Saturday, November 21, 2009

So This Is 65...!

Somehow I don't feel any different!

I don't know what I was expecting, but everything is pretty much the same, except by the calendar I'm a year if that only made me wiser, I'd be in good shape!

I think the best thing about waking up being 65, is waking up at all! Any day above ground is a good one! I started wondering what some of the better known folks in history had to say bout being the "wise" person that I am I looked it up!

Here are a few quotes on the subject of age :

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age.
Victor Hugo

Every man over forty is a scoundrel.
George Bernard Shaw

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

He has a profound respect for old age. Especially when it's bottled.
Gene Fowler

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
Satchel Paige

Middle age is the awkward period when Father Time starts catching up with Mother Nature.
Harold Coffin

Muscles come and go; flab lasts.
Bill Vaughan

No man is ever old enough to know better.
Holbrook Jackson

There is still no cure for the common birthday.
John Glenn

True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.
Kurt Vonnegut

Old age is fifteen years older than I am.
Oliver Wendell Holmes

Whatever poet, orator or sage may say of it, old age is still old age.
Sinclair Lewis

My favorite thought on old age? I'm not as good as I once was...but I'm as good once as I ever was!

Now, my friends, let's have some coffee on the patio and try to remember what we were talking about!


  1. Uncle Hermit? it's your Birthday?

    Well, Happy Birthday! my friend.

    I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I'd love to join you for coffee on your special day, how about I bring along a cake to help celebrate? :D

    Hugs~n~Happy Birthday wishes

  2. Hey Felinae...
    Yeah, that time again! Seems to happen every year about this same time...wonder why that is?

    I really do appreciate the kind wishes and the offer of cake! I never turn down free cake...

    I'll take those hugs, too! Thanks so much for coming by today, my friend!

  3. Happy birtday!
    Good quotes :-)
    Have a great birthday now!

  4. Hey Christer...
    Many thanks for the good wishes, my friend. I'm glad you liked the quotes!

    Glad you could stop in t6his morning!

  5. So your celebrating your 15 anniversary of your 50th birthday?
    How do you like that math??

    Happy birthday my friend!

  6. Hey Rod...
    I like the way that sounds! Has a certain ring to it. ya know?

    Thanks for the good wishes, buddy, and thanks for coming by today!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday!
    And you ARE wiser!
    Enjoy the day!

  8. Welcome to the club my friend, here's hoping we both have a few more good ones left in us.

  9. I got 20 plus to go , I hope I do as well as you. HBD!

  10. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your day. If nothing else it is a mini milestone. LOL Now you can get Medicare- for what it's worth.

  11. Happy Birthday!! Enjoyed the quotes--hope you have a great day!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Many Happy Returns Of The DAY:)
    I am a regular at your blog;I like reading your posts and make it a point to visit once daily.
    Have a gr8 day Mr. Hermit

  14. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    whenever somebody asks how old i am, i just say 'old enough to know better but still too young to care!"

    hope you have a great day!

  15. Wow, we're almost the same age! I'll be 65 in just 9 days. So far, I've found two great things about being this age.
    1. I can finally get a good health insurance, medicare plus a supplement, at about 1/3 the cost of what I have been paying. and 2. I officially don't have to be young anymore. For a woman, you seem to have this obligation to pretend to be young forever. Now I can proudly, unabashedly, without reservation, give myself permission to be old.

    and it's not bad at all!

    Happy Birthday, don't eat too much chocolate cake.

    My favorite saying, observed on a Boy Scout leader's camp shirt--The older I get, the better I was!

  16. Happy Birthday!!
    I am only 77, but I hope to get old. I ride my bicycle or Worksman PAV3-3CB trike every day. None of the older fellows here ride bikes or trikes. When I am having coffee at the StopNRob they come in to talk over each other retelling their agonies, near-death-experience surgeries and love conquests. I get on my bike and go. To hear them once is once too often.

  17. Happy Birthday,my Bubba. To celebrate I just reread the b.d. card I bought for you. I enjoyed it!

  18. Happy Birthday My Special One! And you still are not old. Your only old if you keep telling yourself you are. I hope your birthday brings you much happiness today and for the rest of the year, and many more years. Huge hugs and kisses for you today. I might even bring my second attempt at that cake,(it worked the second time)lol

  19. Wow Jim!

    Look at all these great Birthday wishes so far .. and it's early yet!

    Happy Birthday You Old Fart!
    (I love saying that, maybe cause I'm old too) LOL

    Hope you have a Wonderful Day and don't give any thought to your age. Like you said, at least you're still above ground. :D

    Love You Sweetie,
    blondie (Judy)

  20. Happy Birthday Jim;

    Damn 65....A young man at heart. Hope you have many more!!!!!!

    See Ya

  21. Happy Birthday! I'm a November birthday too - last Saturday. Enjoy your day and have a piece of cake with your coffee.

    The saying I like best is;
    25 years old with _____years of experience!

