Saturday, January 30, 2010

Something For A Soggy Saturday...!

Some friends of mine sent me the link to a video they made.

Regardless of your politics, there is plenty in this video to think about. I hope you enjoy it!

Like I said...a lot to think about this morning!

Let's get some coffee and sit at the kitchen table, OK?


  1. Since I´m not an american perhaps I shouldn´t comment on this one.

    -13F here this morning, not even my dogs wants to go out now and they do have a lot of New Foundland in them :-) :-) So I´ll better stay indoors, put logs into the fire and make lots of tea and coffee :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Powerful stuff there, Hermit...
    Loved it from the first hearing.

    I'd love some of that bean, Uncle... while it's not anywhere near -13 [cold whether-- no pun intended-- celsius or fahrenheit!!], the weather do be towards the nasty...

    Have a great day there, m'man! Thanks for the post!!!

  3. Hey Christer...
    If it were that cold here...I would certainly stay inside! I'd probably even burn the furniture if I had to in order to stay warm!

    Man, that is WAY too cold for me! when the animals want to stay inside...then that's what I'd do!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Cygnus...
    It does have a lot to think about, for sure!

    Starting to turn cold again here as well.

    I'm ready for Spring! Thanks for coming by today!

  4. Yup, food for thought. Wonder how it could be sent to all members of Congress, etc.?
    By the by....I'm proud of my friends who made the video.

  5. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    This was very well put together. Thanks for posting this and yes gives you lots to think about.
    didn't get to make the corn bread day lead me other places. Maybe today.
    But I would love to sit around the table and stay warm and cozy with good friends.

  6. The video certainly gives one pause for thought and sad emotions; the country it portrays (America)could be substituted with the name of every country of the world. All leaders of the world would do well to view this message and heed it. I wish you would send it to all our so-called leaders up in Washington. (I'm computer illiterate)Something needs to wake them up - this may joggle each of them another bit. Go Hermit!

  7. Hey Momlady...
    Well, that's alright about the bikini...sometimes the imagination is all that's needed anyway! The main thing is that you have a great time and soak up some sun!

    The video is indeed a work that provokes thought, but would never be recieved well by the PTB, I'm afraid!

    Hey, thanks for droping in, Lady!

    Hey JoJo...
    That's alright about the cornbread! I can make us a big pot of beans to go along with it for when you get to make it!

    Maybe a pot of soup would be better! Dfinitely soup weather here...and I guess there too!

    Thanks, Sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 9:11...
    Sad thing is, these people don't care about anything except themselves!

    I have a feeling that, come November, there will be a LOT of changes made...I certainly hope so!

    Thanks so much for the visit today!

  8. ...sadly,they wouldn't watch it if you did send it...'they' don't care...95% of our 'representatives' already sold their souls...
    ...Hell is gettin' pretty crowded these days...

  9. Hey Ken...
    You're right about that, my friend! Once elected, they forget how to listen...and that's a fact! Sad, but true!

    Hey, buddy, thanks forcoming over today!

  10. Hey JIM,funny thats been on my mind all morning.Actually I reread the Declaration this morning,I posted what I consider one of the most pertainent parts on enemy of.And then find this.I hope the current state is weighing as heavily on others.It truly is time for a Change.Enjoy that coffee and have a great day.

  11. Hey China...
    We all should read the Constitution again...and often!

    It's hard to apply what's in that document to what's going on in our offices in D.C., that's for sure!

    I can't see how anyone that's halfway sane cannot see that the current path we are on is NOT the right one!

    Hey, thank for coming by today, my friend!

  12. REP or DEM, they had better take heed. The people are fed up. I expect heads will roll come November!

  13. Hey Bob...
    I'm thinking you're right! It's about time that some of the folks sitting on the fence to get busy and remove the worst of the lot from office.

    It won't solve everything, but if enough of them get their walking papers then maybe it will get the attention of others!

    Let's certainly hope so!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  14. Hi Jim my good friend

    finally got over to see you

    thanks for all your comments on my blog they mean so much my friend

    i have had half your family there it seems what with Cygnus and your sister lol

    it has plunged here again and more snow so our wee tin can is slowly disappearing ,love it

    peace and light my good friend and love to you and yours from your hermit buds

  15. Hey Andy...
    Glad you are enjoying the cold weather, buddy!

    My sister was telling me how much she was enjoying your blog...I think that's great!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  16. Very haunting tune to some true words.
    Christer and Dafthemit,I love winter and the cold. Where do you live and would you like some company?

  17. Hi Hermit
    Beth from Skyypilot here and I'd like to thank you for posting our song. Please feel free to send it to anyone who might be interested and who might send it on to others.
    I'm cattle prodding Mark to get him finishing up another goodie. The next one is what we call GRAP - that stands for Grandpa Rap.....

    I shall become a follower of your blog.

    Beth in Tucker, GA

  18. many thanks my friend so good to meet more of you family and that they enjoy my wee blog

    we are under 10 feet of snow now just the wee scots flag fluttering with a hint of wood smoke to give the fact that two wee hermits are there

    down to our last bar of chocolate band mel says it is hers

    so you might here two hermits scrapping lol

    peace and light my good friend

    stay safe and warm
