Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Some Wisdom From The Past...!

Some things only get better with age...fine wine, beautiful women, fond memories, ME, and good advice!

This was taken from the Old Farmer's Almanac. originally written a long time applies very well to the way of the world today, and is still very sound!

December Farmer’s Calendar

• Remember, ye wealthy and affluent, the sons and daughters of affliction! Think of those into whose shattered dwellings poverty enters to increase the inclemency and the horrors of the present season. Distribute bread to the hungry, and clothes to the naked.

• Pay off your mechanics, laborers, &c. Though the sum due to them be but trifling, they may suffer for want of that trifle at this inclement season.

• Now make it a point to balance your book of Accounts, call upon debtors for payments, so that you may begin the year square with every man.

–Robert B. Thomas, The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1795 and 1796

Now, my friends, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen. Raining outside again!


  1. Old words still ringing true, why is it that out of fashion ‘old values’ still mean more to me than any of bull that seems PC and in vogue with today’s seemingly heartless society? Excellent post my good man may I wish the best of the seasons greetings to you and to yours.

  2. I don't know anything about wine or women. I like the ones that taste good.

  3. Good advice.
    So, rain is coming our way from you. Looks like a damp holiday. I'll stay inside and sew or knit or.....
    Wishing you a peaceful day.

  4. Very good advice Hermit - you stay healthy and enjoy your Christmas. I think I prefer rain to snow.

  5. Good Morning My Special One, Great advice. Rain here too,and brrrrr I think there might be snow on the mountains today and tonite. Should be very cold Christmas day. Thats OK it will feel more like Christmas.
    I sure could use the cozy kitchen this morning and good company around the table, before I head out to the store for last minute food and drink supplies.

  6. Hey John...
    Good to see you again! Sometimes the advice given in the past has as much to offer as modern stuff...maybe more!

    Circumstances don't change for a lot of people during the holidays, only seem to be agitated!

    PC is not the way to go, in my opinion!

    Thanks for the good holiday wishes, and I hope you and yours have a safe and happy one as well!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

    Hey Vlad...
    I'll second that thought! Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Linda...
    One good thing about the gives us a chance to get caught up on the inside stuff!

    Always something to do, craft-wise! That's what keeps the fingers nimble an the mind at ease!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Gen...
    Still hols true today, don't you think? Funny how history (and good advice) can repeat itself and be learned from!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Anon 7:10...
    I'm with you there! I much prefer the rain over the snow!

    Supposed to be in the 70s again today, so I guess snow is out of the question anyway!

    Sometimes, living in the South has it's good points!

    Thanks for the visit, and safe holiday to all at your place!

    Hey JoJo...
    The kitchen is warm and the coffee come on in and make yourself at home!

    Sorry you have to go out and fight the crowds today!

    Sweetie, I sure am glad you could come by today!

  7. Great advice as always from the Old Farmer´s Almanac! I wonder if it says anything like it in our almanac?
    Christmas Eve is the big christmas day over here in Sweden, so I wish You a very merry Christmas!

  8. Hey Christer...
    In case I haven't told you yet, Merry Christmas and a very safe and Happy New Year!

    I really do appreciate your visit today and everyday, my friend!

  9. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir - did you know that the tradition of gift giving sprang from the practice of landlords forgiving the December rent, and of forgiving debts (at least in part)?

    It's funny how traditions change over time...these days we don't FORGIVE debts, we go into them to give gifts!!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  10. Hey K...
    I didn't know this! yes, things do change and not always for the better!

    Thanks for sharing this...and for stopping by today!

  11. A couple other things that are better with age are cheese and coffee, but thats just me. That old almanac seems to have some good sense also. "Start the year sqaure", that sounds like some good advice to me.

  12. Maybe I should send a link to this blog entry to

    The idiot in the oval office might actually learn something of value.

  13. Hey Hermit...
    It does indeed make sense to start fresh! Lots of wisdom in the almanac sometimes.

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Catman...
    If only he would listen, but we know from past experience that he won't!

    Too bad his values don't reflect the wants and needs of the American people!

    My friend, thanks for coming by!
