Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Wonder Why That Is...?

You ever notice how the little things in everyday life can sometimes drive you nuts?

Probably wouldn't even bother you, but on some days, if you even notice them at all, they will get to the point that they drive you crazy! I wonder why that is?

Things like the expressions some folks use when talking, like "You know?" at the end of every sentence. Things like the annoying habit someone may have of drumming their fingers when they are thinking. Some of the most annoying things that can drive you over the edge if you notice are people that hum to themselves, but it's always a tune that you don't recognise or it's out of tune! Another is those of us that chew gum and can manage to make little popping sounds about every three chews. How about the people that will sit for hours on end and pop their knuckles:? That's always a lot of fun to listen to...

Now sometimes when these people are in the same room as you, you can just get up and leave . But if you get trapped with them in a car or truck on a long trip, it can almost lead to doing some serious bodily harm to someone!

I know that we should not let the little things get to us, but sometimes you just can't help it. It's human nature, I guess. Now, my question is this...how do we deal with it? How do we stop someone from doing these little things that, once we notice them, become a major problem?

Several things that immediately come to mind would stop it, but I think most of them are illegal! In fact, I know they are...! If you get up and leave the room, folks think you are being rude or anti-social. If you ask them to please stop doing whatever it is they are doing because it is becoming annoying, they think you are being rude and bossy! If you stand up, approach the person making the offending noise, get right down in their face and say "If you don't stop that, I'm gonna hurt you!", someone is going to call the cops... count on it!

The two best legal ways of stopping all of these little things from getting to the point of disaster are actually quite simple! The first one id to slowly stand up, open your mouth, and let out the loudest, longest, most blood curdling scream you possibly can. When done, look around the room at all the shocked faces and say "Thanks, I needed that!" Then sit back down and wait for the men in the white coats to show up, cause you just know that someone is on that annoying little cell phone they always carry, asking for help from the mental health people!

The second is a lot easier...quietly stand up, excuse yourself, go pack all that you can carry, and head out for parts unknown to anyone but yourself! It may be rude, but at least you can bet that no one will follow...they wouldn't dare!!

However, we all know that none of these things are going to happen because we are never around folks that act like this, right? Yeah, right!

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit at the patio table for a bit. You can tell me what I do that annoys you, OK? OK!


  1. Hello, Uncle Hermit, Sir

    Now I am guilty of snapping my gum. I hardly ever chew it anymore, but when I did, I was a conscientious gum snapper. Heehee, I never snapped it in the presence of others because my Daddy taught me never to do that, he said, "proper young ladies don't snap their gum" he might of,...ahem... worded it a little different. ;D

    As far as putting a stop to people that are annoying you, I have a look that gets thrown in their general direction. The dishwasher at work has the habit of thumping on the stainless steel prepping table, he gets the look. Catman has the habit of picking up the daughter's drumsticks and drums on a book or the couch. He gets the look first, if that doesn't work, he gets yelled at. :D

    Most of the time though I have the ability to tune most things out, be it the tv, radio or the neighbors dogs, I just stop hearing it after awhile.

    Well, I think I've gone on long enough.

    Oh one more thing, I doubt you could ever be annoying, my friend.
    Now lets go get that coffee before it gets cold.


  2. I hate when people use their cell phones in restaurants. I envision walking up to them, grabbing the phone and smashing it to bits. I have yet to hear one conversation so important that it couldn't wait till after they are out of there. I think it just makes people feel important. And giving these idiots "the look" doesn't work.

  3. He he he - a good rebel yell let out now and then is good for the soul. Doesn't play well at a NAACP rally, so please use discretion :^) - but seriously, you're on the money. Annoying habits (I don't have any of course - yeah right) will test your patience.

    The one that drives me up the wall are the folks who stand in line at a fast food restaurant, then need time to make up their mind what they are going to order. What, too much trouble to figure this out BEFORE you get to the counter? I'm hungry enough to eat the boogers out of a dead man's nose (not really, but I am hungry!) and you haven't chosen yet?

    YEEEEEHAAAAWWWWW - okay, that feels better. Or whatever release you need - bloodcurdling primal scream sounds good to me too.

    Have a good day HermitJim.

  4. Good morning Jim.
    Sometimes I get on my own nerves. Hard to walk away from that person:) Men with the white jacket will show up soon.

  5. Howdy Mr H;

    The rebel yell just says you are from Texas-nothing odd about that.

    Don't sweat the small shit, life is to short. Don't let the bastards win.

    Take a deep breath, have another cup of coffe with alittle Jack, and thngs will look good again.

    See ya

  6. Is what really drives me nuts is the people on TV who say "I mean" before they even tell you what they mean.
    Another thing is when people say "I could care less" when they mean they "couldn't care less". It makes me cringe - know what I mean. :-)
    Jim, since we both live in Texas how about do a blog on how people say certain things like Aunt Ider for Aunt Ida, Bings for beans & ongions for onions. I used to write them down when I'd hear them. Being from California and coming to Texas 41 years ago, I probably say a few funny things now myself. I think I need another cup of coffee this morning. Have a good one! Pat

  7. Good morning my Special Freind,
    How about people who file their nails. That is like chalk on the board. But I am from back east so I can be a little on the rude side. I try to be tactful and ask them to please stop, if it is one of my kids who know I hate that I tell them I will kill them. (my kids are adults so they should know better)
    and if you head for parts unknown I hope I know where, who will I have coffee with?

