Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Big Brass Ones...!

What does it mean to have "Big Brass Ones?"

Maybe these few clips will answer that question for us! These guys, both the pilots and the spectators have my respect, that's for sure!

Have I got your attention yet? If not, let me throw in another one! Are ya ready?

Are you believing this stuff? How brave are you...? Could you do what this guy is doing? either! THAT'S what I call having Big Brass Stones, for sure! Don't mind a bit having these guys on our side...and I certainly hope that's where they stay when IT does HTF, if you know what I mean!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside in the coolness! Oh, and let me know if we need to duck, OK?


  1. When I was a child, my dad use to take me to the airshows. Once upon a time, you could park on the side street of the air force base, and that's where you would find us. My father would put me on top of the olds and I would lay there, looking at the sky, waiting for the blue angels to fly over head. They flew so low that the pilots would wave at us when they passed upside down. You could not only hear, but feel the heat and the rumble of the engine. I so wanted to be a pilot like them, like my father. Stupid eyes!

  2. Good Morning My Special One, Yes that would have me laying on the ground. These guys are the best. I used to work near an Air Force base and we went out the day they came in piggy backing the SPace Shuttle it sure was low and you could feel the heat and the wind. great stuff.
    BTW the snow stopped didn't last to long. Talk to you all in a few days.

  3. Holy carp, Mister Hermit, sir!! That first fella could have hitched a ride!

    When I was a kid, we used to watch the Thunderbirds and the Blue Angels out over the water on my grandfather's boat. It was always awesome.

    Those guys on the ground have guts...but the pilots are anazing! It can't be easy, flying that low...

    Thanks for the nifty start to the day!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  4. That's incredible!!! No waaaaaay, I'd get that close!
    I lived in Virginia Beach for a little while and watched those young fellas fly those fighter jets right over the industrial park where I worked. I loved it when they'd fly straight up like a rocket and everything on the ground just shook! Can't imagine being in control of something that powerful!
    You have a great day, Jim!

  5. Hey Phelan...
    I'll bet that was impressive to a child, because it's impressive to us even as adults! That time spent with your father had to be special, indeed!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    It's always mind blowing to realize just how fast these guys are going when you see them up close! Like you said, you can feel them more than just see them.

    Glad you came by, sweetie! You stay warm out there, OK?

    Hey K...
    Those pilots probably love every minute, for sure!

    I think the urge to duck would be so hard to fight! Earplugs are definitely in order, as well!

    Thanks for the visit, my Georgia Peach!

  6. Hey Cath...
    I don't know if I could just stand there myself! When I was a teen, we would sometimes take our dates out to one of the airports, park along the side of the road at the end of the runway, and laugh at the girls screaming and ducking when the planes came down or took off!

    Couldn't do that today, thanks to all the rules!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today, my friend!

  7. I could do that....provided I was standing in a 7' hole.

    Thank God they are on our side.

    See Ya

  8. Hey Tony...
    I know what you mean! Just imagine how close and how loud they might seem standing there when One passed that close!

    A hole sounds like a good idea to me...!

    Thanks for coming by today. my friend!

  9. Thats about as fast as my moms hand would be when I used to say a bad word.

    But those guys didnt flinch.

  10. Hey OGT...
    Yeah, the hand of Mom's justice moved faster than lighting sometimes...

    What was even more fierce was "the look"! Had that more than once!!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!
