Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Autumn Is Here...!

I don't know about you, but I am ready for a bit of cooler weather! It won't hurt my feelings at all!

I did a little research in my favorite book, The Old Farmer's Almanac (of course!) and came up with some facts that I thought you might enjoy...

The autumnal equinox is defined as the point at which the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator from north to south.

The celestial equator is the circle in the celestial sphere halfway between the celestial poles. It can be thought of as the plane of Earth’s equator projected out onto the sphere. The word equinox means “equal night,” when night and day are of the same duration.

See more about “The Reason for the Seasons.”

I'm sure that a lot of you Already knew this...but a little refresher never hurt anyone! At least, in most things...!

Now let's get some coffee and sit around the kitchen table for a bit! No patio today because it's still raining...and it's a tad cool! After all, it's Autumn!


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    Boy! I know the calendar said it was the start of Autumn today, but somebody forgot to give the thermometer the message.

    We started the Fall season out here in my part of CA with a whopping 98 degrees.

    I'd be happy to see some cooler temperatures around these parts.

    Better make mine an iced coffee the temp isn't expected to drop any time soon.

    Have a great day!

    Hugs to you, my friend

  2. Hey Felinae...
    I just saw where our high temp for tomorrow is going to be 71...that's pretty good for here!

    I'll enjoy a bit of the cooler temps for ya!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today...

  3. Im with ya Jim, after all the heat a little cooler weather is a welcome visitor. I too am in CA at the moment and the heat doesnt seem to wanna go away.

    Enjoy it for me wont you.

  4. Hey Off Grid...
    I know what you mean, my friend! I was surprised when I found out there was a cold front coming through...I'll take it, but it surprised me for sure!

    Supposed to stay cooler until about Friday...and then back up to the 80s.

    Hey, I do appreciate you coming by today, buddy!

  5. I'll take a cold front. But Autumn in Houston???? Autumn in my neighborhood is where the concrete goes from 100 degrees to 80 degrees. Yes, I want to see beautiful trees changing color. I bet they have Autumn in Missouri!

  6. Good morning my Special One, as always thanks for the course in equinox.
    Cooler temps? I don't feel it that much but yes I guess. Back in the 80s I'll love it when it gets here.
    Made plans to go up to the Grand Canyon end of Oct. Bet it will be plenty cool up there if not freezing. LOL
    I'll take a refill please

  7. Hey Kris...
    I hear ya on the Autumn! Maybe we could get the concrete to turn color for us!

    They do indeed have a beautiful Autumn in Missouri...

    Thaks for coming over today!

    Hey JoJo...
    That should be a good the Grand Canyon! I've heard that it's beautiful!

    Better get you some woolie socks! Maybe some long johns, as well!

    Thanks for the visit this morning, sweetie!

  8. ...yep,Autumn has arrived,it gets here quicker every year,blind sides me near every time,this year not too much...

    ...awe the hell with it,let it fall apart already,i'm as prepared as i can be,NOT like i wanna be, prepared as i can be,i get bad vibes about this winter...

    ...sorry,no coffee yet,fill'er up...i'll take a double...

  9. Hey Ken...
    Are we ever really where we wanna be? Like you, I am doing the best I can, and hope for the best!

    I have also been having bad vibes about this coming Winter...

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  10. At the moment it´s fairly cool here, but that´ll change already tomorrow. I do like the cooler weather, but hate the long time we have darkness over here. Around Christmas we only have the sun up for slightly more than eight hours.But in summer the sun is up for over sixteen hours so it evens it up I guess :-)
    Have a great day now!

  11. Hey Christer...
    16 hours of sun in the Summertime seems pretty good to me, and 8 hours is about right for here Of course, I'm in deep south Texas, so it's about equal in day and night!

    Thanks a lot for coming by, Christer

  12. It sure is here. Came in like a lion too, all wet and windy! This is like a late October "blue norther". I need to get some firewood....

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    It did kinda show up all at once, didn't it? Maybe just a taste of what's to come...

    I'm sort of looking forward to being able to wear my sweats again, and I love sleeping at night under a blanket or quilt!

    Cold weather for a while would be a nice change!

    Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!

  14. Hi Jim ... it is nice to have a coffee and some cool weather for a change .... winter up here has been like spring for the most part and now we're heading into summer !!!

    PS ... love the tid bits from your old farmers almanac .... they are very interesting to read.

    Keep smiling my friend!


  15. Hey Missi...
    I keep forgetting that you are completely opposite us with your seasons! Fall or's always a pleasure to see you, my friend!

    I am very happy to have you come by today! Thanks...!
