Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Good Man Gone...!

I never met the Man in person, but somehow I feel as though he was a friend!

As far as I'm concerned, this guy was indeed a real man. Hard, tough, and compassionate...and as real as they come!

His sons, his crew, his friends all loved him and thought the world of him! Hell, I thought the world of him, and I didn't even know him!

It's always a shame when we lose one of the good guys, and when they are so young (53) it is even worse! here is a video tribute to Captain Phil Harris...late of the f/v Cornelia Marie!

He smoked, he had two sons, he was a hard worker...and he had his own brand of coffee! What's not to like?

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen. Rest In Peace, Phil...!


  1. Good Morning My Special One,
    Nice post in tribute of one tough but good man.
    I will bring the fresh ground coffee to the table this morning.

  2. H.J.,
    Yours is the first blog to read for me this very early morning (5:30 AM here) and I am in shock about dear Captain Phil. We had the opportunity to meet him just over a year ago. He was such a nice guy and we were in awe of his soft kindness that is well hidden on Deadliest Catch. I need to get to Google and read more about it. Thanks for the tribute to him - so very, very sad that he is gone...

  3. I never watched Deadliest Catch and I never heard of him but this almost makes me ashamed of myself.
    I have told you numerous times that you should write professionally. You have such a gift with words not to mention ideas and imagination...why not get paid for what seemingly comes so naturally to you.
    Your past few blogs had me laughing so hard ( and glad to remain single).
    Love you, Bubba.

  4. P.S. If you don't want to be a preacher or politician (I JUST SWALLOWED MY TONGUE!!!!) you should be a writer...or teach writing.

  5. When I did watch tv, Deadlest catch was one I enjoyed. Sad to see a person die so young.

    Thanks for the tribute. Well done.

    See Ya

  6. Hey JoJo...
    You know, I think that all of the good men have to be a little tough! My Dad was tough, but had a heart of gold!

    Every good man can be judged by the good thoughts about him that live on after his passing! In Captain Phil's case, I think his memory will be around for a while!

    Thanks so much, Sweetie, for stopping by today!

    Hey Tramp...
    I remember you telling me once before that you met him in person! That is so cool...!

    I am glad you enjoyed the tribute, and so glad you could come by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Thanks for all the kind words this morning. I think you would have liked the show...which will be shown on Television this season again, If I'm not mistaken, it's on Discovery Channel...!

    I really appreciate your coming by today!

    Hey Tony...
    Right you are about it being a shame when a man (or woman) passes on at such a young age!

    I had never thought much about the fishing industry until I watched the show! Gave me a whole new outlook on the job, and the men that did this for a living!

    They earned both my respect...and all the money they made. Worked bloody hard for it, that's for sure!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

  7. I´m so sorry to hear this! I really liked him and will miss to see him on tv again.

  8. Hey Christer...
    It is a very informative show...and one of the most enjoyable to watch.

    I think that because these guys are all real people, with families and all, is part of the reason people liked it.

    I know I'll miss ol' Captain Phil as well!

    Thanks for the visit today!

  9. Of all the captains, Captain Phil Harris was my favorite. I feel for his sons, who loved him so, and it showed. Fair winds, and following seas Captain Phil... My condolences to the crew of "Cornelia Marie".

    Sailor's Prayer

  10. My son turned me on to Captain Phil and the Deadliest Catch a year or so ago when I was visiting. Awesome show. He will be missed.....

  11. Hey Mayberry...
    It was great that his sons got a chance to work with him! My heart goes out to them and their family, but they have the knowledge that Phil was loved by so many people!

    Thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Momma Bear...
    The show was a real eye opener for find out just how the crabs industry worked!

    Hard conditions, real men, lots of crab, and millions of viewers...

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  12. So sad about Captain Phil. What will the Cornelia Marie be without this great man? I can't watch video on my internet at the RV park, but I sure wish I could. Rest in peace, Captain, and safe passage.

  13. Hey Ginger...
    This man was the heart and soul of the Cornelia Marie, but maybe his sons will stay on and at least lend his name to the boat!

    Sorry that you don't get to watch any video on your Internet...sure are some good ones around!

    Thanks, Ginger, for coming by today!

  14. Make the bean some Phil Harris especial this morn, wouldja, Unk? And here's to the Cap'n and the Cornelia Marie!

    Anyone wanna go crabbin'???

  15. Hey Cygnus...
    I would do just that if I could find it locally but, alas, none to be had.

    So in it's stead, Folger's coming up...!

    Thanks for the visit!
