Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cookies For Breakfast...!

You all know that I like cookies!

Any time of the day or night, cookies are my friend! Any kind, flavor, shape, color, size, or name...I never met a cookie I didn't like!

I guess that's one reason I'll likely never lose this big pot belly I have...everything I like is either illegal, immoral, or fattening! Just a burden I'll have to be brave and bear, I reckon!

Now, when I saw the name of these cookies, I knew that I had found another lovely fattening recipe that I just had to share...

One of the beautiful things about this recipe, is that it can be made mostly from things that we all have in our preps. Kind of a win-win situation, and just another way we can use what we store and break up the boredom of always eating the same thing!

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 1-1/2 cups coconut oil
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar (or Sucanat or honey)
  • 1-1/2 cups milk
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

Mix all ingredients like cookie dough. If desired, add more milk. Drop by spoonfuls on cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes. You can crumble a cookie in bowl and eat like cereal or out of hand. Freezes well.

Now I don't know about you, but all this talk about cookies has made me ready for some fresh coffee, You know?

How about we get a fresh cup and go sit on the patio, my friend! Maybe someone will drop by with some fresh baked cookies...


  1. Uncle Hermit,

    Thanks for this recipe. I am definitely going to have to give this one a try. I just happen to have all of the ingredients on hand :D

    I'd love to join you on the patio, now since I haven't baked these cookies up yet, how about some ice box cookies for everyone to enjoy?

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. It sure sounds good. Coffee and cookies - no better combination.

  3. Hey Felinae...
    I think that icebox cookies sound just fine with our coffee today!

    I'm glad you can use the recipe and I appreciate you coming by this morning!

    Hey Rae...
    Couldn't agree with you more about the coffee and cookies! Just made for each other...

    Thanks so much for coming by today, Rae!

  4. ...add some raisins,sunflower seeds and m&m's,and this is strikingly close to "my 'granola' bars"

  5. Hey Ken...
    I guess that good recipes with great ingredients just can't help but seem to be the same!

    Call it a cookie, and I'd probably eat a cow pie! Well...maybe I wouldn't go THAT far! But you get the idea...right?

    Hey, buddy...thanks for coming by today!

  6. the best partners! cookies and coffee...just had them yesterday...oatmeal cookies (store bought though) and our very own mountain coffee!

    just arrived from up north and the trip was picturesque! imagine a beautiful sunset over endless fields of sugarcane...

    i...think...i'll have some of that cookies and coffee...with you on the patio!

    great day unclehermitjim! great day friends!

  7. oh and by the thanks you for the hug!!! just what she needs, she said...

    hugs too!

  8. That sounds delicious - much thanks for the recipe. Wife and kids (especially) are muffin fans, but the above sounds really tasty.

  9. Morning Jim! All I have are gingerbread ones in the jar this morning...but yah know, I think I will sneak one before the kiddies get up and catch me. lol
    That recipe looks good...they would probably travel well too...just in case you needed breakfast on the road heading to your new retreat! hehe
    Have a grand day, Jim!!!

  10. morn'n,

    coffee and cookies sounds great.
    Chris Matthews asked the man why he legally openly carried a loaded pistol to a town hall meeting with President Obama.
    I saw the video. It is not clear if "at a town hall meeting with Pres Obama" means that Obama was present at the same time as the openly armed citizen.

  11. These look great and I'll give the recipe a try. I bet they taste even better in Missouri:)

    Have a good day and enjoy the coffee.

  12. Cookies are for breakfast are much easier if you just mug a Girl Scout.

  13. COOKIES? Where are they, love cookies, with my coffee and like you my special freind never met a cookie I didn't like.

  14. G'mornin', Mister Hermit, sir.

    It's a late start for me, today - to bed late and rainy morning make for late, I spent an hour on the front porch playing with kittens! One of the wild cats brought her babies up for inspection, and didn't object while I pet them, held them, and played with them...a couple of wee charmers, they are.

    Those cookies sound interesting...I'll have to give them a whirl. I wonder if dried fruit and nuts would go well in them? Hmm...may have to play with them a bit.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  15. Hey WW...
    Sounds like the trip was a nice one! I can only imagine what the fields of sugar cane must look like!

    Always glad to offer your mom a hug...and of course, you too!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 5:03
    I'm with you! I'll take a cookie over a muffing all the time!

    Just a matter of taste, I guess!

    Thanks so much for the visit!

    Hey Cath...
    I love gingerbread! You know, people don't make as much gingerbread as they used to! I wonder why that is?

    I'll have a taste of that gingerbread, if you don't mind!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today, Cath...

    Hey Vlad...
    I saw the video...and I don't think the prez was there. I believe he's in Mexico right now!

    They are surely trying to make this guy look bad about carrying his gun...but that's his right if he has a license.

    Thanks for the visit, Vlad...!

    Hey Kris...
    You know, they probably do taste better in Missouri! Can't wait to find out!

    Hey, girl...thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Catman...
    At the cost of girl scout cookies now days, it would be a lot cheaper for sure!

    Be my luck to get one who was a black belt and that would be get whupped by a girl scout!

    Thanks for the visit this morning, buddy!

    Hey JoJo...
    I just knew you were a cookie person! Just one more thing to love about you!

    Thanks for the visit, sweetie!

  16. Hey K...
    You'll have to send me a sample when you try them out! I accept all cookie bribes!

    Glad the momma cat is letting you check out the new family! That's a good sign!

    Tanks so much for coming by, K...!

  17. A pot belly is a badge of honor for a life lived well. Damn the torpedos, full speed ahead!!! ; )

  18. Hey Mayberry...
    If that's the case, then I must be living pretty well indeed!

    Full speed ahead it is...!

    I appreciate you dropping by!

  19. That cookie and some of your coffee... sounds like tastes of a day NOT to be missed!

  20. Hey Cyg...
    I reckon that two of these cookies might just last until lunch...if not supper!

    Thanks for the visit...!
