Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Heartfelt Gratitude...!

There is no way that I could ever tell you all how very much I appreciate the kind words and the prayers sent my way on my mother's behalf!

One of the reasons that I enjoy blogging so much and enjoy reading the blogs of others, is because of the sense of community that is prevalent throughout. In hard times or times of illness in the family, all of the compassion and well wishes that are sent are so much a comfort.

Even though I have not met very many of you face to face, I feel as though I know you all. The reason that I use the term "My friend" a lot on my writing is simply because I truly feel that you are my friends! I cannot tell you how much that warms my heart!

This really is a special media that we all perticipate in. A chance to speak our minds, to interact with others, to enter into open discussions on so many subject, and to both learn from and teach others.

I wanted to play this video as it is one of my favorites, and puts into words many of the feelings that I can't. It is specially for all of you! Once again, from the bottom of my heart...I thank you all!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a bit, OK?


  1. Uncle Jim, this news has just caught my attention and I am sorry to be "late to the party" so to speak. I pray that your mother is well my dear friend. After have gone through a few days with my daughter sick I can feel your pain. I am so sorry that I just noticed this and will say a special prayer for you both tonight. Please keep us updated on her condition.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  2. No need for thanks, Uncle Hermit, as I told Bullseye on his blog, that is what family/friends are for. That is how I have come to think of you all as my family/friends. :)

    We are here to lend our support and help when and where it is needed.

    I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and thoughts.


  3. She's still in my thoughts, Mister Hermit, sir...and will continue so until reports of "all clear" are given.

    It is a good Web, isn't it, that catches us before we can fall too far?

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Morning Jim,
    Hang in there little buddy.You have a lot of friends, & family praying for you and your mother. God will take care of it.

  5. Hi Jim,
    No need for thanks here. But we sure could use some prayer. Have not had more than an hrs sleep as dad is doing very bad.

  6. Morning Jim!! That was beautiful!!
    And how's your wee Mom doing?

  7. Hey Bullseye...
    I don't want you to give it a second thought, my friend. I appreciate your comcern and your kind words this morning, indeed!

    I thank you for both your prayers and your visit...

    Hey Felinae...
    I'm proud to have you think of me as part of your circle of friends and family...

    The most help for me is just knowing that I have someone I can just voice my concerns to in bad times.

    Thanks so much for coming by...

    Hey K...
    It is indeed a good web and a true circle of friends that lend the support to our lives.

    So many thanks are due for all the kind words and the support that continues to abound. I really am glad you came by today...

    Hey JoJo...
    I'm so sorry to hear about your dad getting worse. If there is anything that I can do, please just let me know , dear friend.

    So glad to see you on the patio this morning!

    Hey Tony...
    Many thanks, buddy, for your continuing support and good wishes! I really appreciate it a lot!

    I know it is higher hands than mine! Thank you.

  8. Hey Cath...
    She was feeling much better when I left last night, thank you! I'm on my way now back to the hospital to check on her and visit for a while!

    Thanks so much for coming by this morning...

  9. Keep your chin up, Jim! If you look around at the sense of community / family you and the others who participate in blogging, even just by visiting, have created, you really get an idea of what this country is all about.

  10. Hey Catman...
    You're right about that! A good slice of life is indicated here in the blogging world, and I'm proud to be a part of it.

    So proud to have you drop by today, my friend!

  11. Sorry But I have been busy and have not been able to do my reading. But do remember you and yours are in my thoughts.


  12. Oh Jim! That is one of my absolute favorites of Josh Groban's Just beautiful. Thanks so much for posting it. I haven't been listening to music lately, and what a way to get back to it.

    I am terribly sorry your mom has had to endure all this in the last few days. Am hoping and praying that she will come through perfectly well!

    The best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  13. Hey Rod...
    Don't worry about it, my friend. I always enjoy having you come by whenever you can.

    It's a good feelig to have so many good people on your side. Believe me...
    Thanks for the vi9st, buddy!

    Hey Lydia...
    I have always liked this song as well and I'm glad it is one of your favorites.

    I really appreciate the kind thoughts about mom's illness and her recovery...and will be sure to pass it on to her!

    Thanks for taking the time to come over for a bit...

  14. I'm so glad she is doing better, its hard when momma is sick no matter what our age.

  15. Hey Stephanie...
    Glad to have you drop in today. Hopefully sh will get to come home depends on the doctor!

    Always tuff if it is mom or dad...! Or childred...
