Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just Open A Dialogue...!

I'm as guilty of this as anyone.

Like in the most recent conversation I had with the auto repair shop...I just listened to what the owner quoted me as the final price for the work he said needed to be done. Now, I have to admit that this was over the phone, and not in person.

Usually, when I'm face to face with someone, I can tell if they are being straight up with me or not. While on the phone with them the last time, I did tell him that the amount he quoted was more than what I wanted to spend right now. He said he understood and that he would get the truck ready to pick up.

I just took for granted that he would call when it was ready, he assumed that I would just come and get it.Neither of us verified what we thought...can you say "communicate"? I knew you could!

Anyway, I called him back Tuesday after getting back from VA hospital, and this time we spent a little time discussing the options. In fact, he was the one that offered up a solution. He said that not all of the freeze plugs were leaking...and the ones that would have to have the engine lifted to get to seemed OK for now.

He agreed that if we just fixed the leaking plugs, and did not do the brakes...the total would be around $500. Now that's a price that I can deal with a lot better than $1500. At least at that price, the water leaks would be fixed and if I needed to, I could get outta Dodge without having to worry about a heating problem.

I can get one of the younger shade tree mechanics I know and have them fix the front brakes for a lot better deal than a shop, I'm thinking. I have not noticed the brakes getting soft, or making any noise...but then, I wasn't looking for that.

If the owner of the shop had not mentioned these options, I wouldn't have thought of them until later. The reputation of this shop and the owner is very, very good...and now I understand why! Just because I didn't ask the right questions, I could have been out a lot more money! I should have opened a dialogue from the start and avoided this altogether, but I didn't. If you don't ask, you don't know if you have options or not because not every shop owner will bring it up on their own.

So, that's where we stand now. The shop is fixing the leaks, I'll pick up the truck on Thursday, and I am back on track again! YEAH!

Now, my friend, why don't we get some coffee and sit outside on the patio for a bit. We can discuss the benefits of opening a "Dialogue" more often!


  1. We're going through this right now with a septic system. First guy said $5K, second guy asked us all sorts of questions, trying to narrow it down whether we needed a whole new system of not. We still do, but at least we now know who was the more honest of the two. And, he was also a lot cheaper. So, ask questions, and check around. You just never know.
    Take care Jim.

  2. Good for you. Glad it is working out. Have a nice day.

  3. You certainly have a way with words. I wonder how many times we have mis-communicated because we didn't have the right dialogue.
    Probably way too many. Glad to know you got yours opened up and that the problem is getting fixed.

  4. Good job, Bubba! And good news with the repairs. I think you're probably using Mom's mechanic, and I know she swears by him, and has for years. The $ look much better on this side, and just take care of the brakes when you can - don't wait too long. Although you'll have a lot more braking distance in the desert than in Houston traffic, right?

    Love and hugs -

  5. Glad to hear that it worked out for you. I need to try that out with my plumber next time something decides to stop working in the kitchen.

  6. morn'n
    glad you found an honest man.
    there aint many

  7. Good morning Mr. Hermit,
    glad it worked out well.

  8. Hey Sue...
    I think that no matter what it is, It's important that we don't just take everything at face value. I'm fortunate this time, and i learned a valueable lesson that I should have already known!

    Thanks, Sue, for stopping in today!

    Hey Kris...
    Thank you for the kind words this morning, and I appreciate both the visit and the thoughts.

    Hey Rae...
    Guess it's a very good lesson on just how important it is for us to communicate with one another! Sometimes I'm not very good at that, so I guess I need to improve3...a lot!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Sis...
    Actually, I'm usig a mechanic over in Friendswood, where Kevin used to work. Nothing but good things o report from there so far!

    Thanks for the good wishes, and for coming by!

    Hey Ranger...
    Certainly couldn't hurt, I reckon. Plumbing to me is like going to the's all a mystery!

    Years ago, my dad told me that if I wanted to always have a job, get a service related job... like plumber or auo mechanic or electrician! He was a lot smarter than I thought, I guess!

    Funny how that works, isn't it?

    Thanks, Ranger, for coming by!

    Hey Vlad...
    I'm glad also, my friend. Makes you start to have a little faith in your fellow man again!

    I appreciate you coming by today, Vlad!

    Hey JoJo...
    Boy, it's good to see you this morning. After coffee, I think we should all go to your pool! A good refreshing dip sounds pretty good to me right now!

    Thanks for coming over, JoJo...

  9. Well that kinda sounds like good news Jim. Glad to hear it.

  10. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    As a dear friend often tells me - ask for the moon but be willing to accept what comes.

    Easier said than done, but I'm learning...

    I'm glad there's a less costly option for you, and that the fellow at the shop was decent enough to offer it.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  11. Hey FCH...
    Good news indeed! I'll take all the good news I can get!

    Hey, Appreciate the visit today!

    Hey K...
    So glad to see you around here today! Yep, it sort of restores your confidence in human nature a little, doesn't it?

    Listen, I really appreciate the visit today!

  12. Good Morning, Uncle Hermit

    I'm glad you found an option that works for you at this time. Good to hear that you'll have your truck back tomorrow.

    I was talking to a mechanic that works for AAA not to long ago. I told him, I know a lot about cars, but, I have kind of a stupid question. His reply to me was the only stupid question is the one not asked, so ask away.

    I liked his answer so now I try to ask questions whenever I can. I probably ask too many now. LOL!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!


  13. Hey Felinae...
    I learned this a long time ago, but for some reaon I didn't remember it. Must be an age thing!

    Part of my problem is that I don't have the same circle of friends I used to, and all that knowledge pool is lost to me.

    I miss having friends around that I could discuss things with...and solve so many problems that arose that way!

    I really do appreciate you taking the time to come by for a visit today...

  14. It's great when someone offers knowledge--we had an appliance being installed one time, and we were talking about why we were having it replaced and the problems we had with the old one. He then told us which model he would buy if it were him, and it wasn't the same one. He had not yet installed the appliance, and couldn't until the next day, so we called the place we were buying it from, and asked if we could get the recommended model instead. They said sure. Turned out that it was less expensive as well. Good deal all around.
    Glad you found someone who would share their expertise, and that it ended up costing less--that's always a plus!

  15. Hey Marie...
    Good of you to drop in! I got lucky when I chose this shop, just going by their reputation and word of mouth.

    Guess there are good peop;e out there, but we just don't get to see them often enough.

    Maybe this is a good sign of things to come...!

  16. Ugh.... A set of good BRONZE freeze plugs cost about 30 bucks. Steel plugs, maybe 15 bucks. Hell, I've got some in one of my "junk drawers" in my shop. $500 labor seems ridiculously high to change out a couple freeze plugs.... Is your S10 a 4 banger, or V6?

  17. Hey Mayberry...
    The old truck is a V6...I think a lot of the cost is for the "diagonise" but I won't know for sure until I get the bill.

    It's high, but I guess having my vehicle ready to go is worth it.