    May your day be bright and filled with many, many blessing.
    BTW, we aaaaABSOLUTELY love your blog! Keep um' coming Hermit!
    Blessings from,
    The Never Done Farm

  23. ...Happy Birthday Big Brother...

    ...and don't worry,The Good Lord also takes care of those that take care of others,so that puts ya way up the list...GodBlessYa Jim

  24. Happy Birthday HJ, and many more too.
    My horse mentor was 77 and still riding every day, last time I saw him. He could jump flat footed into the saddle from the ground. So don't think you can't do anything you want, just takes attention to detail. Keep on keeping on.

  25. My Mom is 89, I'm 64. When I ask her how she'd doing, she says "I'm vertical!". I thought is was quite appropriate. I'm on my first cup of "wake up". I really enjoy your blog. Have a great day.


  26. Hey Sue...
    Sure was some nice things you had to say! I appreciate it...

    I also appreciate you coming by today, as well!

    Hey TjbbpgobIII...
    If you're there, must be a good club to be a member of!

    Thanks, my friend...for the good wishes nd the visit!

    Hey OGT...
    Still just a young whipper-snapper, huh?

    Hey, I really do appreciate you coming by today, my man!

    Hey Rae...
    Guess that is something, huh? Guess that health insurance is like car get it hoping to never have to use it!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, Rae!

    Hey Marie...
    I sure am glad you liked the quotes! Maybe someday I'll say something wise enough to be quoted on...other than in a court of law, that is!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Rekhaa...
    I'm really glad to have you as a regular reader...

    I'm always glad to have you come by and I thank you!

    Hey ER...
    Good morning to ya, girl! I hope that saying applies to us all in some fashion today!

    Thank you for the kind wishes and for the visit!

    Het Trailshome...
    Being older is a great asset, I think! Certainly beats the alternative!

    I sure do like tht saying...! Let me be the first to say "Early Happy Birthday!"

    Hey, thanks for coming y today!

    Hey Vlad...
    Good to get that exercise each day. I hope to get old someday as well...

    Wonder why some folks spend all there time reliving past experiences over and over...either real or imagined? Like you said, hearing it once is enough!

    My friend, I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I'm glad you enjoyed the card! It's the thought that counts, and I appreciate the thought a lot!

    I appreciate the visit as well, Sis! Thank you!

    Hey JoJo...
    Well, I'm sure glad the cake worked out the second time! Bring it on to the patio, and we'll have some with our coffee!

    Sweetie, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your visit today!

    Hey Blondie...
    Well, we've been together for a long time now, haven't we? Seems like just yesterday when , because o you, I got into this blogging stuff!

    Sure have picked up a lot of wonderful friends along the way...

    Thank you so much for the wonderful wishes for this old fart...and for the special visit, my Colorado Cupcake!

    Hey Tony...
    Just trying to catch up, brother! Young at heart is what I hope to stay, ya know?

    I sure appreciate you dropping in today, my friend!

    Hey Kris...
    Well, Happy belated Birthday for last Saturday! Do I only get to have one piece?

    Boy, you're tough!

    Hey, I really appreciate your visit today, Kris!

    Hey Kelle...
    I'm so glad you like the blog and that you come over for coffee!

    I have to say, I really love the name "Never Done Farm"!

    Thank you so much for coming by today, my friend!

  27. Hey Ken...
    My good friend! I really do appreciate the kind things you had to say this morning...and most of all, I appreciate the fact that I count you among my friends!

    Many thanks, brother, for the visit!

    Hey YOF...
    Man, if I tried something like that I probably would hurt something important...other than my pride, ya know?:

    Glad to have you drop by this morning, my friend! Thank you!

    Hey Dan...
    Sounds like your Mom has the right outlook to me! Hope we soak up some of that attitude from our Moms, huh?

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  28. Hey Wretha...
    Thank you for the good wishes, my desert friend!

    I certainly appreciate you taking the time to drop by today!

  29. Well from one birthday boy to another "Happy Birthday my friend"!
    So we were both born on the last day of scorpio (whatever the hell that means)...They say though we're a bit different. I can't speak for you but I can relate to that!
    Small wonder I enjoy your posts!
    May you have many more..under a free republic!

  30. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a great day :)

  31. Hey Northwoods...
    Must have been a good year for having kids, huh!

    As far as being just a little bit different, I don't mind at all! Just makes us all the more interesting, ya know?

    Many Happy Returns to you as well, my friend! Thanks for coming by!

  32. Hey Angela...
    Thanks, lady! I appreciate that!

    Hope you are ready for the winter...and I really appreciate you coming by today!

  33. Ahem.

    Haaaaaaappy Birthday to you
    Haaaaaappy birthday toooo youuu
    Haaaaappy birrrrthday, dear Mister Hermit, sir
    Haaaaappy birthday tooooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.


    And many hapy returns, too.

