Friday, January 8, 2010

Man, My Feet Are Cold...!

It's not often that we get hit with a cold front like this, but ready or we go!

Now, I know that all you folks that live up North think we must be a bunch of wusses, but remember, this is the Texas coast! We are NOT supposed to get this cold...EVER!

It does snow here sometimes. Usually every 4 or 5 years, but even then it does not get this cold. This is tough on a lot of people, especially the homeless and the elderly, and on all those that are already having a hard time paying their energy bills. I hate to say it, but I expect several weather related deaths after this storm.

Here is the story taken from the Houston Chronicle Thursday.

After overnight showers, an Arctic front dove through southeast Texas this morning, and gusty winds are ushering frigid air into the Houston metro area and slowly driving temperatures from near 50 degrees into the low to mid-20s by Friday morning.

The National Weather Service has put the area under a wind advisory until 6 p.m.

And then it gets worse.

Forecasters with the Houston/Galveston office of the weather service say highs on Friday will likely barely reach above the freezing level, and Friday night's low temperature should dip near 20 degrees for inland areas. Saturday night will be nearly as cold.

That's cold enough to threaten most outdoor plants and all pets, and just cold enough to put exposed pipes in attics and beneath homes at significant risk. The weather service has issued a hard freeze warning from 9 p.m. tonight until 9 a.m. Sunday.

If there's a bright side to the Arctic blast, it's that today's scattered showers should ebb before temperatures dip below freezing, leaving relatively little chance for an ice storm to make for nightmarish commutes Friday.

Sleet is possible today, however, for a short time period, just to the north and west of Houston.

Houston is likely to see temperatures it hasn't since at least 1996, when it got down to 19 degrees.

By the time temperatures begin to moderate Sunday, forecasters say, Houston's average temperatures for January will likely be running 13 or 14 degrees below normal. The average temperature range for this time of year is between the low 40s and low 60s.

A "warm-up" early next week is expected to take high temperatures into the lower 50s, still about 10 degrees below normal. A slight chance of rain is forecast.

Now, my friends, it's coffee in the kitchen this morning. It's way too cold to go outside...!


  1. I sure don't know whats going on with the weather in the world Jim. It seems to be colder than normal everywhere. We're used to it here, so it dos'nt really affect me much. I can sure see where it could pose some major problems for those who don't expect the colder weather though. I sure do hope it dos'nt cause too much grief for you all down there.

  2. If your concerned about your pipes freezing crack a faucet or two so it just drips. The water flowing even slowly at a drip will prevent pipes from freezing.

  3. Hey Hermit...
    My main concern is the older folks, like my Mom's friends, and some of those that can't repair their own pipes or plumbing, pay their heating bills, that sort of thing!

    Hoping this will not cause the problems I fear...but we must prepare just the same. After all, that's what we do, right?

    Thanks for the visit, my friend!

  4. Hy Timkin...
    I got that covered. Lived in East Texas for a while where we had a 6 week ice storm.

    Mom's house and my place are covered...but the others are the ones I worry about!

    Hoping for the best! Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  5. Hello Hermit,
    Coldest here in North Wales for over 15 years, temperature yesterday in Wrexham as I turned up for my day shift at 6am was -10 degrees centigrade. I’m not complaining because all the signs were there in the forest during the autumn months with bumper foraging crops such as blackberries, elder and sloe berries. I’m just paying a little more attention to my aging parents and making sure that they are well stocked up and warm at the moment.
    Take care my good fellow,regards,


  6. You're absolutely right Jim! We're used to this kind of thing up here, but to have it hit an area where not many people would be prepared - could be quite the disaster! It's one thing to warn people about the temperature drop, but isn't anyone giving instruction on how to keep pipes from bursting, etc.? You know, televise useful info...for a change!

  7. Cold - too much of it is why we moved from CT to FL, SW semi-tropical Gulf Coast FL.

    Yesterday morning woke up with a second day of frost, lost some green beans, and had a thin layer of ICE on the water filled plant saucer we leave out for the birds and it was right next to the house.

    We've been here for 6 years and nothing like this has happened. We also are due for more cold this weekend. Not worrying about freezing pipes but the poor,elderly or unemployed who can't afford heat, the homeless who normally don't have to worry about freezing temps. I'm afraid some will succumb to cold temp induced illness.

    Also the farmers are worried about citrus, beans and squash, tomatoes and strawberries which if the freeze damages the crops means higher prices for us all.

    Tropical animals are also suffering - manatees need warm waters, leatherback turtles also - they will die if they get too cold.

    And just for something not so serious, planes in Sarasota and Tampa had ice on the wings, no de-icing equipment so had to go the old 'wait for the sun' to melt it off.

  8. I'm southeast of you in Rio Grande Valley and its warmer down here a mite - just above freezing mark this morning, but we won't have that luck tonight - hard freeze for at least 8 hours in lower valley, 12 + in upper. Our citrus crops are going to take it in the shorts, much like Florida - stock up on orange juice now or cry later!

    Hope you and yours stay safe sir, have a great weekend.

  9. I didn't know you used to live in East Texas. Small world. I was born in Crockett and raised in Hemphill. Can't get much more east than Hemphill.

    Dave is walking the dogs. He thought it was my turn this morning. He said it would be refreshing.

    Enjoy your coffee. Cold makes it even better.

  10. Layer and Bundle, Bubba, that's my answer to this. And warm thoughts of my family and good friends through the holidays, including my birthday week! Put the roomies on you lap for awhile - I guarantee some warm fuzzies - works for me!

