Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What A Way To Start The Day...!

You ever have one of those days? I can only imagine what these guys thought when they showed up for work!

We all have 'em, but this has to be one of the best I've seen!

Let's get some coffee, my friend!


  1. That was hilarious, Mister Hermit, sir! I've never been that clever with a prank. I would dearly love to have heard some of the dialogs in that hallway...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    Someone put a lot of time and planning into this prank...and if they put that much effort into the running of their company, they will undoubtedly be successful!

    The sound tract would have been hilarious, I'm sure!

    Thanks for coming by, dear lady!

  3. That is funny. Enjoy your coffee.

  4. Good Morning My Special One, That was way to funny. LMAO But to break right through the wall was even better.
    Nice way to start the day with a great laugh.
    Coffee is great this morning too.

  5. What a way to start the morning. Makes me glad I'm not working. LMAO
    Glad I was not drinking my coffee while watching it.

  6. Very funny. Reminds me of the hospital I worked at. Walls were put up and removed on a regular basis. You never knew what to expect. Offices and rooms would disappear overnight. Nothing stayed in the same spot for long.

  7. Hey Kris...
    Thanks for stopping by! You have a good day!

    Hey JoJo...
    Just goes to show, you never know what to expect in the workplace...

    Thanks for coming by today, sweetie!

    Hey Tony...
    I'm glad I am not playing those games as well! Enjoy the coffee this morning, buddy, and thanks for stopping in!

    Hy Rae...
    Probably just a ploy to keep you from getting bored at work! You just never know with these big corporations...

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  8. Ha!

    That would have made my day. It would have taken me about 2 seconds to decide work was cancelled for the day. Even knowing it was a prank - a wall is a wall and you can't fault me for not wanting to stare at it.

    I love that the VP of Sales took 15 seconds to decided something wasn't right. Having worked in sales for many years now, I can say for sure that that's about par for a VP of Sales.

  9. Hey Ranger...
    It does make you want to go back home and restart the day, doesn't it? You reckom that the VP of sales takes that long to read and understand her memos?

    Thanks for the visit today, buddy!

  10. Hehe

    Thanks for the laughs this morning Uncle Hermit. :D

    I'll gladly join you for a cup of coffee this morning.

    Have a great day!


  11. Hey Felinae...
    Glad you got a chuckle out of this . I just couldn't resist...

    Hey, I sure thank you for coming by today!

  12. 4th cup of coffee already, still too early to laugh, but it was funny.

    feeling a little anti social, I cant help it, it runs in the family I think.

  13. Hey OGT...
    Nothing wrong with being a little anti-social...I pretty much stay that way in real life!

    Good to see you this morning, buddy!

    Thanks for coming by!

  14. Suddenly I wanted to work in an office :-) :-) What a great prank!
    have a great day now!

  15. Hey Christer...
    Looks like they at least have a lot of fun with the pranks, doesn't it?

    You have a great day...and thanks for dropping by!

  16. That was better than packing peanuts in the cubicle AND shrink wrapped car combined! :)

    Thanks for the laugh...

