Saturday, September 5, 2009

Classic Battle Of Good And Evil...!

Think of it as a morality play for kids...with a sound track!

Cartoons, the old fashioned ones anyway, can indeed teach a little bit of the lessons of life to the younger ones. You know, the black hats against the white hats, good guys against the bad guys, doing right makes you feel like a hero!

Sure that's a simplified description, but sometimes the best lessons are the simplest. Kids understand simple. They understand the message behind the cartoons more than we know, if the truth be known!

Besides, it makes them laugh, and there are not too many things in life that can touch your heart in a good way like the laughter of a child!

So let's get the kids or the mate or the dog or the cat...and let's enjoy these little bits of happiness, OK? OK!

Now, just in case you don't like Tom and about another good guy?

Now that should be enough to get your Saturday off to a good start! Oh, and by the way...if you by some chance you live alone, that's OK! You can watch these cartoons alone and that's a good thing! That way you don't feel a little out of place when you laugh out loud! I know, I do it!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit...before the family starts showing up!


  1. Oh my a blast from the past. I loved these cartoons and so did my kids. At least you can get them on video and can pass on the fun.
    WOW what a way to start of Labor Day weekend.
    Have a mellow yellow weekend!

  2. Hey Diane...
    Never hurts to go back a little to a simpler place in time. It was easier to know the bad guys from the good guys...

    I'm glad you enjoyed the small journey back, and I appreciate you coming by today!

  3. ...nuthin' like 'good' cartoons on saturday mornin'...ahhh

  4. Oh, Mister Hermit, sir, what fun!

    A few months ago, I introduced the Evil Genius to Tom and Jerry - I loved them when I was a kid, and he gets a kick out of them now.

    Have you seen the Wile E Coyote spoof done by Seth McFarland? It's on Youtube...and it's just so very wrong...

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who hopes you have fun with the family later today!)

  5. Hey Ken...
    It does bring back some memories of Saturdays long ago, doesn't it?

    Hey, thanks for stopping by, buddy!

    Hey there K...
    So good to see you this morning! I'm glad that you encourage the young one to enjoy the old classics...

    I always did enjoy the cartoons of the old days. A simpler time indeed!

    Thank you, my friend, for the visit this morning!

  6. I was alone, and I did laugh. Just hope I did'nt wake the neighbors. Those were both some good watching even though it is still only Friday night.

  7. Hey Hermit...
    Good that you could enjoy a little humor this morning! Always my pleasure when I can make someone smile a bit!

    Thanks so much for stopping in!

  8. Wonderful, wonderful! They sure don´t make them like they used to do! I´ve been laughing so much now!
    Have a great day now!

  9. Two of my favorite cartoons. Too bad kids don't enjoy these now days. I don't understand the cartoons they watch. Either I am too old or maybe they really don't make sense anymore.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There nothing funny about this.
    "I pledge to be a servant to the president and to all mankind"
    SAY WHAT?????????????;_ylt=A0geuslHXKJKAFYB08JXNyoA?p=youtube+I++pledge&y=Search&fr=moz35&fr2=sb-top&sao=1

    Will idiot teachers show this to brainwash little kids in schools??

  12. a better link to I pledge

  13. Hey Christer...
    Glad you ejoyed the 'toons this morning! Laughter is a good way to start the day!

    I appreciate you dropping by!

    Hey Rae...
    I just knew you were a Roadrunner fan...I always liked Tom and Jerry for the sound effects!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Vlad...
    It's pretty scary stuff, isn't it? I can't even begin to think why they didn't know this would cause some problems!

    Thanks for coming by!

  14. LMAO Good morning my Special One, thanks for the cartoons, I love them and I am going to buy them so when I am on the road I can watch them with my morning coffee. You have to give those two credit for never giving up even though they never win.
    You have a great get together with the family today.

  15. Hey JoJo...
    Watching the cartoons with your morning coffee might be a good way to gather some new friends as well!

    Thanks for the good wishes...and for the visit today!

  16. Oh, I LOVE the old Tom and Jerry's!! And the artwork in some of them was fantastic. One of the best was the one where the flood the kitchen and freeze the whole thing over. Beautiful!

  17. Hey Ed. Rex...
    Glad you could come by today as I have been wondering where you were!

    Glad you had a chance to start working some more...gotta love a little extra money!

    Thanks again for the visit!

  18. hermit, You too probably have been told you should have had 10 kids. Thinking like a kid but being responsable enough to guide them away from harm make you one hell of guy. thumbs up !!

  19. Hey Off Grid...
    I appreciate you giving me the kind words this morning, buddy! I guess by some standards, I've always liked to play around too much...but at my age, it seems that helps to keep me young at heart, ya know?

    I really thank you for stopping by today!