    Big hugs -

  11. We're cold here, too. It snowed yesterday afternoon and on into the night for a while. Not much, just enough to cover the ground. I'm glad it stayed cold so we didn't get ice (which is not uncommon in GA). If anyone asks you about unfreezing pipes, tell them to use a hair dryer. It won't make the pipes crack like a torch would.
    And we're supposed to be in a period of global warming?
    Think I'll have some hot chocolate.

  12. Good Morning My Special One, That sure is cold! Hope your Mom's friends have someone to check on them and there pipes. Sometimes its cheaper to run electric heaters and they really work well. I know you will give them good advise on the pipes and staying warm. When we live in warm climes we sure do feel that cold. We have had some pretty cold nights here but not like that yet. Stay warm my friend. I guess we can all huddle around the kitchen table.

  13. Hey John...
    I think everyone is experiencing the same thing here in the states. And this is probably just the beginning!

    Right you are about Mother Nature giving us all the warning all we have to do is to start paying attention!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Cath...
    At least this time there are some instructions being passed on to folks by both the television and the radio...even the paper!

    Some of the shelters are letting the homeless bring in their pets, which is a good thing!

    I do appreciate the visit this morning!

    Hey Bellen...
    You can almost count on higher prices for fruit and juice. The cold weather always seems to affect prices at the store.

    I had heard that Florida was getting some really cold weather. Hope you can stay nice and toasty!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:09...
    I figured the Valley area would get some of this stuff! Looks like the citrus crop this year is going to take a beating!

    Hey, you stay warm down there...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Kris...
    I lived in Jacksonville for a few years. First Winter there, big ice storm...won't be forgetting that for awhile!

    Good of the hubby to walk the dogs for'll have to bake him something special, huh?

    Thanks for the visit today, Kris.

    Hey Sis...
    You know that Me and the roomies are staying warm...and inside!

    At least I don't have to go to work like a lot of poor folks out there!

    Tell Rod to bundle up when he goes to the golf course!
    Thanks for stopping in today, Sis!

    Hey Momlady...
    I would think that the snow is better than the ice, but I do't have enough experience to base that on!

    I'll let you wise ol' Georgia peaches figure that out!

    You stay warm by the fire, my friend...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    A kitchen table huddle is in order, for sure!

    I think nearly everyone we know has someone looking out for them this time around! Certainly hope so!

    Hey, sweetie, I do appreciate you coming by! Big hugs!

  14. Jim,

    Stay warm, dude. If you have windows that face south, open the blinds/drapes while the sun is high and take advantage of the solar heat. Keep the others in the house closed.

    Worse comes to worse, you could do something that I'm sure would outrage Dakin over at Bison Survival Blog:

  15. Cold weather all over the northern part of the world it seemes. We too have colder than normal and this morning I had -8F. Most possibly some homeless will die here this winter too.
    I hope You´ll get it warmer fast!

  16. Hey Catman...
    Got that whole southern exposure thing going on here...

    Man, that is a sad thing about the old folks having to burn books to stay warm!

    Thanks for coming by!

  17. Uncle Hermit,

    May I recommend drinking lots of Hot Chocolate, it'll help keep you warm and satisfy any chocolate cravings. :)

    Stay warm and be safe, my friend.


  18. Hey Christer...
    All we can do is to hope that the homeless are getting a warm place to stay!

    You stay warm, buddy! Thanks for coming by!

  19. Hey Felinae...
    Hot chocolate always sounds like a good idea to me!

    A little brandy couldn't hurt, I'm thinking!

    I appreciate you coming by!

  20. MMMMoooorrriiinnngg Mt hermit. I think bears have the right idea....hibernate.

    This is the coldest I have seen Florida in 28 years. We will be getting the same weather you have now this week-end. Our troble is that there are still homes here that never have had heat. Every store in the area is sold out of space heaters. Plus the high number of seniors. We are not going to see any relief until about next Thursday.

    Went to the range this morning. Traffic was very light for a work day. Hope the seniors are all home bundled up.

    Like you said be prepared for anything. Drinking coffee all day today. Stay warm and safe.

    See Ya

  21. Hey Tony...
    I was just watching a piece on the news about the crops in Florida. Looks like some really bad effects from the weather, for sure!

    Glad you got to go to the range, buddy, and glad you could come by!

    Stay warm...!

  22. HJ, The wind chill was 9 degrees this morning when I got to work to find that the heat was out in the building I work in for the second day. I'm a self-proclaimed wuss when it comes to cold weather! Maybe all the skeeters in Houston will die... forever... and you won't be bothered with them next summmer? Star warm, man!

  23. Freezin' my bucket off down here on the coast Jim! It was in the 20s this morning. Don't know what the high was, but I know that the heaters in the shop at work were losing ground all day, started off at 60, and was near 50 when we knocked off at 4:00. The heater at the house is cycling at a very expensive rate. Thank God for fireplaces, got mine going now. Looks like we'll be freezing every night throughout the weekend down Corpus way. Joy....

  24. Hey Ginger...
    Man, no heat? Bummer! Wind chill here was 19 degrees today...with more to come tonight!

    It would be nice if the 'skeeters would die off, but I'm not holding my breath, ya know?

    Hey, you stay warm, my riend...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Mayberry...
    As cold as it is here in Houston, I can only imagine how bad it is in Corpus! No surf fishing for me!

    I know it felt good to get back home after the heater in the shop! Nothing like the fireplace at home...!

    I appreciate the visit today, buddy!

  25. Wow, it's been cold down there. It's that cold up in N'ern IL, but we're used to it. Stoke that fire, and have another cup of coffe, eh?

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