Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pay Heed To The Voices From The Past...!

Many of the songs from the past are prophetic in nature, like this one from 1965.

Maybe it's time to start paying more attention to the songs that once warned us about the roads we are traveling down!

At the time, we thought this type of thing could never happen. We thought that we could do no wrong! We thought that the resources that we raped and pillaged from Mother Earth would last forever! We thought that the officials we voted into office were honorable men and had our best interest at heart! We thought that soon the hate and racism and wars would end! We thought that this was the land of milk and honey, that we all would be prosperous, that jobs would always be there for those that needed them, that our dollar would always be worth a dollar, that our banks would always be solvent!

We even thought that the reputation of our great country would never allow itself to be stained by the wrong doings and evil deeds of a few!

Maybe it's time that we re-examine the way that we think about things! Maybe it's time to remind those we put in office that they work for US, and NOT the corporations of the world!

Maybe it's time that we not only take responsibility for our actions, but that we force the "Powers That Be" to do the same!

Maybe it's time to collectively wake up, stand up, and join up to remove the stains from our country's reputation! Maybe, just maybe, it's time for ALL of us to remember where we came from and where we wanted to go...and what we wanted to accomplish when we got there!

May now is the time for a fresh outlook, for rebuilding our pride, and to somehow take back our HOPE!

Now, my friends, join me for some coffee on the patio...OK?


  1. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    It's a good song, and one I know well...

    While I worry about the road we're collectively traveling as a nation, I am ever hopeful that we will wake up, smell the coffee (sure smells good, Mister Hermit, sir) and do something about it.

    Hope springs eternal.

    Meanwhile, shall I bring some homemade cinnamon rolls to the klatch??

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Hope does indeed spring eternal in the human breast, ad that's what keeps us facing the right way down our path!

    As far as the homemade cinnamon rolls go...I say bring 'em on! I always take fresh baked goodies whenever and where ever I can get them!

    I sure do appreciate the visit this morning, pretty lady!

  3. Good morning Mr Hermit,
    Now there is a song I remember, that was a time when the young people were fighting for our country to awaken people and all they got was beat down.
    This will take some fresh ground beans this morning and the those buns too. Lots to remember from those days. Don't you think?

  4. Good morning Mr. Jim,
    I too hope our country will turn back to values and honor. We're in a pretty big hole. It will mean a different life for my kiddos. Those are the ones who will really take the brunt of this spiral.

    Back to my coffee. Enjoy your day.

  5. It has been a long time since I heard that song.

    We only have ourselves to blame for the mess we are in. You would think by now we would start to learn a lesson. Are we too stubborn or too stupid?

  6. ...honorable wishes,to bad its really too late,elections are fixed,'they' own the dotgovs already...the PTB have thunk this thru clearly,their plan is close to fruition...all 'they' need is a natural disaster/false flag incident...

    (of course they probably really do 'wish' it'll be 'natural',but if not,they will 'create' one)

    ...mark my words...


  7. Hey JoJo...
    I do hope that our memory serves us well for the times that are coming. Fresh beans are always a pleasure!

    I'm so glad to see you this morning!

    Hey Kris...
    You are so right, that it's our kids and grand kids that will pay the highest price for this fiasco the present gov. has put us in.

    Maybe we can turn things around...I hope so!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Rae...
    That's the question, isn't it? I don't know if the answer is one that we really want to know! I would hope that somewhere down the line, we would start to learn a bit, but indications are that it's going to be a slow process, for sure!

    Hey, thanks so much for coming by, Rae!

    Hey Ken...
    The times, they are a'changing for sure! Whether it's for good or evil is yet to be seen! My fears are like the ones you express...that everything is already planned out and there is naught to do but to get through it.

    I appreciate the visit today, my friend!

  8. That's the problem. Only a handful of us actually DO listen to the words from the past. That's why history is always bound to repeat it's self.....

  9. Hey Mayberry...
    Ain't that the truth? I guess that those of us that are getting ready for the hard times coming...will have like minded folks around us after the dust settles!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, my friend!

  10. Great post, HermitJim! Yes, it's time. Count me in.

  11. Hey Coyote...
    I knew we could always count on you, brother!

    I really do appreciate you dropping by today...!

  12. I love this song.
    Hell yeah, it's time!

    "Get up, stand up. Stand up for your right!"

    What have we become?
    How could this happen?


    Great post.
    Methinks something large is moving in the deep.

  13. Hey Maitreya...
    I fear that you are right! Something big is moving in the deep!

    We keep trying to wake them up to no avail...bad news!

    Thanks for the visit, girl...!

  14. Jim,
    thanks for the Barry McGuire... I'm a big Bob Dylan fan, but it's good to branch out once in a while ( I also love Neil Young).
    I appreciate your optimism in the face of seeming defeat: our government is out of control, but they can't win if we don't give up our ability and desire to resist and hope. I use the word hope reservedly, because I fear the best we can hope for is to clean up after a collapse.

    Regardless, keep up your blogging...

  15. Hey Publius...
    Hope is the only thing that keeps me going. I do fear what's coming but hope that I've planned well enough to be around to help clean up when it's over...

    Thanks for coming by...

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