Sunday, December 13, 2009

Some Sunday Feline Philosophy...!

If you have cats...or if you have ever watched a cat for any length of time, then you know that they have their own way of doing things.

They often look like they are really thinking some profound thoughts. You sometimes just can't help putting your own words to the looks on their faces. If you could do that, it might go something like below!

It's true that cats can be a little arrogant! They can look you straight in the eye and seem to be insulting you! And they are indeed pretty full of themselves!

Sometimes, though, you just have to give them credit for coming up with some funny looks and some pretty good ideas at the same time! Kinda like this...!

At other times, they look straight at you with a look that shows a total disdain for us. Almost like they are looking down their noses at us! If we could read their thoughts at times like this, we might find they are thinking some smart-ass comment along these lines!

But you know, despite their faults and bad attitude, cats do have their moments. Sometimes they can come up with an idea or a movement that We can totally agree with. Such is the case with a cats outlook on taking naps! Cats take the art of napping to a whole other level than most of us!

I have to admit, when it comes to nap time, cats will ignore everything else to find just they perfect spot for a few winks. In cases where they cannot find a suitable space, or their favorite place is already taken by the dog...they will boldly claim a new spot without a second thought! They do so with no hesitation and no fooling around! Kinda like this...!

Now how can you possibly argue with this kind of logic? Hey, it works for me...!

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit. Raining again outside! Oh, and keep an eye on the cat!


  1. I love that bottom photo :-) :-)

    Or they can just sit there, looking out on the world and then suddenly jump right up in the air and start running like crazy :-) :-)
    Can´t live without them :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Hey Christer...
    You never know just what a cat i going to do...or what he's thinking !

    I don't know what I would do without my two Siamese roomies !

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  3. Hey Catman...
    No wonder they rule us so easily! Mind control...!

    Guess that explains a lot!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  4. Wonderful and funny. Just gotta love the cattitude.

  5. Humans have pets. Cats have servants

  6. Our cat is also a thermometer! You can tell the temperature in the house by how long she is: if it's cold, she bunches up about the size of a soft ball with a head. If it's hot, she's stretched out two feet long! If it's really chilly, she balls up in your lap, or next to you when you're laying down...

  7. Good Morning My Special One, funny post today. Cats are crazy little critters. I love the ones who are always looking around for something to play with and swat around.
    Coffee around the kitchen table sounds good to me, its cold and should rain soon.

  8. Hey Rae...
    It does add a lot of joy to my day! My two roomies are something, for sure! Each one has their own attitude and personality...just like people!

    Thanks for coming by today, Rae...!

    Hey Momlady...
    Isn't that the truth! They talk to me all the time...but I'm not really sure that I want to know what they are saying!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Mayberry...
    I can picture that so well in my mind! I love the image of a softball with a head!

    Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    My two are always looking for something to get into...when they are not sleeping or eating!

    Sweetie, I am so glad you came by this morning! Looks like snuggle weather to me!

    Hey ER...
    I'll just bet your dog friend can keep you entertained as well! I think sometimes that our pets keep us sane...or close to sane!

    Thank you so much for coming by today!

  9. Heh...cute, Mister Hermit, sir!

    Sometimes I think I'm just a nesting place for my lot...they follow me from room to room and wait for me to settle...and the moment I provide a surface for them to hunker down on, I'm covered in 'em!

    I get a kick out of watching them play, especially when they play with the Evil Genius! Always good for a laugh...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    They do like the human touch...a lot! My two won't even eat when they first come in, unless they have had a chance to get up on me and give me a hug!

    Just gotta love it!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  11. Hi Uncle Hermit,
    Those pics & captions were funny, thanks for sharing them.

    In our house, Catman is an equal to our furry little friends, me? I am just allowed to share their space. LOL!

    Have a good day!

  12. Love the pics Jim and the added commentary, lol
    Hope you're staying warm in that rain. We got another storm coming in tonight. Brrrrr
    Later (wave)

  13. I will nap HERE. Love it. I've worked so long some days I fell asleep leaning against a wall.

  14. Hey Felinae...
    So the Catman has the inside of the cat circle, huh?

    Maybe they think he is the Alpha of their little group!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Blondie...
    I hate to say it...but I'll take my rain instead of your snow! Too cold for me at your place!

    I'd give a lot to see you in those new long johns!

    You stay warm up there, OK?

    Thanks for coming by today, girl!

    Hey Brigid...
    Sure am glad to see you today!

    I can definitely identify with that last picture...!

    Hey, I sure do appreciate you coming by!
