Monday, May 25, 2009

Yesterday Was Good...!

I finally found just what I needed to make my day! I bought a Coleman pop-up!

True, it isn't a new one, but I'm a good example that being an older model is sometimes a good thing! Now, just in case you forgot where I'm taking this little rascal, let me show you the view from what will be my front yard!

While I am building my cabin or shack, I'll be able to sleep off the ground in this. I found it on Craigslist at a good price...a VERY good price! The canvas isn't sagging, the young man who set it up didn't put the inside braces completely in place. When we went over to see it, we finished putting the braces in place, and it stretched out like it should.

The inside is in wonderful shape for an older camper. No tears or rips in the canvas, no mold or mildew, no signs of water leaks, no holes in the screening, no burns or discoloration on the counters, all cabinet doors latch properly. All is good!

The small table you see can come out altogether, or be laid down to make another bed. Sleeping six is not hard, but there will only be! So I just need one bed, and the rest can be used as sitting spots if and when I have visitors.

Plenty of windows, plenty of light, and nice and cozy inside. What else could anyone want? A good book, a fresh pot of coffee, and a LOT of piece and quiet!

Now, my friends, let's get a fresh cup of coffee, sit at the patio table a bit, and think about all the adventures ahead of us. Happy Memorial Day, everyone!


  1. Looks good. How will your roomies like it?


  2. Hey Ashley...
    They will like it just fine...if I'm there, it's home.

  3. Nice set up though I would be worried of the desert. It is the lack of water that bothers me.

  4. Hey Wyn...
    I have riends that already live out there, and one has a well! Plus there is a lot of rain water to harvest, and a water company not too far that sells water at a very reasonable rate for bulk delivery!

    Should be no problem with water! I do appreciate the concern and the visit.

  5. WTG Hermit, love it!

  6. Hey Molly...
    Thanks, dear Lady! I appreciate that...and I also am glad you could come by for a visit!

  7. Second DIBS!!!

    [um, SO SORRY about the s-10's window... REALLY...]

    Humble nephew...


  8. Ohhhh Jim...look at that BIG SKY!!! Magnificent!! I'm so happy for you!! Since I don't know anything about desert land, what kind of sounds do you get there? Other than the hissing of huge frickin snakes!! Arrrrgh! hehe And Jim I wanted to say that my last comment about "life is too short, you should get at it" really looked harsh all typed out...but it really did come straight from my heart! Okay?
    Have a fabulous day!

  9. Oh...well done! We lived in a camper while building a house at one point--there were three of us. A little cramped, but we managed! We had another tent set up for storage so that helped.

    Happy building!

  10. Hermit Jim,
    Now THAT"S a SCORE!!! When you get set up, don't forget to build a shade over it to keep it cool. Glad to hear you'll have water too. A little outhouse and you'll be all set. Remember the movie "Ballad of (something) Hogue" with Jason Robards? Had some good points in it. I can see you doing something like that. Anyway, Great Score, buddy. I'll have to come see you after you get settled.

  11. Congratulations! That's a little beauty, with plenty of comfort and room for dreams to soar.

    That view outside looks like the place my Grandpa homesteaded in Montana. At first my Midwest heart was appalled to think that he thought he could make it on that kind of harsh land, but after spending some time out there, I realized how that big dry space lets the spirit fly and have room to feed the soul.

    Looks like you have a start to a whole new life there. Good for you.

  12. Good morning Mr. Hermit,
    I love it, looks plenty roomy for you and the roomies. does it have an ice box or fridge? Looks about as big as my Chalet.
    Did you know they sell battery powered fans? I have one and want to get another one for when I get going again. They are 11inches and are very powerful.
    I am very excited for you. No more excused friend.

  13. NICE! And I second Old Furt's suggestion. Get a 15x20 (or bigger) tarp, some poles, rope, stakes, something to put between the pop up roof and tarp to create an air gap.... That'll keep things MUCH cooler, and help ya out when it rains too.

  14. That's almost too fancy for an old boy Jim. What more does one need? Very intersting front yard. Quite different from I am used to, but I like it. I have always wanted to check out the desert type scenery.

  15. All the comforts of home! You are on the way to freedom.

  16. All the comforts of home! You are on the way to freedom.

  17. Good morning Jim;
    Great deal. I'm proud to see you are one step closer to your freedom from the big city.

    Seems you like the idea of becomming a desert rat. Love the pics-sure looks like a peaceful place. Good luck.

  18. Jim
    Great find. Looks good! Lets go now!


  19. Hy Cath...
    The desert is full of sounds like the coyotes, cougars now and then, and of course the birds! Lots and lots of birds...

    More importantly is what you don't hear...the noises of the city!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

  20. Hey Dori...
    I guess that I'm lucky it's only me. I can get by with a lot less than those with a family.

    One of the first things to be built will be a storage shed for the solar batteries and any extra storage needs, like extra FOOD!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey YOF...
    The camper does come with an awning, but I will be building a more permanent cover over the camper, mainly for rain water harvesting. That was one of the first suggestions of the residences some way to harvest the rain first!

    You are always invited around my fire, brother! It will be easy to spot my place! Just look for the American Flag in the front!

    Thanks for the visit!

    Hey Trailshome...
    The desert is sometimes a harsh place, but life is just all over the place! There are still neighbors, but with a few miles in between.