  8. I comfort myself with the thought that, in all likeliness, they will die before I do.

  9. Hey Felinae...
    Being able to tune things out comes from two places, I think. First, the fact that you are married (called selective hearing, but normally practised mainly by husbands and kids) and the second, with small children and/or teens around it's a necessary survival technique.

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Sue...
    Now that touches on something that I just can't deal with. I can almost understand having a cell phone with you in a restaurant under certain circumstances, but constantly talking on it in public is for show, if you ask me.

    Makes you want to bring back the beepers! Hey, thanks for the visit, Sue!

    Hey Anon 5:43...
    I know what you mean about the fools that stand in line then don't know what they want when they get to the counter! Chances are they end up ordering the same thing they had the last time they came in anyway!

    I watched a show once from Japan, where they had a guy called the "screamer". He would walk on the streets, dressed in a suit and wearing a derby, but after passing someone on the street he would turn, get close behind them and yell very loud! The reaction was hilarious!
    Certainly got their attention!

    Thanks for coming by today...

    Hey Tony...
    The coffee with a touch of Jack sounds like a plan to me! We won't have things to annoy us when we get in the boonies, huh?

    It's amazing how fast we can adjust to the peace and quiet when we find it!

    Thanks for coming by, my brother!

    Hey Pat...
    Boy, I could write a book about the way the english language is butchered here in the south! I guess that for the most part, we just don't notice it! But once you notice it, it becomes one of those things that sre annoying indeed!

    I'll see what I can come up with as far as a post about these twisted words, OK?

    Thanks so much for the visit today!

    Hey JoJo...
    There comes a time when talking nice to folks just doesn't work anymore! You have to get their attention somehow!

    Filing nails in a public place falls into the catagory of life threatening activities, I think!

    You have a wonderful day, and thank you for stopping by, dear lady!

    Hey Catman...
    If their habits annoy enough people, you are probably right! Doesn't even have to be a lot of people, just pissing off the right ones would do the trick!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

  10. Interesting post Jim. I've noticed that the older I get (in my 60s) the less patient I am with irritants like these. I also find that I am more patient with younger folks doing dumb things as they figure out life lessons.
    Go figure.

  11. Hey Sam...
    I have to agree with you on both accounts! As I am in mjy 60's as well, I find that some of the little things bug me more than they used to, and that I do have more understanding of younger folks as they find out some things the hard way!

    One thing I don't tolerate well in youngsters is rudeness, although that is picked up a lot from home, I'm thinking!

    Hey, thanks a lot for the visit, Sam...

  12. Hello, Mister Hermit, Sir.

    Life is full of little things that build, accumulate into big things, avalanche down on our heads and...pant...pant...

    Seriously...I have gotten good at tuning people and things out, at listening to my own breath, becoming lost in thought...Umm...I'm sorry...were you saying something?

    Whatever's bothering you, sir, I hope it passes quickly and with as little conflict/annoyance as possible...I wish you pleasant days and easy nights and no gum smacking within hearing distance.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  13. Hey K...
    Nothing is really bothering me, but I just had this thought and decided to post about it. It seems to touch a cord in a lot of people in some fashion, don't you think?

    I will accept the good wishes for pleasant days and easy nights, and most especially the no gum smaking...never can have enough of this type of well wishing! Thanks!

    Thanks for coming by as well, my friend!

  14. Those annoyances are the ones that make you question how close of friends/family do they have to be before you can tell them to stop. I tune most of it out. My big annoying thing is some of the relatives must have really thin skin or echoing head or something because when they are eating and chewing...oohh you can hear every crunch...and they cannot help it at all...but maybe a rebel yell would startle them enough to lose their appetites. I find being the busy mom/grandmom where I'm getting cold drinks or whatever gets me out of the room often enough & get them busy doing something less annoying. Guess that's why some members are more padded than others lol ; )

  15. Hey Stephanie...
    That's a great point about the noisy eating and I forgot to mention it!

    What if on one of your runs to get something, you got a paper bag, blew it up, and jumped back into the room and popped it with your hands?

    Maybe that would work better than a yell...although it might be worse for some of the older members of the crowd!

    Thanks for the visit today...

  16. I have to admit that packing up and leaving will work for this problem.

    I might suggest a trip to www.craigslist.org before you go. Craigslist is all over the place and can help you choose a place to go. You can look for a place to live (rent a room), a job or transportation (a used bike?) on Maui, or Key West or even Paris France.
    Lot's of places to go when leaving is your only option.

    I'm leaning towards Hawaii or the Treasure Coast of Florida.

  17. Hey Rob...
    Can't go through the day without a visit to craigslist to see whats new and exciting!

    Lucky for me, I already have my little spot picked out...and not many will want to follow!

    Always thought I would like to see Hawaii someday!
    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  18. I feel ya on this one Hermit (cracks knuckles), ya know.....

    Mine is "like".... It's like, it's just this like, this thing. Like, ya know? ; )

  19. Hey Mayberry...
    I hear ya on this one! It is one of my pet peeves as well...

    Maybe if these people could hear a recording of themselves, it would dawn on them just how it sounds. But then again, maybe not!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, Mayberry...I appreciate it!

  20. Nothing seems to annoy me more than looking at my own kitchen table. Especially if I'm trying to find something and everything is falling off. I really should clean up my act a bit.

  21. Hey FCH...
    Isn't it true how we tend to make things hard on ourselves sometimes? Glad I'm not the only one that stacks things up on my table...it's like a storage area!

    Hey, thanks so much for coming by!
