Monday, September 21, 2009

Ever Hear Of A FUGO...?

Of course you haven' least not many of us have. The government did a very good job at keeping all the news about them from not only the American public...but from most of the military as well..! The reason? The PTB didn't want us to be concerned!

Once again, a clear indication that we have always been and will always be kept from some very important facts, but only because the government doing it "For Our Own Good!"

If you believe that, then I urge you to read this story, or go to the history channel and watch "The Samurai and the Swastika"

Officially; in the waning days of the Pacific War Japan tried a last ditch ploy to hit the United States with a terror weapon. That weapon was the Balloon Bomb. It was supposed to set fire to the West Coast and drop anti-personnel bombs randomly on the U.S. In research after the war it was found that the Japanese built 15,000 of them but only launched 9,300. A little over 300 Balloon Bomb incidents occurred in the U.S. and Canada. The only casualties were a woman and five kids in Bly, Oregon on a church picnic, who found and moved one. It exploded, killing them all.

Here's a video that tells a little more about it.

Well, that was a morbid way to start the day, wasn't it? I hope that the rest of the week will be more enjoyable than today!

Just remember, any day above ground is a good one! So, if you wake up on the right side of the're on the right track for a good week!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit!


  1. I have often wondered about all these new diseases that have come out after 1945 with the help of the Nazi scientists and forced test subjects.

    If those who are inflicted with disease only knew why they got sick, maybe our Government by the people for the people would do something. The current one isnt doing anything, but then its For the government by the people. So why would it.
    did I say too much?

  2. "For Our Own Good" (FOOG). Yep, sounds like government in action.
    Just a touch of "Irish Coffee" this morning to set things off right.

  3. Very interesting and sad too. I wasn't aware of any of this history.

  4. I saw this on a PBS a couple of weeks ago on some detective thing. Someone had a piece of the balloon.
    And now I keep reading about our guys returning from Irag and dying and no one knows from what or why. Has anyone been reading about this and wondering what is going on?

  5. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir.

    My day started with a kitten crawling up onto my chest, collapsing happily, and holding me down with her limp little body while she purred hard enough to register on the richter scale. You can't even dent that kind of bliss with balloon bombs.

    In all seriousness, it is disheartening what is hidden from us for our own good. Who determines what "good" is, anyway?

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  6. Hey Off Grid...
    Nope, I think you have only said what so many others are thinking...and a few brave ones are saying out loud!

    Kinda chips away at the whole "faith in the government " thing, doesn't it?

    Hey, I sure appreciate the visit this morning, buddy!

    Hey Jesse...
    Just a touch coming up! It's a good thing that we are used to expecting this sort of thing, or else we would be shocked!

    Hope you have a good day, my friend, and I appreciate you dropping by!

    Hey Rae...
    I only found out about it after watching the show on the history channel, where it was touched on. After a little research, I was angered to find out just how this was coered up, especially with parts of the balloons still being found as late as 1992!

    Just makes you tired sometimes, ya know?

    Man can be so cruel at times!

    Hey, thanks for the visit...

    Hey JoJo...
    Sweetie, I wish I knew what to tell you about how this sort of thing still goes on.

    I firmly believe that the public has a right to know of ANYTHING like this!

    The fear that we have, if any, is from we are NOT allowed to know about!

    Just my opinion!

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie!

  7. Hey K...
    I can picture the kitten and his "disarming tatics" very well! Mine used to do the same thing!

    Hard to be in a bad mood when that happens, isn't it?

    Thanks for the cheerful mental image, my friend...and for coming by today!

  8. ..."if you could only know!? what i've seen through your eyes'...

    ...let that one sink in fer a second...

    ...Mornin' Jim...

  9. Hey Ken...
    Sounds like the last speech made by Rutger Hauer in the "Blade Runner"
    To Harrison Ford!

    Hey, buddy...I appreciate you coming by today!

  10. true it is too Jim,if only the sheeple would wake up and bear witness to what they/others know...

    ...can't help it Jim,good movies stick in the subconscious,know what i mean ?

  11. I absolutely never ever heard of this one - wow! I can only imagine what would occur nowadays if the same were to occur . . .

  12. Hey ken...
    Right you are about the good movies sticking in our minds!

    Thanks again, buddy!

  13. Hey Anon 12:02...
    Probably they would try and hide it again...then start another illegal war because of it!

    Either that, or start up another UFO frenzy with a different Area 51...just to mask the truth!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today!

  14. Holy cow Jim, I've never heard of that!! Very bizarre!

    On a lighter husband thanks you...angel biscuits are heavenly!
    Hugs to you today...oh and stay away from balloons, okay??

  15. Hey Cath...
    Good to hear that the hubby likes the biscuits! Always glad when that happens...!

    I'd never heard of these balloons myself until yesterday! Just shows how many other things we may not know.

    We just won't worry about it today, but just take it easy instead! I sure do thank you for dropping by today!

  16. I had no idea that they tried something like that! But to be honest, they left an awful lot to chanse doing this because of thé distance I think.

    But in what way should hiding this be "for Your own god"? Wouldn´t it be better for the people to know this?
    Have a great day now!

  17. Hey Christer...
    Sort of a silly move, but very sneaky! They launched 9000 into the jet stream and 300 that we know of arrived here and in Canada.

    The government is always doing something "for our own good!" , which is just a way of saying they don't want us to know about it or be able to stop it...just politics as usual!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

  18. I learned about this in high school and wonder why I hadn't heard of it before. Sadness to those who lost their lives and YES we all should be grateful for another day of living.
    Thank you sharing this.

  19. Hey Diane...
    Guess you were one of the lucky ones, learning about this in school! I don't know why I have never heard about it!

    I'm glad you liked the post, and glad you could stop by today!

  20. I don't remember ever having heard of this, but it does show that something doesn't have to be ultra high-tech to do damage. Very sad about those who encountered one at the picnic. Wouldn't make sense not to warn people about things like this--fewer people would get hurt if they knew not to touch something like that. Isn't it forewarned is forearmed? More knowledge is a good thing....thanks for sharing.

  21. Hey Marie...
    Even though this happened a long time ago, it shows a continuing attempt of the government to "protect us", even if it kills us!

    I sure do thank you for coming by today!

  22. I first heard of these while living in Japan (and then later in Hawaii). The people were neither bragging about them nor proud of them but in their own way trying to apologize, I think.
    Very eerie music, too. I agree about the scary voice in the other video also.
    What changes would we make to our lives, really , if we knew of such things?

  23. Hey Sis...
    Until I was doing research for something else...I had never heard of these! But then, I was totally ignorant of so many things until about two years agq...

    Thanks so much for coming over today!
