coral Sea Islands
    59 Costa Rica
    60 Cote d'Ivoire
    61 Croatia
    62 Cuba
    63 Cyprus
    64 Czech Republic
    65 Denmark
    66 Dhekelia
    67 Djibouti
    68 Dominica
    69 Dominican Republic
    70 Ecuador
    71 Egypt
    72 El Salvador
    73 Equatorial Guinea
    74 Eritrea
    75 Estonia
    76 Ethiopia
    77 Europa Island
    78 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
    79 Faroe Islands
    80 Fiji
    81 Finland
    82 France
    83 French Guiana
    84 French Polynesia
    85 French Southern and Antarctic Lands
    86 Gabon
    87 Gambia, The
    88 Gaza Strip
    89 Georgia
    90 Germany
    91 Ghana
    92 Gibraltar
    93 Glorioso Islands
    94 Greece
    95 Greenland
    96 Grenada
    97 Guadeloupe
    98 Guam
    99 Guatemala
    100 Guernsey
    101 Guinea
    102 Guinea-Bissau
    103 Guyana
    104 Haiti
    105 Heard Island and McDonald Islands
    106 Holy See (Vatican City)
    107 Honduras
    108 Hong Kong
    109 Hungary
    110 Iceland
    111 India
    112 Indonesia
    113 Iran
    114 Iraq
    115 Ireland
    116 Isle of Man
    117 Israel
    118 Italy
    119 Jamaica
    120 Jan Mayen
    121 Japan
    122 Jersey
    123 Jordan
    124 Juan de Nova Island
    125 Kazakhstan
    126 Kenya
    127 Kiribati
    128 Korea, North
    129 Korea, South
    130 Kuwait
    131 Kyrgyzstan
    132 Laos
    133 Latvia
    134 Lebanon
    135 Lesotho
    136 Liberia
    137 Libya
    138 Liechtenstein
    139 Lithuania
    140 Luxembourg
    141 Macau
    142 Macedonia
    143 Madagascar
    144 Malawi
    145 Malaysia
    146 Maldives
    147 Mali
    148 Malta
    149 Marshall Islands
    150 Martinique
    151 Mauritania
    152 Mauritius
    153 Mayotte
    154 Mexico
    155 Micronesia, Federated States of
    156 Moldova
    157 Monaco
    158 Mongolia
    159 Montserrat
    160 Morocco
    161 Mozambique
    162 Namibia
    163 Nauru
    164 Navassa Island
    165 Nepal
    166 Netherlands
    167 Netherlands Antilles
    168 New Caledonia
    169 New Zealand
    170 Nicaragua
    171 Niger
    172 Nigeria
    173 Niue
    174 Norfolk Island
    175 Northern Mariana Islands
    176 Norway
    177 Oman
    178 Pakistan
    179 Palau
    180 Panama
    181 Papua New Guinea
    182 Paracel Islands
    183 Paraguay
    184 Peru
    185 Philippines
    186 Pitcairn Islands
    187 Poland
    188 Portugal
    189 Puerto Rico
    190 Qatar
    191 Reunion
    192 Romania
    193 Russia
    194 Rwanda
    195 Saint Helena
    196 Saint Kitts and Nevis
    197 Saint Lucia
    198 Saint Pierre and Miquelon
    199 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    200 Samoa
    201 San Marino
    202 Sao Tome and Principe
    203 Saudi Arabia
    204 Senegal
    205 Serbia and Montenegro
    206 Seychelles
    207 Sierra Leone
    208 Singapore
    209 Slovakia
    210 Slovenia
    211 Solomon Islands
    212 Somalia
    213 South Africa
    214 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
    215 Spain
    216 Spratly Islands
    217 Sri Lanka
    218 Sudan
    219 Suriname
    220 Svalbard
    221 Swaziland
    222 Sweden
    223 Switzerland
    224 Syria
    225 Taiwan
    226 Tajikistan
    227 Tanzania
    228 Thailand
    229 Timor-Leste
    230 Togo
    231 Tokelau
    232 Tonga
    233 Trinidad and Tobago
    234 Tromelin Island
    235 Tunisia
    236 Turkey
    237 Turkmenistan
    238 Turks and Caicos Islands
    239 Tuvalu
    240 Uganda
    241 Ukraine
    242 United Arab Emirates
    243 United Kingdom
    244 Uruguay
    245 Uzbekistan
    246 Vanuatu
    247 Venezuela
    248 Vietnam
    249 Virgin Islands
    250 Wake Island
    251 Wallis and Futuna
    252 West Bank
    253 Western Sahara
    254 Yemen
    255 Zambia
    256 Zimbabwe

  7. 257 The United States Of America.

