Saturday, June 13, 2009

Don't Fence Me In...!

A simple post this morning just to show that this sentiment has been around for a long, long time.

This recording by Gene Autry was made in 1945. It shows that people even back then longed for open spaces to a large least some of them did!

That's where I'm going someday! Wide open spaces with no neighbors!

C'mon, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit outside on the patio...OK? We can watch the clouds drift by for a bit!


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    I have always liked that song.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Sir.

    I'm off to find my spot on the patio. :)


  2. Hey Felinae...
    Thanks for the visit and you know where the coffee pot and the patio table are,my friend!

  3. I've got my bolt cutters right here...

  4. Hey Catman...
    Bring 'em to the party, my man! Beans, bullits, bandaids, and BOLT CUTTERS!

  5. They just don't make songs like that any more. Now if it was RAP "music" I would like a fence- keep me way far apart from that stuff.

  6. Hey Rae...
    ome good ole songs in the olden days...and some pretty good singers as well!

    Thanks for coming by!

  7. Wouldn't Gene just up and scream if he saw how crowded this country is getting now?!
    It's getting harder and harder to find a place where condo's and Hummer's don't exist.

  8. I used to really enjoy those new Gene Autry movies. I can hear him singing , "South of the border ......"

  9. Morning Jim;

    Getter done. Set a date and stick to it.

    I have been saying some day for the past 4 years. Got really angry, and set the date. The shop dies. 6/30/09. Auction 7/25/09.

    August 1st traveling wheather condo sold or not!

    Life is to short.

    Now pass the pot(coffee) please.

  10. Good morning, Mister Hermit, Sir.

    Oh...I adore Gene Autry! And this song...I sing it often. Makes a good shower song, among other things. I sang it to the Evil Genius when he was a wee babe and he fussed (rare, but even the best babies WILL make their opinions known...).

    Some years ago, when I was young (hush!), an album of modern re-makes came out, called "Red, Hot, and Blue". Sometime in the early nineties (when Buicks roamed the plains at will and Internet was where fish were caught), it was...and this song was on it.

    While I don't always approve of remixing or remaking something that's just lovely as it is (Ted Turner, I'm lookin' at you!), I liked the remix. Lots of drumming, strong vocals, and the sentiment shines through loud and clear.

    However it's sung, the song speaks volumes. Take away freedom, make the world safe, fence us in for our own good...and slowly change the nature of the human spirit until nothing remains but pliant cattle, herded this way and that, lowing our discontent but unable or unwilling to find that open space again, yet still knowing...still knowing it's there, if only we could knock the fencing down.

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who really didn't mean to blather on so...but couldn't help herself...)

  11. Hey Sue...
    I have a feeling that many of the heros of the past would join the movement of "back to the basics" if they were around today!

    Tanks for coming by today, Sue...

    Hey Vlad...
    Good to see you this morning! He sang many a good song in his day, and was one of the most popular of the "singing Cowboys", I reckon.

    Hard to beat a good old western movie from back in the day!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

    Hey Tony...
    Sounds like a very good plan to me, brother! As the saying goes, nothing to it but to do it!

    Thanks for dropping in, buddy!

    Hey K...
    Well said, my eloquent friend! Sadly, many don't realise that they are even behind the fence or that one exist ubtil they get tangled up in it!

    Far too often we just allow ourselves to be "protected" and "cared for" to such an extent that we willingly give up more and more of our personal freedom for a false sense of security.

    Thank you for coming by and for the wonderful, insightful comment...never to be considered "blather" at all!

  12. Being in the high lonesome cures what ails me. sigh

  13. Hey Vlad...
    I can only imagine for now that it doe!

  14. Thanks for your kind comment the other day regarding my computer problems, HermitJim, really appreciated it.

  15. Hey Coyote...
    Not a problem, my friend. I do hope that all is well on the 'puter front now!

    I certainly appreciate you dropping by today!

  16. ...i remeber my dad and uncles,all at various levels of intoxication,singin' that song out loud...Autry was the ol'mans fav...Thanx Jim,GodBless

  17. Hey Ken...
    I think my dad was partial to him also...

    Funny how some things just jump to our minds when triggered by a certain song or picture, isn't it?

    Hey, thanks for the visit, brother Ken!

  18. I was just a young thing back then (cough) but yeah I was into those cowboy shows. I guess I was supposed to live here in the Southwest not the East Coast. but I sure miss the trees and season changes.
    9:30pm is ok sent that but just in case it does snail mail again.
    Is it to late for coffee on the patio?

  19. Hey JoJo...
    You spring chicken, you! Just have to face it, were meant to live in the southwest! We have 4 seasons here, ya know...Spring, Almost Summer, Summer, and Spring again!

    Thanks for coming by tonight, Jo

  20. WOW I just looked at that again if it was recorded in 1945 I wasn't even born yet. Its true, boy that makes me feel a little better.:(
    But he must have had a show later on didn't he? I know the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers, He was my idol.

  21. Hey JoJo...
    Gene Autry was a favorite movie star for quite a while...made quite a few movies.

    You probably knew him from the reruns...when you were just a youngster!
