Sunday, February 7, 2010

Jefferson's Wisdom Revisited...!

It never hurts to take another visit to the wise men in our past!

Despite their faults, despite their weaknesses, they were still men. Wise and often prophetic, they passed on to us in language easily understood by all men, messages of both hope and of caution.

Let's look one more time...

Now, my friends, how about some fresh coffee? Good start for a Sunday, right?


  1. AMEN,Jim I think a lot of people forget these words were written by REAl men who fought to get away from bad govt.I think they ring more TRUE than ever now.THANK's

    p.s. My favorite the GOVT that governs least is best.

  2. ..."a Republic,if you can keep it"...

    ...sorry Mr Jefferson,we lost it...(as a tear rolls down the face of true Patriots everywhere)

  3. Hey China...
    Wise and strong men, indeed! It's almost as though they saw some of what was coming down the road for us!

    Hopefully, we can still learn from them!

    Thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Ken...
    Gets a little harder each and every day, doesn't it? You have to wonder just when it was that the government really became out of touch with the American people!

    I wish things would get better, but they will...only i we make it so! Just my thoughts!

    Thanks for the visit!

  4. THanks, Hermit! I absolutely love Jefferson's quotes and wisdom!

  5. Hi Hermit!
    I just wanted to tell You that my blog has been hijacked by a chinese pornosite and is now sending out these spam comments to others. I got over sixty comments all over my blog and I´m trying to remove them all. But I think it+s best vto put my blog to sleep and start a new one instead. So if You get comments from me in chinese just delete them directly!
    Sorry about this!

  6. Hey Gen...
    Ol' Jefferson was a smart man and his wisdom does seem to hit home as much today as ever!

    Glad you liked the post...and that you could stop by today!

    Hy Christer...
    I had the same thing happen to me, but was able to stop most of it from continuing. Good luck and thanks for the warning!
