Friday, January 1, 2010

Did You Know...?

I have wondered about this for a long least for a week or so!

Seriously, I have never known what this song meant until now. I mean, I've sang it many times, but always without knowing what the song was really all about.

In doing a little research, this is what I've found out.

What’s “AULD”?
“Auld Lang Syne” is sung at the stroke of midnight on December 31 in almost every English-speaking country in the world.

Written by Robert Burns in 1788, it was first published in 1796 after Burns’s death. “Auld Lang Syne” literally means “old long ago” or, simply, “the good old days.”

If you keep this in mind the next time you sing this may think about the wording a little differently.

Anyway, let me just take this moment to say "Happy New Year" to each and everyone of you wonderful folks out there!

Now, my friends, how about a fresh cup of coffee? We can sit in the kitchen and toast to the next year!


  1. Hey Tagskie...
    Happy New Year...and thanks for stopping by!

  2. I´m already eight hours in to the new year here and it looks much the same as last year :-)
    Have a Happy New Yer!

  3. Hey Christer...
    Glad to know that there won't be any sudden surprises!

    Have a good day today, my friend!

  4. Happy New Year My Special One and to all who come for coffee at Mr Hermit's. May everyone have a safe,happy and healthy New Year.

  5. Wish you and your near and dear and everyone out there a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year:)

  6. Oh and My Special One, thanks for the lesson also, I did not know the meaning of Auld Lang Syne
    Hugs and kisses

  7. Hey JoJo...
    A very happyNew Year to you, sweetie! I hope we share a lot of coffee together in the future!

    Hey Rekkaa...
    A very happy and prosperous New Year, my friend!

    Thanks so much for coming by!

  8. Happy new year to you. Enjoy the coffee!

  9. Happy New Year, Hermit. May this year be better than we dare hope.

  10. Happy New Year, Mr. HermitJim, sir. Hope it is the healthiest for you. Interesting history about the song. Thank you for the coffee.

  11. Hey Kris...
    Thanks for the good wishes this morning...and the same back at ya!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey RunsWithHorses...
    It would be nice if we had a better than expected year, wouldn't it?

    Listen, I really do appreciate the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Good health is a wish that's good for us all, I think!

    Glad you liked the little history lesson...and glad you could come by today! Have a good one!

  12. Happy New Year to you Jim...want to thank you for the nice cup of coffee this fine morning.

  13. Happy New Year!!

    lol time swept past, it was 12:05 before we realized it so my dark haired man did not walk accross the threshold, get a kiss or bring us good luck - yet.

    Did the cats survive their fun?

  14. Happy New Year Jim;
    Hope you move to the promised land(your 10 acres) this year. I hope to meet you this year.

    See Ya

  15. Hey Rick...
    Good to see yu this morning...and it's my pleasure to bring you coffee!

    Thanks for dropping in!

    Hey Stephanie...
    Sounds like me! Living alone, I don't pay attention to the time anymore!

    Certainly don't want the dark haired man coming into MY house at midnight here in Houston! Might get shot...!

    Cats are both home...and sleeping the sleep of the exhausted!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Tony...
    Things are looking up for the New Year...let's hope they continue to go well!

    It would be a pleasure to meet up with you this year, buddy!

    Hey, thanks for coming by!

  16. Mornin', Mister Hermit, sir - and Hippo New Beer to you!

    I'd always thought the idiomatic translation of the phrase was "for old time's sake" I guess I was close.

    Someone and the Evil Genius are spending the first day of the new clendar year outside, terrorizing weeds and prepping garden space...and I am about to start cookin' some black-eyed peas (Paula Dean's recipe because it starts with bacon, and how can you go wrong with bacon??).

    Shade and Sweetwater,
    K (who hopes you have a healthy, happy, prosperous new year)

  17. Hey K...
    Close enough for government work, anyway!

    Glad to hear the boys are getting a chance to go outside and get out from under foot!

    Garden planning is a good thing! Never too early to start, that's for sure!

    I fixed my black-eyed peas last night in the slow cooker! really looking forwrd to a better New Year...and maybe these will help!

    Have a wonderful day, Lady! tell everyone there "Howdy" from old HermitJim!

  18. Happy new year my friend from us all here in Scotland may the year ahead be filled to bursting with love light and happiness

    look forward to chatting over the year ahead

  19. Happy New Year Jim!
    Sorry I'm so late but .. well .. it was worth the wait. yes? LOL
    Let's have a wonderful (or at least good or better than before) New Year. How's about that?
    Luv ya Lots,

  20. Hey Andy...
    Good to see you again, my friend! I do hope that your holidays are good ones!

    Looking forward to the future visits from the Highlands! Safe and happy holidays, my friend!

    Hey Blondie...
    Waiting for you is always worthwhile, my friend! Can't think of many that I would enjoy waiting for more...well, maybe one or two!

    The saying that comes to mind is better late than never!

    I'm hoping for a much better year this time around! let's hope it's the same for everyone!

    Thanks for the visit, lady!

  21. Happy New Year to you H.J. and thank you for all your posts in 2009. Your wit and wisdom brings a cheerful outlook and much needed balance to life. And your coffee isn't too bad, either!

  22. hey 2 Tramps...
    I sure do appreciate the kind words this morning! Glad you continue to drop in...!

    It pleases me that you like the post...and I thank you for coming by today!
