Friday, June 26, 2009

Now Here's The Deal...!

This is going to be a short post to start today.

Normally, I write my post the night before and schedule it to post at 12:15 a.m.! For some unknown reason, blogger has decided the last two days NOT to post when it was scheduled. I have had to go and manually post, which I did.

Today, or tonight, I should actually Thursday. Friday morning I'm taking the truck in for a small leak repair. I can't find it, and if I'm going to hit the road I want to do so with all probable causes of future problems fixed.

Now the way things have a tendency to go, what you think is a small problem can and does turn into a BIG problem very quickly when it goes to the shop! However, the problems do need to be I'll just have to bite the bullet!

I'm hoping that this is the last mechanical problem I need to fix before I take off for a week or so to go camping...sort of a test run for moving. Need to get the lay of the land, check out the area for access points and possible bail out trails, find out just where the closest neighbors are located...that sort of thing, ya know?

Anyway, I'll let you know what the damage is and when the plans are coming together as soon as I can! I might have some sort of update later Friday afternoon.

In the meantime, let's get some coffee and sit on the patio for a bit...and try and conjure up some more rain for today!


  1. Good luck getting your truck fixed. Hopefully it will minor. Now days when something major breaks you practically have to take out a loan the expense is so much? And why does labor cost as much as the part replacement? Hmmm!

    I've been having trouble with blogger too. Can't seem to find an answer or response at the help forum either. I feel abandoned. LOL

  2. Thanks for the conjure-we have rain.

    Just went thru the same kind of crap with my truck-small problem lead to big problem. Damn techs are part changers nothing else. Like you say bite the bullet .

    Good luck. Woops where is my coffee?

  3. Morn'n y'all
    Coffee smells good! You are smart to get things fixed before you head for the high lonesome. I drive the GMC 3/4 4x4 stick shift I bought new in 1976. Happy to say I do do most repairs, although it may cost less than three months pay to have the dealer repair those new technodazzle
    marvels that are replete with electronics.
    Speaking of getting away from the city, in East Texas unpaved roads are slick clay after a rain. Do you have v-bar tire chains?

    BTW when I picked up the chains at NAPA I opened the bag to be sure they are v-bars. A young man at my elbow asked, " Where you going you gonna need something like that?"

  4. I'm from deep East Texas. If some of these back roads get muddy, you could be there for a while. It sure is beautiful out there. Have fun.

  5. Good morning, Mister Hermit, Sir.

    I hope it is a small thing, easily repaired in short time and for little cost.

    The dealership where I take my beloved mule ('99 Astro van which I adore) often jokes that they'll have rebuilt her twice over by the time I'm done with her...and I won't be done until they run out of parts in the (I hope) far distant future.

    She doesn't want repair often, thankfully, but when she does? Good grief, it's never small...when she fails, she fails in spectacular fashion.

    Still - she costs less than many other more modern vehicles do to repair, and she's never let me down when I needed her.

    I hope, too, that your camping trip is a rousing success...although I'll miss you whenever you go walkabout. You've become a favourite part of my day, Mister Hermit, sir!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. Hopefully some gum wrapper and a hose clamp will fix 'er up good! Ha ha! Enjoy yer trip!

  7. Good morning my special one, hope they can fix er up good an on the cheap. Can't be roaming the desert with a bad truck. It is raining here again today, I think the monsoons came early. Maybe I can still go to the pool if it just sprinkles and no real stormy stuff.
    Lets have some coffee and ponder these things we face today.

  8. Hey Rae...
    Just gotta keep a positive outlook on these things. I am positive this needs to be done, I am positive it is gonna hurt to pay for, and I'm positive that when I least expect it...something else will show up!

    That's the way that Mr. Murphy works! Hey, thanks for the visit this morning...

    Hey Tony...
    Always something, isn't it? I guess that's the way that things go...

    Hope you can still stay on schedule for the start of your adventure.

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    Hey Vlad...
    My old truck is a '91, but I plan to drive it just as long as I can. At least, as long as I can still get the parts to fix it.

    Don't think I'll need the chains in West Texas, but you never know...

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Kris...
    I used to live in East Texas, but I'm headed west toward the Big Bend area. FAR WEST!!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey K...
    That's the way I feel about this old truck! I'm the second owner, and the first owner lives next I at least am aware of the trucks history!

    I'm glad you make it by in the mornings, as it gives me an added incentive to share a cup with a friend!

    I do appreciate the visit this morning...

    Hey Mayberry...
    Now yer talking! Duct tape, hammer, and hose clamps for an empty can...think I've got all that in my tool box! With my trusty pocket knife, I should be set!

    Thanks for dropping in, brother!

    Hey JoJo...
    Since you're gonna get wet anyway, just grab a lawn chair and sit in the rain while you sip your coffee! Just be sure to keep the cup covered, though!

    Pull up a chair, my Lady!

  9. Sun kind of was peaking out of the clouds so I went on down to the excersise class and then did a few laps felt great. Now ready for more coffee with you my special one.

  10. Hey JoJo...
    Been thinking I could get a small childred's wading pool and set it up in the back yard! Then I could just sit in it while I drink my coffee...

    I could always claim it was for the neices and cranddaughter, ya know? ( they would never use it cause it's not concrete)

    More coffee coming up!

  11. LMAO That just might work. As a matter of fact just hung up with a cousin in NJ and he was teasing me about the pool and how he doesn't have one. I told him to go but a kiddie pool and dangle his feet in it.
    And I know what you mean about it being a concrete pool too.
    I guess I'll go do something even if its wrong. :O

  12. Uncle Jim, hope ya don't get hit too hard with the repair bill. Seems that every time I turn around lately I have had a $500 bill looking me in the eyes, different things ya know. Oh well, it has to stop soon, the moneys done dried up. lol Good that you are making a test run to your land, you should make several before the final leap I'd say. I'm sure you will find something different on each trip. Plus once you get back home you can think it all over and let us know what's going on. Looking forward to hearing and reading all about it my friend. Stay safe.

    Code Name "Bullseye"

  13. Good luck with that truck and everything else also Jim. It seems never ending the troubles a vehicle gives a man, sure hope it's something simple.

  14. Hey JoJo...
    Doing something even if it's wrong is always the way to have the most fun! At least, that's what I hear...I wouldn't do anything like that! (yeah, right!)

    Have a good one, dear!

    Hey Bullseye...
    You're probably right! More than one is not a bad idea, but I want out of this place so bad I may just settle for one, ya know?

    I'm hoping that the repairs won't be too much, but you know how it goes! Good or bad, it has to be done!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey FCH...
    Always something, isn't it? But that's keeps us from getting bored!

    Thanks for coming by today!
