Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost Two Years...!

On November 17, 2007 I made my first post on this blog. At That time, I had no followers and, in fact, did not even get my first comment until December 4TH of that same year!

Wow, can you believe it? It sounds like a long time ago in some yesterday in others! During that time, I've made a total 742 post, counting this one.

To me, the most amazing thing about this journey so the fact that I have somehow picked up the greatest group of followers that anyone could want! The numbers fluctuate from week to week, but the count was at 137 as of this posting. I am thankful for each and every one of them, believe me!

I've learned a lot from my readers, both in their comments and by reading the blogs of those that have a blog! It's always surprising to me at how far away many of my readers are! I have daily readers from Sweden, England, Australia, Canada, and the Philippine's! How cool is that?

I can't even get my mind around the fact that so many nice folks from so far away...take the time to come by and grace this little blog by their visit! Makes me feel a little humble, believe me!

For everyone that finds the time to come by...I thank you! For all that leave a comment...I thank you again! Sort of makes you wonder where we'll be in a couple of years, if we last that long!

Looks like this month is going to be a special one, what with my birthday coming up and the anniversary on the 17TH.

How about some Frank Sinatra just because...

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee...and let me tell you again how much I appreciate you coming by!


  1. And one old fat boy down here in Alabama, still doing it my way.

  2. Hey Tjbbpgobill...
    Good to see you again, my friend! Been a while...

    All of us "old fat boys" got to stick together! I reckon it doesn't matter if we are from Texas, Alabama, or where ever...good folks just watch out for one another!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

  3. H.J.,

    Thanks for all your great posts. Coffee with the Hermit is THE place to be with a hot cup of java in the morning. Your wit and wisdom, reason and calm are stablizing anchors in this ever shifting world. Your humor is a welcome diversion during these troubling times. You are a mentor and friend to those who have the opportunity to partake of your writing.

    Happy upcoming anniversary and birthday!

  4. Jim, you are more than welcome. I try to read your post everyday, although it's usually late when I get to it. They're always a good read and I like your take on what I've seen so far. Not being picky but that last part of my nom de plume is pgobIII as in the 3rd or as in a threeper of the Mike V. types, some others have misread it as well and maybe they will see this too. HINT HINT T.O.R. Anyway thanks again and keep on keeping on friend.

  5. Hey 2 Tramps...
    Thanks or the kind words this morning, my friend! I sure do thank you for being a part of what I consider my extended family!

    Hope you are staying warm up there in the high country!

    I really do appreciate the time you took to drop by for a visit!

    Hey TjbbpgobIII...
    Thanks for setting me straight ! The old eyes aren't quite what they used to be, ya know? I'll try and get it right from now on!

    Again, I do appreciate you coming by!

  6. Hermit Jim-congrats on your upcoming celebrations. I know my cup of coffee in the EARLY hours of the morning are far more enjoyable since I've discovered your site. You always give me something interesting to ponder. I like that....

  7. Hey Sue...
    What would I do without my early coffee buddies? Wouldn't be near as much fun, that's for sure!

    I'm glad you find something of interest here from time to time...and I certainly do thank you for coming by!

  8. Congrats on your anniversaries, birthday and blog, may you have a great day with friends and family celebrating the joy with you xx

  9. Hey Sage...
    I appreciate the kind words this morning! The idea of spending more time with my friends online is always great!

    I imagine that the roomies and I will celebrate a bit when the birthday rolls around...after all, that's when the govt. says that I am officially an "Old Man"!

    Just shows how much they know, huh? Everybody knows that just because there is snow on the roof, doesn't mean that there isn't a little fire in the furnace!

    Hey, thanks for coming by this morning, Sage!

  10. My day is not complete with out coming here and visiting you. oh and the coffee is great also.
    Keep up the good work my friend!

  11. Morning to yah Jim! So I went back to read your very first post...
    and there it mention wanting to move to the country. After purchasing land, mason jar oil lamps, solar lights, trucks, etc. the dream is almost realized! Gotta love that! One foot in front of the other, right friend?!
    Oh, btw while you were typing your first entry - it was the 18th in China and that's exactly where I was, celebrating my new daughter's birthday.
    Congratulations on your anniversary and upcoming birthday...and thank you for blogging!!!!

  12. That bringing together from all over the globe is something that continually fascinates me to no end, having one's word read by another across the globe in a few seconds - how cool is that!

    Not surprised by your followers numbers sir, your blog is always positive and motivational - always leave here feeling good. Congratulations on your 2nd birthday - hope for a lot more.

  13. Congratulations on your accomplishment. It is always a pleasure visiting your blog. It is well written and you continually post great material. It takes a lot of work to post something each day and I appreciate all that you do. I may not always comment, but I stop by everyday to get my coffee fix here. Best wishes for continued success my friend!!

