Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day...!

I wanted to take a moment to say "Happy Father's Day" to all those Dads out there.

I know a lot of guys will get special breakfasts, lunches, maybe even a nice cake or pie baked for them! I think that's great and I know all dads will appreciate each and every one!

Especially nice are the very special hand drawn pictures from the little know, the ones that stay on the refrigerator door for about a year? They mean just as much, if not more, than any store bought gift ever could!

For me and perhaps many others, Father's Day is just another day on the calender. My own Father passed many years ago, and I think of him often, but I don't really have anyone to give a gift to, except for the shout out to those that read my blog.

For me, Father's Day falls into the same category as birthdays and Christmas and Thanksgiving...just another day to be ignored by my two sons. But you know, that's their choice. I gave up feeling angry about those things I cannot change a long time ago. I still get a little sad about it, but not angry. We all have to live with our own choices in life, no matter what they are!

Now in keeping with the spirit of Father's Day, I found out a few facts about this day in the Old Farmer's Almanac! Where else, right? I wanted to present it to you today, in honor of all Fathers everywhere, remembered or forgotten! I hope you enjoy it...!

Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day has a modern origin. The idea came to Mrs. John Dodd as she listened to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1910. Her father, William Smart, had raised his children alone on his Washington farm after his wife died giving birth to their sixth child. Mrs. Dodd proposed a “father’s day.”

The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, and soon other towns had their own celebrations. Father’s Day did not become a permanent national holiday until 1972, when President Richard Nixon signed a law declaring that it be celebrated annually on the third Sunday in June.

This just happens to be the first official day of Summer, so it would seem as though we have double reason to celebrate today! I think that Mother Nature doesn't pay attention to the calender here, as we have had Summer temperatures (mid 90's) for some time! Mother Nature , though, works on her own schedule and that's a fact!

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit on the patio for a bit, while we think about how lucky we all are on this beautiful Summer morning! Happy Father's Day, guys!


  1. Thanks for the post Jim. And a happy fathers day to you also.


  2. Hey Rod...
    I appreciate it, my man. Thanks also for coming by today! Have a good one...

  3. Your sons may not remember Father's Day, but your daughter does. Let's not forget last year. Just remember that I'll always love you, regardless of what you might do.

    Oh, and Happy Father's Day.


  4. Hey Jim
    A wonderful post-hope you have a good day!
    And I did post the info on bar codes on my site-appreciate you letting me use it. You're the best!

  5. Hey Sue...
    Glad you could put it to use. Thanks for dropping by!

    Hey Vlad...
    Morning back at's redy, just help yourself!

    I appreciate you dropping by...

  6. Good morning Jim, Happy Father's Day.

  7. Hey Houston...
    Glad your trip to Mexico went well! Welcome back home...

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  8. Morning Jim;

    Happy father's day.

    Hopefully the day may come that the boys turn around. I had some tough times with my dad to. I think it's a male thing.

    Summer time and the living is easy.

    Pour another cup my man.

  9. Hey Tony...
    Good to see you this morning, my friend! I figured you would be in the woods...

    Thanks for the visit, Tony!

  10. Happy Father's Day Jim. I know the feeling of being ignored - well not on Father's Day but on Mother's Day by a son also. But like you said we pick up and keep going. Have a great day my friend.!!

  11. Happy Father's Day, Mister Hermit, Sir...if you aren't MY papa, you are an elder (ahem) in my community, and that's worth honoring, too.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  12. Good morning my Very Special Friend. HAPPY FATHERS!
    I also know how it is to be ignored by a child like Kay on mothers day. But they should never forget what goes around usualy comes around.
    Lets have some of that home made bread you made yesterday and some nice strong coffee and see if I can't put a smile on your face and laughter in your heart.

  13. ...Happy Fathers Day Jim...twice over to make up for 'others' thoughtlessness...
    ...GodBlessYa Brother...

  14. A great big hug to yah on this Father's Day, Jim!!! Thank you for giving me a place to go first thing in the morning...a warm and inviting encouraging informative place.
    You're a real gem!

  15. Hey Rae...
    We can't dwell on the negative, but have to stay positive about all things in general, but sometimes a little sadness lingers on.

    Hey, I sure do appreciate you dropping in today!

    Hey K...
    I don't mind being an elder in your community, or anything else for that matter! I'm just proud to be a part of the community, regardless!

    Thanks, my friend, for stopping in today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Fresh bread and butter coming up...with some natural honey on the side! Oh, and the coffee is a little stronger today!

    Happy Summer, my friend!

    Hey Ken...
    Thanks, my brother! Always a pleasure to have you come by! How can it not be a good day with coffee , fresh bread, and friends?

    Thanks for the good thoughts, buddy!

    Hey Cath...
    I'm glad you have made this a place to come in the mornings to share a visit and a cup.

    I hope you are having some good weather there and I really do thank you for stopping by today!

  16. Hey Catman...
    Thanks, buddy! Back at ya today. I hope that you are having a good one, and I appreciate you dropping by today!

  17. Good Afternoon, Uncle Hermit,

    Just stopping by with a Big Hug and sincere,heartfelt wishes for a
    Happy Father's Day!


  18. Hey Felinae...
    I never could turn down a free hug from a pretty girl...even in my younger days! I just appreciate them more now!

    I really do thank you for the kind thoughts today and also for the visit! Always nice...!

  19. I lost my father 19 years ago. It just ain't the same, is it.

    Happy Dad's Day, my friend.

  20. Hey Eddie...
    You're right about that, my friend! Good thing we have the memories to keep us going,right?

    Happy Father's Day, buddy!

  21. Happy Father's Day Jim!


  22. Hey Lydia...
    Thank you, my dear friend! I appreciate that, and I appreciate the visit as well!

  23. Hey Jim...Happy Whatever Day...what does it matter to anybody but Hallmark? I just don't support Hallmark anymore. I've lost 2 dad's in my lifetime. I'm not trying to be negative but every day is everybody's day, ya know? I've had enough coffee today...I'll take a nice glass of wine if you got..I prefer red...Have a good one, friend.

  24. Happy Father's Day to you! Yep, I'm making sweet husband's favorite meals today and a pumpkin pie. He's out building a pig shack with the kids. Funny you've had so much summer and it's taking forever to get here! Hope you have a good day.

  25. Hey Carol...
    One glass of red coming up! Just happen to have some on hand...

    Of course, you are correct that it really doesn't matter what day it is called, the main thing is that we celebrate life in general!

    So, Happy Whatever Day back at ya...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Angela...I'm sure that DH will love the favorite foods. The kids are keeping him busy, I'll bet!

    That's what it's really all about, some quality time with the family!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  26. WOW I just was reading some of the comments again and mine was kind of not done, I worry about me sometimes. Let me try this again.

  27. Hey JoJo...
    Thanks, Girl! I appreciate that...!

  28. Happy Father's Day folks - my family and I spent most of weekend together, Saturday at South Padre Island in the surf, yesterday just stayed in town. Dinner and a movie - I'm easy. Spent last digging in the back - I'm a little sore, but it does a body good to push the limits every now and again.

  29. Hey Anon 5:40...
    Spending time with the family is the best part of any day! Glad you had a good time!

    Thanks for the visit!

  30. You know I lost my father a few years ago. I was such the daddy's girl. But ya know, I won't mind as much fatherly advice from you as I can get.

    Happy belated Father's Day. aka HAPPY TUESDAY!