    If you don't like our language, our culture, our laws, and our way of
    life, pick one of the other 256 nations around the world. May I suggest a couple of garden spots like Zimbabwe or Somalia? Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you board that plane.

    Sure, this country has made some miss steps (usually while churlish, egotistical, myopic,insolent people like our current president have been at the helm) but the American people,in general, have not been the culprits.

    Who else sends aid to the victims of natural disasters who are citizens of nations we are at odds with?

    We, as a people, have worked diligently to undo the errors wrought by those who preceded us.

  8. Hey Dori...
    Very good points you make here. I, for one, can see where the use of certain words back then could, under the political climate today, be misunderstood.

    When I read this speech, the thought I took from it was that we should all strive to become a complete unit. The people of the United States are what lends the strength to our country. The effort of any group, political or otherwise, to divide that unity by any means is not a good thing to me.

    While I would not give the same speech today worded in the same manner, I do believe this. The people of the United States are the backbone of our country...not the government, not a group, but the people themselves.

    We are all Americans regardless of race, creed, color, religious convictions, or birth place. Our flag is, or should be, the American flag and our loyalty is or should be, to the Constitution and to our fellow Americans.

    Our past is full of errors made by our politicans. They worked under a totally different set of standards than we have today. Some of what they did and said may have been wrong, but I feel that the underlying message that Roosevelt was putting forth was and is as true today as ever. We should always be strong as a people and our loyalty MUST be to the Constitution and to the country...

    Sorry if I offended anyone, that was not my intention. I never would deliberitely do that. I am only putting forth the same thoughts I hold as I always did.

    Thaks so much for dropping by, and for the comments. I hope that you could understand the ramblings and do hope you will continue to visit. Peaceful discussion is what we are all about, right?

    Hey JoJo...
    The operative word here is "legally". We are a nation of laws. Those laws should be followed by everyone, unless they contradict the Constitution and the ammendments of the constitution. Whether a person is an "illegal" or just a criminal, they should all be punished equally...and that DOES include the politicians!

    Thanks for coming by, JoJo, as I'm always looking forward to your visits and chats on the patio.

    Hey Kyddryn...
    You are so right! I bet that was interesting, to have antropologist grandparents. Think of how much you must have learned from them.

    I did not intend to make light of any injustice of the past. I think we must learn from our history in order to improve our future.

    This nation is, indeed, a nation of immigrants bound together by one idea and one dream. That dream is freedom! The right to live as free men without the illegal interferrence from any and all persons or groups!

    Sorry, I seem to be getting long winded today! Let me just say my humble opinion, our main focus today should be forward to our future. We should do anything and everything in our power to ensure that future be free...

    Thanks so much, my friend, for taking the ime to come by. I do appreciate the visit and the comments!

    Hey Rae...
    Glad to see you today! I am certainly proud to have all my readers voice their opinions and I know that we all have the same goals in mind. Freedom from any form of tyranny, freedom to live as we chose, freedom to worship as we please, and freedom to publically voice our opinion about anything, even if it hurts the feelings of some of the folks in political office.

    I say "God Bless All Americams, God bless the United States, and God bless America!"

    Hey Catman...
    I'm glad to have you take time to drop by today! A good point you made was in that we, as a people, have made it a priority to undo past wrongs. That will be an ongoing struggle, as our nation will always be a work in progress!

    Our true strength will always be in our unity towards a single goal...Freedom for all men!

    Thanks for the visit, Catman!

  9. Never offended! Though, apparently, my comment did offend and I'm sorry about that. I've lived the majority of my life in 3rd world countries witnessing the negative effects of colonialism and forced assimilation. I'm also married to an indigenous American and what we may perceive as mistakes of the past are still very much taking their toll on those members of this country. However,this is still a great nation. And one of the things that has made it great is the fact that it is truly a nation of immigrants. Immigrants who have maintained a portion of their original culture.

