Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Gave The Prize To WHO...??

Well, the announcement of the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize was announced yesterday.

I was, to say the least, surprised! Many others were as well...what was my reaction? Well, let's put it this way!

That's all for me! Let's get some coffee!


  1. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    That about sums it up doesn't it?

    Coffee sounds good, I'll bring some pumpkin pie. :D

    Have a good day!


  2. Hey Felinae...
    That pumpkin pie sounds really good to go with our coffee! I haven't had any for a long time...!

    I sure appreciate your coming by today, girl!

  3. From what I have seen of Obama I do like him and his thoughts, if they are honest. Having said that, I do not believe he deserves a nobel. The very fact it was given to him (for what I am still trying to work out) has brought into question the value placed on the prize in my opinion.

  4. Hey Molly...
    I agree. I don't think he has done anything to warrant getting the Nobel!

    It sort of takes the very prize itself and puts it in a totally different light!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  5. Good Morning my Special One, I have to agree, What has he done to earn such a prize. I don't dislike him and I don't know that I like him either. Time will tell.
    As for your slide show once I turned off the sound I really enjoyed the pictures.
    Lets have some coffee and enjoy the company before the day gets to busy.
    Pumkin Pie! Oh yes haven't had that since last year..

  6. Hey JoJo...
    I can't imagine him getting the prize...a man supporting two wars, and starting to send another 30 thousand troops to another conflict! Doesn't sound so peaceful to me,l but what do I know?

    I just don't understand the world today!

    Thanks for coming by today, sweetie!

  7. I´m not sure how the Norwegians have been thinking about this, but I think it might be like an encourigment to continue the way he started. To keep talking and avoiding conflicts. Oh I wish my english was better than it is so I could explain better what I mean.

    I don´t know if You in the US understands how most of the world has been looking upon You before Obama, love isn´t the word if You know what I mean :-) But that has changed greatly towards the better since Obama came to power.
    Have a great day now!

  8. Hey Christer...
    Let's only hope that he does prove to be worthy of the award. It would be nice to see the folks in charge move toward a more peaceful world for a change.

    Here in the states, we are fooled sometimes into thinking that our leaders can do no wrong...and are leading us down the right road. Too many times that is not the case.

    I appreciate your comments and also the visit today, my friend!

  9. From the man who invented dynamite to the man who may well blow this nation all to pieces...huh...there's a sort of horrid symmetry to it, Mister Hermit, sir...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    I think that the word "horrid" pretty well sums it up. I have never seen what the criteria is for the selection...but after this, I just know I wouldn't understand it anyway!

    Thanks for coming over today, lady!

  11. Hi Jim!

    It´s all about to be political correct and nothing else.A nobel prize should go to someone who really have done something great, to a hero! I am a swede, but our norwegian neighbours are rather dizzy and confused from time to time unfortunately!

  12. Well since I have never been politically correct I guess I'm not in the running. I did do something great today.....reloaded 2,000 rounds.

    Time for coffee.

    See Ya

  13. Hey Mattias...
    I guess you're right. I think that someone's actions should be the reasons for getting the award.

    Hey man...I appreciate you dropping in today.

    Hey Tony...
    two thousand rounds is a pretty good days work! Sounds like you're ready to go to the range again.

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  14. HJ, my friend, you summed that up perfectly.

    Now, pass that coffee and if Felinae has any pumpkin pie left...I'm game!

  15. Hey Momma...
    Long time, no see! I think there is about one slice of that pumpkin pie left...I've been saving it for something special, like your visit!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  16. "OMG Hermit" you couldn't be more right. "I love it, and I had to giggle". That does call for a cup of Joe.

  17. Gary Near Death ValleyOctober 10, 2009 at 8:50 PM

    That was a wonderful video for the times for sure. It fits what is happening to this country to a "T", but the demise of this country really began decades ago but with the current administration it is carrying the destruction to a new level (Bush did the same but now cranked higher). May the USA RIP,,,because some nasty things are acoming...

  18. Hey Diane...
    I just couldn't help myself when I first heard the story! That song popped in my head for some reason...

    Glad I could make you giggle a bit! I'm also glad you could come by today!

    Hey Gary...
    Makes you wonder where or when it's all going to end, doesn't it?

    I don't does concern me, though!

    I really appreciate the visit!

  19. Gary Near Death ValleyOctober 10, 2009 at 11:45 PM

    Well Hermit, I am concerned the direction what this country is heading, but on the other hand, individuals will still be here...even if the country goes to hell in a handbasket...It is the individual that makes the comeback on a local level because there is not anything that I can do on the national level, but helping neighbors at the local level is what preparing is all about. Helping each other to face what Gerald Celente calls the "2nd American Revolution".

  20. Here is a link to that has an article about Gerald Celente

  21. Hey Gary...
    Friends helping friends is what made this country great, and is going to be what makes us great again...regardless of what the politicians do.

    Thanks for the link and thanks again for the visit
