Saturday, June 6, 2009

Saturday Morning Once Again...!

I know, I know...this post is pretty lame!

Truth is, we haven't had a Saturday morning cartoon for a long time. It's been even a longer time since we had a good ole Roadrunner cartoon!

Besides, I felt like I needed a little fun this weekend, after the unusual week around here! So, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Now, my friend, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a while. I need the rest!


  1. Thank you for the giggles, Uncle Hermit, sometimes going back is a good thing :D

    Now how about some blueberry muffins to go with that coffee?

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Hey Felinae...
    Did you say muffins? BLUBERRY MUFFINS...? I am soooo up for that!

    Hey, thanks for the visit and the muffins...!

  3. Excellent idea Jim!
    Always good to sit back and enjoy a good cartoon!


  4. Hey Rod...
    I know what you mean, my friend! Gotta loosen once in a while!

  5. Ah the memories.

  6. Thanks for helping me relive some Saturday morning cartoon days. I love Roadrunner - there is something about being stupid and not knowing you are stupid that appeals to me.
    Get some rest and have a great weekend friend.

  7. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, sir!

    It's YOUR blog after all...why shouldn't you post a little whimsy 'pon it?

    This brings back memories...tousled hair, sleepy eyes, sneak to the kitchen and snag the box of Sugar Woogies (or, you know, whatever cereal it was), trundle into the living room and turning on the visual equivalent of a manic fit, wrap up like chiefs in blankets and stare with glazed expressions for hours, hand moving on auto-pilot from box to mouth.

    What passes for cartoons today seems like nothing more than raucous, obnoxious product placement. Sigh.

    Thanks for the laugh - a fine way to begin the day, laughter.

    I hope the oddity pf your week is past and you're back on an even keel.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  8. Hey Tony...
    Somethings do bring them back, don't they?

    Good to see you this morning!

    Hey Rae...
    I like that line..."being stupid and not knowing you're stupid". Sounds like a lot of people I know!

    Thanks for coming by this morning for a cup!

    Hey K...
    I think from your description that you must have seen me and my sister's on Saturday morning!

    Isn't it strange how much of those little things we remember? Things like cinnamon toast and Sugar Pops cereal...

    These trips down memory lane are sure a breath of fresh air!

    Thanks for coming by today, K...

  9. LOL. Can't even say I seen that one before.

  10. Hey FCH...
    glad to help with a chuckle this morning!

    Some of these I've seen a lot, others I seem to have missed!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

  11. Always great to see a class Warner Brothers cartoon. I was horrified a couple of years ago when I realized that my nieces thought my abominable snowman voice ("my own little bunny rabbit...") was just something I made up, something I attempted to remedy by giving them a multi-dvd set of the classics for Christmas....

  12. Hey Yoga...
    I think that most of the modern cartoons are nothing more than thinly disguised toy advertisements.

    I personally think the classic cartoon DVD's was a good choice for a gift, if for no other reason kids will watch them over and over rather than some of the garbage on the tube!

    Thanks for taking ther time to drop by and visit...

  13. Hey Hermit, do you remember the theme song that was sung for road runner? It popped into my head waiting for the cartoon to start.

    Road runner that coyte's after you...
    Road runner, if he catches you your through...

  14. Hey Stephanie...
    Dang, I wish you hadn't started with that song...! Now I'll have that blasted tune in my head all day long!

    Funny how that works, isn't it? Hey, thanks for coming by today...

  15. Thanks for the blast from the past, Herm! I love RR and Deputy Dog! Glad to see Mom's back home safely too..bless her heart. I think I'm ready for another cup now, thanks.

  16. Hey Carol...Just couldn't help myself! Coffee is always free , just for coming by for a visit!