    If I promise to play nice from now on can I stick around? You have the best coffee on the internet!

  10. Hey Dori...
    It would indeed be an honor to have you continue to visit! I don't want you to ever feel that yopu can't say what you think here. That's one reason I don't moderate any comments. I also don't want you to think that I condon in any fashion, the actions of folks in the past!

    My feelings are that even though I can never right the wrongs of the past, I will never activly participate in doing wrong to others today! I will always feel a bit of shame for the crimes commited against any indigenous people in the name of the U.S., both here and abroad.

    I'm glad you weren't offended, as I would never put anythiong here that I thought was hurtful to anyone (except maybe the politicans)

    Thanks for the visit and keep on coming back for coffee on the patio with your friends...OK?

  11. Dammit Jim! Yu just had to do it, dintya? Yu had to go and open them flood gates! I just wanted another cuppa coffee.......

  12. Hey Carol...
    I knew you would be coming by, so I made another pot! Wanted to make sure that I had enough for ya...see how nice I am?

    Thanks, friend, for dropping by! Pull up a chair...

  13. Oh goood, I mean muchos gracious or which button do I press to speak English? slurp......

  14. Hey Carol...
    You crack me up, girl! Only one button, I'm afraid!

  15. I certainly agree with that quote.

    My family and I moved to the USA a very long time ago. None one of us spoke a word of English but made it our business to do so as quickly as possible. We had our visas and our green card (which is/was blue)and waited 7 years to get our citizenship papers. We each proudly took the test and oath given to us on that long awaited day. Our 5 family members celebrated that night and the USA became our country from that day forward. No one handed anything to any of us on a silver platter and no one translated anything for any of us. We knew we had to learn to speak English in order to live here, and we did.

    We are not unusual, there were many others before us and many others after us in the same situations.

    Most of us were here legally looking for permanent residence in a beautiful FREE country.

    The difference now is the sheer number of illegal immigrants, freely allowed to enter this country and freely allowed to receive all of its benefits.

    For the most part, I don't fault the immigrants. I fault our country (us!) for allowing this to happen. Most people will take advantage if given the opportunity.

    We are the ones who allow them to to trash our country, make it easy for them to never have to learn the English language and allow them to take advantage of us. We, the hard working Americans who pay dearly for their benefits.

    Apologies for this being so long..just happens to be a sore spot.

    Good post Jim.

  16. Hey Lydia...
    My smiling friend, I am proud of you and your family and am glad you chose to come here to the U.S.A....we are honored to have you as a fellow citizen and a friend!

    Your story and the stories of so many families like yours are the reason that we are as strong as we are today. The like minded, hard working, law abiding people such as you and your family have helped to forge this countries people into a nation of strong individuals, who will never let ourselves be controled.

    I'm proud of your family, proud of you and proud to have you as a personal friend!

    Thank you so much for coming by and sharing your story with all here!

  17. Thanks so much for your kind words Jim, you brought tears to my eyes and a big smile to my face.

  18. I second thatg Lydia, Your Family did it right like my grandparents.
    God bless you all.

  19. Hermit, absolute heresy! How DARE you demand people abide by the law??!!! How DARE you expect folks assimilate into American culture??!!! The re-education police will be visiting you shortly.......

  20. Hey Mayberry...
    I know, I know...I'm just a baaaaaad boy!

    I'll try and do better, OK? OK!

    Hey, thanks for dropping in today, buddy!

  21. Hey Hermit, I'm grindin up a mess of extra dark roast coffee beans, gonna sprinkle a bit of espresso on top like usual, brew it strong, then drink 'er down smoothed out with just a touch of heavy cream. Whilst waitin for it, I'm here to tell you I enjoy reading your blog, as I enjoy reading all clear-thinkin patriots of good will with a little fire (and the noble brew) in their bellies.

    Ol' Remus

  22. Hey Remus...
    I sure am glad you could take the time to come by and visit for a bit. Any and all coffee lover's and flag waver's are always welcome here.

    I enjoy reaing your reports a lot, and like the way you present the information for us.

    Again, many thanks for stopping in and we all hope to see you again, Coffe's on me!
