Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Struggle To Persevere...!

There are times that we all have a feeling that we should give up, give in, or just stop trying!

This should help everyone to realize that giving up is not the right way. Perseverance, inner strength, and Faith can guide the way and smooth the path.

When you watch this video, you will know that with these three attributes, you can accomplish more than you believed possible!

In our everyday life and in our ongoing struggle to deal with all that may come our way...it becomes more and more important than ever to call on all that is positive around us. The positive energy we attract can, indeed, bolster our inner strength and make stronger our resolve to stay the course!

Nature will allow us to be as strong as we need to be, and will help if we only allow it! Some call it good fortune, some call it fate...whatever you want to call it, it needs only one thing to help make things better! FAITH!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside...and just remember, keep the faith!


  1. Inspiring, Mister Hermit, sir...

    Faith and a few good friends will get a body through just about anything.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    How right you are, my friend! How right you are...!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  3. Morning to yah Jim!! Well done! I could NOT have stopped in here at a better time...your message made me tear up!!
    Hugs to you today.

  4. Truly amazing Jim, thanks for putting that on.

  5. Good Morning My Special One, That is a great story. The family did a wonderful thing for that pup.
    Coffee and the patio sound great.

  6. I just want to hug you, hug you, hug you. And then hug you again!!!!! Thanks, Treesong

  7. Hey Cath...
    I'm glad to see you this morning...and I'm hap[py you enjoyed the post. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that so many things are possible, if we just keep trying!

    I appreciate your coming by!

    hey ER...
    Really is something, isn't it?

    Thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Hermit...
    You are quite welcome, my friend!

    Thank you for dropping by today!

    Hy JoJo...
    I imagine that the benefits were just as great for the family as well!

    I sure am glad to see you this morning, sweetie!

  8. Hey Treesong...
    My friend, I'll take all the hugs I can get this morning or any other morning...!

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by today!

  9. HermitJim, great way to start the day! Thanks so much for putting that up.

  10. Hey Coyote...
    Thank you for the kid comments today! I really appreciate that...and i appreciate you coming by also!

    Thank you!

  11. Life sometimes can really get you down. I believe that the positive is there to say "Never Give Up"
    Great post Jim.

    See Ya

  12. Hey Tony...
    Life can, indeed, seem overwhelming at times, but the secret is to just keep on keeping on!

    As they say, slow and steady wins the race!

    Thanks so much for coming by, buddy!

  13. Amazing!
    But I actully read a book by an english vetrenarian ( James Herriot, read his books if You like animals and humans) from around 1940:ish about a farmer that had a dog that broke two legs, on the same side of the body. For some reason the broken legs never healed.

    The vet told the owner that it was cruel to keep the dog alive since it would be impossible to leran him how to walk that way. But the farmer just couldn´t do it.

    The vet came back a couple of months later and got totally stunned. The two legged dog ran faster than most other dogs on the farm :-)
    Have a great day now!

  14. Hey Christer...
    Nature is a wonderful thing, for sure! So many inspiring stories are out there, if we only look for them!

    Thanks for the visit today, my friend!

  15. I've seen it before, but I still love it. What a wonderful doggy.

    I can't remember... do you know about Blogblast for Peace day? It's Nov 5th and last year we had hundreds of bloggers participating. I hope you'll be joining us and adding your name to the list. :-)


  16. That story is so inspirational! Thanks for posting it. I'm still smiling. :)
