Friday, July 3, 2009

Time For A Grin...!

Once in a while, there is a commercial that not only makes a point about the product, but carries a message as well.

Watch this ad from New Zealand and you'll see what I mean...

Now, this is what happens when you try and hide what you really are...or try and pretend to be something other than your true self!

Besides, folks could get hurt by all the pretending...ya know?

Now that we've had our object lesson for the day...let's get some fresh coffee and go sit on the patio. OK, my friend?


  1. Haha!
    That was a pretty good commercial Uncle Hermit, it caused me to giggle just a bit.

    I don't see the use in pretending to be something other than what you are. With me, what you see is the real deal, no pretenses going on here. :D

    How about some fresh cinnamon rolls to go along with your coffee this morning?

    Have a great day, my friend.


  2. Hey Felinae...
    Sometimes there is one that is pretty good! A friend in NZ sent me the heads up on this one...and you are right about it being good for a giggle!

    No pretending in my case, either! Stopped doing that a long time ago...

    Hey, thanks or the visit this morning...

  3. I is what I is. What you see is what you get.

    Life without bacon...Not going to happen.

    Great commerical.

    BTW coffee goes good with bacon-fuller up

    See ya

  4. Now that was funny. So many commercials have a sick underlying message... that was just clean fun.

    Have a good 4th.

  5. Why can't we have those funny ads here? All we get are those idiotic male enhancement commercials.

    Loved this. So funny.

  6. LOL Funny
    Good morning, Yes you should be who you , if someone doesn't like who you are then they should move on. Don't change into someone else for someone else. You will never be happy.
    So bring on the coffee and then we head for the pool everyone. Cinnom rolls? Yummy

  7. Hey Tony...
    Can't imagine not having bacon and yes, it does go good with coffee!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Kris...
    Just imagine...a commercial you can show the kids! Certainly a lot cleaner than most of the BK commercials, huh?

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today...

    Hey Degringolade...
    Gload to help with a grin today! Thanks for coming by...

    Hey Rae...
    Certainly beats the ones we trash the airways with, huh?
    Hey, thanks for the visit, Rae!

    Hey JoJo...
    Coffee by the pool sounds even better than coffee on the patio!

    And I'm all in favor of Felinae's rolls, myself!

    Thanks for coming by, Sweetie!

  8. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    That was funny - but...I though bacon came from pigs, not Kiwis...

    I've been online since...erm...never mind how long. Let's just say that a 386 was top of the line and cause for envy from all the neighborhood nerds. Ahem.

    In all these years, I've never pretended to be someone else...never lied about who I was, where I was, what I was. I couldn't/can't be bothered - it's too much work, too much to remember, and I'm too bloody lazy. Like I learned in Lotus 1-2-3 (please tell me someone remembers what that is!), WYSIWYG. rolls...guess I'll bring the blueberry scones and Irish butter, then.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  9. Hey K...
    How can I not just LOVE a woman that not only likes cats...but brings food to the coffee clutch as well!

    Even though I am only a "newbie" when it comes to PC's...I do know what Lotus 1-2-3 is!

    Guess I've always been a Geek at heart!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, K!

  10. Hehehe... I never could resist a bacon sarny! :) Thanks for the smile.

  11. Boy I sure didn't do justice to the spelling of Cinnamon anyway that caused me to have to do extra laps. hehehe
    good for the soul.

  12. So I guess you know that was me right.Good Grief I need more coffee. To much sun I guess.

  13. Hey Edain...
    I'm right there with ya on the bacon samy! Fresh tomatoes out of the garden, homemade bread, and bacon!

    All washed down with fresh coffee, of course!

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

    Hey JoJo...
    No use in trying to hide...I know where you are!

    Maybe you should start wearing a floppy hat in the sun...?

    Just kidding...just kidding!

  14. LOL I bought one about 3mths again it is still in the bag in the car.
