Thursday, September 17, 2009

Light As An Angel's Wings...!

Now, I know that all my readers (both of them!) like food almost as much as I do!

I can guarantee that this recipe, when done right, will just melt in your mouth! Whether you like your biscuits with butter and honey, butter and jelly, butter and gravy, plain with matter what you like with them, you are gonna thank me for this later!

Now when it comes to food like this, all you have to do is to look at the size of my belly...and you have NO doubt that I know what I'm talking about!

Just try this...and you'll see!


  • 2 pkgs. active dry yeast
  • 5 c. all purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 1/2 tbsp. sugar
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 sticks unsalted butter, cut in small pieces
  • 2 c. buttermilk
  • 8 tbsp. unsalted butter, melted, cooled

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Butter a baking dish or line it with parchment paper and set aside.Dissolve the yeast in 1/4 cup warm water and let proof.

Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt together into a bowl. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in yeast and buttermilk.

Turn out onto floured board and knead dough until it is smooth and no longer sticky. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1/2 inch, and cut out 1 1/2 inch rounds with a biscuit cutter.

Set the biscuits 2 inches apart on the baking sheet, brush the tops with melted butter, and bake 10-12 minutes.

Now all you need to do, is to decide just what you want to go with your biscuits and you are GOOD TO GO!

That's alright! No need to thank know I'm always trying to do good things for ya!

Now. my friends, let's do the coffee thing on the patio, OK?


  1. These sound yummy.

    I'm copying it and adding it to my growing recipe list.

    I'm gonna Thank You anyway, Uncle Hermit, because that's just how I am. :D So, Thank You!

    Have a good day, my friend

  2. Hey Felinae...
    I hope you still thank me after you try them! The Catman may not like 'em...but I'm betting he will!

    Anyway, you know that I appreciate you coming by today...and hope you enjoy the goodies!

  3. Aww, Mister Hermit sir - I just took my britches in!! Now I'm going to have to let them out again...sigh...

    I have never made biscuits from scratch - they intimidate me. Poorly made biscuits are a shame, and I was always afraid I'd end up with bricks. I'll have to give these a whirl and see how I do with 'em. Thanks! Yes, I said "thanks"...but I'm stubborn that way.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. Hey K...
    The good thing about these biscuits is that with the yeast and the baking powder...they turn out really good!

    Almost a no-fault recipe...if i can do it I know you can! With all your baking experience, I'd eat 'em!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  5. Being a brit, can someone explain biscuits to me... as biscuits over here are sweet things to be enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea usually ending up being dunked in the process.. then I will make a best effort to do these justice..

  6. Hey Sage...
    Here a biscuit is like a roll, usually eaten for breakfast but served with other meals as well.

    It is made from a rolled dough and is usually round in shape, usually cut out with a biscuit cutter or a water glass.

    When it is split in half and buttered, it makes an excellent platform for sausage, or egg, or to ladle flour gravy on. Also good with honey or jelly!

    Many places here in the states serve it as a side bread with fried chicken.

    You might Google biscuit to get a picture...hope that helps!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hiya Jim! I make biscuits all the time...but never added the yeast. I'll give them a whirl tonight with soup.
    I'm still laughing about your description of a biscuit to Sage..."it makes an excellent platform for..." all things fattening! lol
    You are always good for a giggle in the morning...oh along with all the wisdom you give of course! hehe
    Have a fabulous day!!!!

  8. Thanks HermitJim - your right on the bean, we LUV bisquits down here, my girlish figure long gone, lol. But I'm grinning, so that counts too.

  9. Good morning my Special One,
    So are they ready? I love them buttered or with gravey. I could turn into a monster with all these goodies you always send us. Its a good thing I am not into baking and all the cooking it requires. LOL But I will sit and eat them with you anytime and I will clean up all the mess you make. :)

  10. Hey Cath...
    You don't like me calling it a platform? You've never see what all I can pile on a biscuit!!

    My favorite is biscuits and gravy! Just makes my mouth water thinking about them!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, my Canadian friend!

    Hey Anon 7:28...
    I can't imagine anything better than a buttered biscuit with...!

    Guess it shows in my belt size, too! Oh be it!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    That's alright, dear! I like to cook, and if you'll do the dishes...that will make us a perfect team!

    Besides, you have the new motor I get to try cooking on the road!

    Thanks for coming by, sweetie!

  11. And my Special One it even has and oven!

  12. Hey JoJo...
    I would expect no less from you, my girl!

    How could we miss? Traveling, cooking, sight seeing, and eating!

    And, of course, the coffee...!

  13. And of course the coffee, just put the extra coffee grider in the mh too. With all the eating we might have to upgrade to a Class A lol

  14. Morning Jim;

    Setting in the woods, waiting for the biscuits to come out of the oven. Sausage and gravey on the pan outside. Going to be one hell of a breakfast, lunch & dinner today. Made the full batch and only me to eat it all.
    And yes full pot of coffee already made. MH great way to live.

    See Ya

  15. Great minds...I just made Angel Biscuits last week.
    Just got my 'puter up and running again. Don't know for how long.
    Have missed reading your blogs.
    Much love.

  16. Hey Tony...
    Sounds like you are living the life, brother! Wish I was there with you!

    Maybe you should set another plate, just in case!

    Hey, thanks for stopping by, Tony!

    Hey Sis...
    Glad you got the 'puter up and running again! Nothing more aggrevating to me than PC problems!

    I'm glad you had the time to drop by today, sis!

  17. Angel biscuits are so delicious! But I have a friend that makes them so much better than I can, so I´ll eat as many as possible over at hers :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  18. Hey Christer...
    I think that most foods taste better when someone else cooks it! Just another one of life's mysteries...

    Should add this to my "I wonder why..." list, huh?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  19. in my best homer simpson voice " MMMMMMMM BUTTER"

  20. Hey Off Grid...
    Hard to beat anything when it's got some good ol' butter on it!

    Heck, I even like buttered crackers...a lot!

    Man, guess I'll always have a growing waistline!

    I sure am glad you could come by for a visit today!

  21. To Sage: What you "Brits" call biscuits, we call cookies. Biscuits are classified as a bread here, especially in the south.

  22. Hey Anon 3:37...
    Yeah...! That's what I should have said!


  23. Thanks for sharing this recipe. I am going to try it tonight.

  24. Thank you my friend, having fried chicken tomorrow and these will go great with it. Can't wait to try them. Also, please keep us up to date on Cygnus as you can.

  25. Hey Barbara...
    I think you'll really like this recipe. It's been a favorite of my family for years!

    I sure do appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Bullseye...
    Let me know how you like the biscuits, buddy!

    I'll do what I can as far as keeping you up on the nephew! Bad stuff!

    Thanks for coming by!
