Monday, November 30, 2009

A Cowboy At Heart...!

Do you know what a true cowboy is?

A cowboy is nothing more than a prepper wearing cowboy boots. I mean, think about it. Both have a fair amount of common sense, both are used to being ready for any emergency, both are used to making do with what's available, and both are used to depending on no one but themselves and friends and family in the hard times!

Both the prepper an the cowboy have learned everything that is said by and promised by the government is best taken with a grain of salt. Both are not ashamed to pray, both stand when the national anthem is played, both still take off their head cover and place their hands over their hearts when the flag passes by!

Both the cowboy and the prepper are folks you can trust to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in a firefight, folks that will gladly watch your back just as they would expect you to do for them, and folks that will help in any way they can when it's needed...never expecting anything in return!

Both believe that it isn't the state you're in that matters, but instead it's the state of mind you're in that makes you what you are!

One of the most important things that both the cowboy and the prepper instinctively know is that a sense of humor is of vital importance with things the way they are! So, in keeping with that thought, I figured I'd leave you with a little bit of cowboy humor...!

Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town."
...........An old Western proverb

"Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction."

"A bronc rider should be light in the head and heavy in the seat."

"Broke is what happens when a cowboy lets his yearnin's get ahead of his earnin's."

"Any cowboy can carry a tune. The trouble comes when he tries to unload it."

"When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin'."

"When a cowboy's too old to set a bad example, he hands out good advice."

"Worry is like a rockin' horse. It's something to do that don't get you nowhere."

"Poor is having to sell the horse to buy the saddle."

One final thing that the Prepper and the cowboy have in common. That's enjoying a good cup of coffee with a friend, so let's you and me get a fresh cup and sit outside for a bit!


  1. I really like this post, Uncle Hermit and I couldn't agree more. I think the comparison is an excellent one. :)

    The humor was cute, my favorite one,
    "Behind every successful rancher is a wife who works in town."
    ...........An old Western proverb

    Have a great day!

  2. You could of added this one.
    Definition of a bull rider.
    Someone too lazy to work and to scared to steal.

  3. Hey Felinae...
    Glad you liked the post! I appreciate the kind words about the comparison...

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Rod...
    Now that's one I didn't think of!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  4. I like the one about worry and the rockin' horse...been there and done that! :)

  5. Morning Jim! Yeah, let's sit outside for coffee this morning! Good idea...all in a Blazing Saddles. hehehehe
    You have a grand day, my friend!

  6. Enjoyed the are so right. I'd trust a prepper before anyone in the government.

  7. ...back in the day,i wanted to be a 'cowboy'...after yer analogy,looks like i made it huh ?...

  8. If I could just ride a horse......

  9. Good Morning My Special One, I like your post today. It gave a few chuckles.
    More storms last night and this morning, not to good of a day to have new flooring put in. :(

  10. Hey Diane...
    I think a lot of us have been there before. Probably spent a lot of time in that situation.

    Thanks or the visit...!

    Hey Cath...
    Morning to ya! Sitting in a circle is good, especially if you want to see everyone at once!

    You have a good day as well!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey MomLady...
    As long as we know who our friends are...then we can know who to trust!

    I sure do appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Ken...
    Guess we are all a cowboy at heart, huh? I can think of worse things to be...!

    Good to see you this morning, buddy...thanks for coming by!

    Hey Tony...
    Haven't been on one myself in a very long time! Bet I could relearn if I really had to!

    Thanks for dropping by today, my friend!

    Hey JoJo...
    Yeah, I can see where this kind of weather could make a mess on a new floor for sure!

    Glad you liked the post today, sweetie...and you know I appreciate you dropping by!

  11. Good morning, Mister Hermit, sir!

    An apt comparison - and I liked the quotes, too, especially the one about unloading a tune! Heh...

    It turns out I may have had a wee bit of the prepper mentality all along - growing up in New England, we always had a blanket, some water, and some instant soup mix in the car in case we got stuck in the snow. These days, there's always a quilt, some smaller blankets, a pillow or or two, several bottles of water and snacks in the van (among other things), just in case. I try to keep my freezer stocked, and now there are canned goods lurking in the back of the cupboard. I like to have a little hedge, you know?

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  12. Hey K...
    See, that's what prepping is really all about! Akin to the old New England common sense you grew up with!

    Just a matter of doing the smart thing to match the "what if..." situations, that's all!

    I KNEW you were a prepper at heart...and I figure you would be handy to have around if the SHTF for sure! If for no other reason than you make good bread!

    Thanks for coming by today, dear Lady!

  13. Though I never thought of it, I like the comparison. And as for the "approach" quote, sometimes you can tell from a long ways off the identity of the bull and the horse... :) Ah, well, no one knows everything! Enjoyed the post!

  14. Hey Marie...
    I'm glad you liked the post...

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  15. Great post Hermit! Suddenly I got a hankerin' to dust off my Stetson...

  16. Hey mayberry...
    Guess it couldn't hurt, just in case In case of what, I don't know...

    I need to get another cowboy hat. Lost the one I had some time back!

    Thanks for coming by!