    The main beauty of the desert country may just be at night! When you look up at the night sky, there is no doubt about how good life is!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    Got the fans already...and with solar power, I can recharge all my batteries without a problem

    Thanks so much for the good thoughts, Jo

    Hey Mayberry...
    The camper is in better shape than the pictures indicate. It just wasn't put up properly.

    I'm going to go ahead and build the hard cover first...I need it to contain and catch the rain!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Hermit...
    You may be right! I guess that this old country boy may get a little spoiled to having it so good!

    You'll have to come for a visit! I'm only about 30 miles from the Big Bend National Park!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Anon...
    All the comforts, none of the pains of city life! Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Edain...
    Thanks for the kind words this morning...

    Hey Tony...
    Peaceful it is...being in the desert isn't for everyone, but suits me just fine.Main thing I like about it, almost no one else wants to move yhere! I can live with that, ya know? Besides, with 5 acres I won't have someone building their house within rock throwing distance...

    Thanks for dropping in for a visit, Tony!

    Hey Rod...
    C'mon, my friend! I bet we can find room at the fire for ya! Hell, pull up a camp spot and stay a while!

  21. Hi Jim,

    I was raised in the High Sierra Mts./desert in California. Nothing more beautiful than the desert. Good luck and anxiously awaiting to read about your move. Pat/Texas

  22. Hey, congratulations! Looks great.
    The desert does have it's own stark beauty, and anyplace that empty feels peaceful to me.
    I'm surprised it rains at all out there, the plant life told me it was dry as can be.
    Keep the roomies inside at night so none of those desert critters think they're a snack!

    Way to go!

  23. Hey Pat...
    I'm glad you had the chance to come by today! You know, a lot of the people that have never seen the desert after a rain, just don't realize how beautiful it is!

    I'll be taking a LOT of pics to send back to everyone...

    Just keep checking back!

    Hey Maitreya...
    It actually rains about 11 to 14 inches in my area each year, with the rainy season being around June,July and August!

    The plant life really starts to flower out after a rain, too!

    Glasd yo made it to your Mom's ok...

  24. Dang, what a score! Congratulations on your good fortune! Some pretty scenery too, that looks like West Texas to me, true Roadrunner / Coyote country.

  25. Hey Anon 2:11...
    Thanks for the visit today. Yep, west Texas is a pretty place for some of us. Nature at it's finest, especially when it rains!

    View ain't half bad, either!

  26. What a beautiful spot in the desert you have chosen for your homestead.

    It looks like you got a good deal on your camper. It sure beats tent camping.

    Read you on Gwen's blog. Will be checking your progress. I too live in Houston even though I am temporarily living in Del Rio so I understand what you mean about big crowds and throwing a rock without hitting your neighbors house.

  27. Hey MsBelinda...
    I kinda like the view myself. I really appreciate you taking the time to drop by!

  28. Jim,
    My face hurts! I am just smilin' so BIG! I am so very happy that you're getting going! The camper looks perfect. I have to admit there is a twinge of envy in me, too. But, much as I'd love it, I couldn't get too far from the new grandbaby that's coming!
    Godspeed, my friend!

  29. Looks good! Now why did I think you were going north with the nephew?

  30. Congrats my old friend. There nothing like big sky country. I have to say, I'm a little jealous. Everything I find on craigslist turns out to be a russian mafia scam. lol. Good luck and enjoy.

  31. Hey Cat...
    Thanks so much, my smily friend! I know you want to stay close for that grandbaby that's coming

    I appreciate the kind words and the visit!

    See ya, Granny!

    Hey Stephanie...
    We had talked about getting a place with water already on it, but then I decided that I would really rather have the longer growing season here in Texas...besides, I already had the 5 acres.

    This way we have 2 options when the SHTF...the nephew says he can winter over in the desert andf I can go to the Ozarks in the spring! Best of both worlds!

    I'll post some more pictures after I get things straightened up with the camper! Hey, thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey Nomad...
    A long time, my friend! Hey, listen! I have 5 acres, so if you ever waqnt to come out and visit when in my neck of, desert...just come on out!

    You would enjoy climbing in the small mountains around the area.

    Hey, I appreciate the visit...!

  32. Hey TOR...
    I like this kind of score! Thanks buddy!

  33. Hi Jim!
    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you, a huge 1st step toward your dream.

    The people who we go camping with have one almost exactly as that. It sleeps the couple their two kids and my daughter very comfortably. The breeze they get inside it is unbelievable!

    I don't know much about the desert either but it looks like you at least don't have to worry about cutting the grass! How hot does it get?

    So glad for you, thanks for sharing pictures with us!

  34. Hey Lydia...
    This little camper does get a good breeze because of all the windows.

    I think it has plenty of room especially just for me.

    No grass cutting anymore...just sit back and enjoy it!

    Thanks for the visit, pretty lady!

  35. SCORE! This is cool and in great shape. Craigslist is the best.

  36. Congratulations, Herm! Great find. You're gonna love it, I'm sure. I'm not a fan of the desert as a permanent residence but ANYWHERE has got to be better than where you are! Lookin forward to reading about your adventures to come! Now, yes, I'll have a warmup, yes, good coffee!

  37. Good buying HJ...but, um...that don't look like the Ozarks to me!! ;P