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  34. Hi Jim,
    I really want to ad my extreme good wishes for your Birthday. Hope it is just a great day for you, and that the coming year brings every good thing you wish for- your way.
    I'll be 66 next month, so Welcome to the's a pretty good one to be a member of.
    Dave Robertson

  35. Hey K...
    Thank you for singing to me...I think?? Haven't had a pretty lady sing to me since...well, for a long time!

    I do appreciate the good wishes and the visit this morning, my friend!

    Hey Danish...
    Good of you to drop by this morning and wish me Happy Birthday...!

    Guess there are quite a few of us in this club, so must be a good sign!

    Let me be one of the first to wish you Happy Upcoming Birthday...and I thank you for the visit!

  36. Wow, look at all these posts!!!
    Think I got 2 or 3 on my birthday.
    Well hey, guess the better man has won! LOL
    Was just checkin up on ya.
    Bye for now :)

  37. Hey Blondie...
    Really nice for all those folks to take time out of their day to come by, isn't it?

    Thanks for checking up on me...and thanks for the visit, you Rocky Mountain Momma!

  38. Well Happy Birthday, Mr. Hermit!
    I hope your 'special day' is special for you, in every way!

    I love this quote from Abraham Lincoln :
    And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

  39. Happy Birthday Hermit! Hope you have many wonderful years ahead:)

  40. Just another day - how quickly they pass. All we can do is make the best of what we have left.

  41. Hey TM...
    I do thank you for the kind words...nd for the visit today!

    Hey Molly...
    Thank you, my friend! I have to figure that everything else from this point on is gravy, ya know?

    I sure appreciate your dropping by today!

    Hey MD...
    So true...we have to make the best of what we are given every day!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  42. OK my blog is done now with a song and tribute you Mr Hermit.
    Hope you enjoy it :)
    Hugs and Kisses Sweetie.

  43. Hey Blondie...
    Just came from your blog and I must say...I'm speechless. Thank you for such a great tribute!

    You will always be one of my long time special friends!

    Thans for the kind words and the visit...!

  44. Hey you're like my oldest blogger buddy. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
    Night Sweets :)

  45. Hope your day has been really blessed Hermit Jim. Your quotes made me laugh!
    God Bless,

  46. Hey HUP...
    Always glad when someone can find smile or two in one of my post!

    Thank you for the kind wishes...and for the visit!

  47. Hey MMPaints...
    I am so thankful you could come by and also for the good wishes, my friend!

  48. Hey JS...
    Thanks so much, big guy! Long time, no see!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  49. Happy birthday ya (not so) old fart! Here's to many more my friend. Cheers!

  50. Hey Mayberry...
    Guilty as gharged, buddy...and loving every minute of it!

    Old enough now that people sort of expect it, ya know?

    Man, I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

  51. I Think you might enjoy the videos on my blog Jim. Dont let the ladies see it though.

  52. H.J.,

    A very happy birthday to you! We appreciate your charming wit and very much enjoy your daily banter. Many more happy birthdays are wished for you!

  53. Hey OGT...
    Just watched the videos on your blog...pretty funny, but like you said, don't let the ladies see them!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey 2 Tramps...
    Thank you for those kind words and the chance to share a little humor with you from time to time. Your visits mean a lot to me, believe me!

    Thank you also for coming by today, my friend!

  54. Happy 65 there Jim. I don't know, the blogging kinda looks the same and the coffee tastes the same, so nothing to drastic happend overnight. I guess thats always a good thing. Have good one Jim.

  55. Looks like a late comment on my part, but it is still the 21st in Alberta.

  56. Hey Hermit...
    Sometimes no news is good news, ya know? Nothing drastic really happened, except for that old guy that started living in my mirror!

    Thanks for coming over, buddy!

  57. I can't believe I missed it...


    Best of everything, always to you.


  58. Hey, Happy belated Birthday sir, my Mom's B-day was Thursday. Figured you and her have a lot in common, I hope your day went well.

  59. Happy Birthday, friend!! I'm sorry it's a late b-day wish. I hope you had a lovely day and got to do exactly what a Hermit loves to do.

  60. Wow Jim, what a response, and a belated happy birthday. Hope u had a good one. And I like the Henry Ford quote the best, but they're all great. I should know, as I'm two years and a bit older! Best Regards, Will.

  61. Hey Cat...
    So good to hear from you, my friend! Been a wild ride, hasn't it?

    I appreciate you taking time to stop by!

    Hey Anon 6:09...
    You be sure to tell your mom "happy birthday" from the Hermit, OK?

    Listen, I appreciate you coming over today!

    Hey Ginger...
    So there you are! Thought you were hiding out or something!

    I hope that school is going well as work!

    Good of you to drop by, girl! Thank you!

    Hey Will...
    Good to see you again. I do hope that all is good over there!

    I appreciate the kind thoughts today...and I thank you for the visit ss well!

  62. I thought I had left a message for you saying happy birthday but I couldn't see it so belatedly happy birthday Jim, hope you had a great day with friends.