  14. I still a "newcomer" to the blogging world..and tickled to death I found you in those first few days! It's always a pleasure to come over here to visit with my morning coffee. Congrats on the anniversary and birthday..never doubted there is still "fire in the furnace" ;~0
    Just a skinny little gal in Alabama working on doing it my way and not caring what the world thinks of it!!

  15. HermitJim,
    Congratulations and salutations on your birthday (early) as well as the blog anniversary. I always read your blog though I don't always comment. Yours is a mainstay for my "ship of state". Keep 'em coming feller.
    Your friend,

  16. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir, happy blogiversary, and a preemptive happy birthday, too!!

    It is a strange and wonderful place, Blogopolis...we meet the neatest people here and even the trolls have soemthing to offer, if only an example of how not to be.

    You may not have known this, but your is one of only a few blogs I make sure to check every day, even when I'm in a hurry and don't have much time for the Blue Nowhere; There's always time for a cuppa joe with the Hermit.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  17. Hey Rod...
    Always a pleasure to have you drop by, buddy! Glad I can add a little to your day!

    I do appreciate you coming by!

    Hey Cath...
    Wow! China! I've never been there, but then, I've never been out of the states except to go to Mexico!

    I thank you for your kind words this morning...and thank you again for coming by!

    Hey Anon 7:37...
    I hope to be able to post quite a few more! Maybe if we get lucky, the Net will be one of the last "improvements" that the govt. takes an interest in!

    Your coming by means a lot to me...and I'm glad youcan find things to be of interest. Hopefully, I can always help to put a smile on your face!

    Thanks for the kind words and for the visit!

    Hey Rae...
    Having you drop in is a real pleasure! Thank you for the kind words...coming from you, I consider it high praise!

    Your visit is greatly appreciated, my friend!

    Hey Missy...
    That's the attitude we all should have! Do what we gotta do...and to heck with those that don't understand or care!

    Too many folks just want to rain on someone's parade...mainly out of jealousy I'm thinking!

    I hope you continue to come by 'cause I look forward to your visits! Thank you!

    Hey Jesse...
    Been a great trip so far, hey buddy? Blogging has been the main reason for me meeting up with friends like you! Always good to have someone to watch my back!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  18. Hey K...
    It is indeed a strange and wonderful place...always full of surprises (some good and some bad!)

    As always, your visits mean a lot to me...and are made even more special by the fact that I've met you in person!

    Thank you so much for your visits and your comments!

  19. Good Morning MY Very Special One,
    WOW you have been at this for quite a while. I love reading your blog as you know. And that is my favorite song. the last time I danced with my dad was to this song.
    Keep up the great blogging.
    Lets sit and have that last cup together before I have to start running around again today.
    Camping trip is canceled for next week. :(

  20. Hey JoJo...
    Sorry to hear that your camping trip had to be canceled! I know how much you were looking forward to it!

    I'll always be glad you found this place, and more than happy you continue to come by and enrich my daily life! Puts a smile in my heart!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by!

  21. I think it´s us that should thank You for this great blog!
    Keep on writing!
    Have a great day now!

  22. Congrats all around Jim;

    Always enjoy your blog, and your unique finds. Keep it up.

    "Did It My Way"....Seems I've heard that before.

    See Ya

  23. Hey Christer...
    Believe me, it's totally my pleasure to post here for folks to red with their coffee! The thanks, though, are greatly is your visit!

    Thank you!

    Hey Tony...
    Yep, I think that should be pretty familiar to you, buddy! It's the only way to go!

    I sure am glad you could come by today, my man!

  24. Congrats! Two years in this "business" is a long time! I really enjoy your site.

  25. Hey Chief...
    Thank you very much! I do appreciate that!

    Thanks for the visit!

  26. Congrats Friend, I do not get here as often as I would like but it is a pleasure when I do. Keep on doing what you do.

  27. Hey TOR...
    It's always a pleasure when you have the chance to come by!

    I do appreciate the visit from you, my friend! And that's the truth!

  28. You are right, you blog has some of the best bloggers on the net.

    but thats because your one of the nicests preppers I know.

    There are some good things that came from the internet.

  29. Hey OGT...
    Thank you, my friend, for the kind words! I feel truly blessed to have so many nice people drop by, and it's always a good thing to form friendships with folks that think alike!

    I really appreciate the visits...and the nice comments, my friend!

  30. Well happy upcoming 2nd anniversary Jim. I notice you get new followers quite frequently. Thats gotta a say alot of good about a mans blogging site right there. Does'nt surprise me, anyway. Thanks for all the interesting posts Jim.

  31. Hey Hermit...
    I sure do appreciate you coming by today! I'm glad you find the post interesting...and hope you just keep on coming by!

    Thanks for the visit...and the kind words, my friend!

  32. Congrats Jim! I don't get by every day either, but always read the posts I missed when I do get a chance to check in. :) I think you might have been the first follower of my blog if I remember right and it's been so fun getting to know you better through your posts and comments. Thank you for all your insight and friendship :)

