Monday, February 15, 2010

Sharing the Cat's Food...!

No, it's not what you think!

This may sound like a silly idea to you, but I've been thinking about it for a while. Most of the time I feed my cats dry cat food. I also give them a treat once in a while by giving them a can of wet food (read meat). They really like this combination, but being typical cats...they start getting picky!

Dry food isn't too expensive, but the canned food is starting to get costly. Normally I can get canned food at Kroger's for about .49 cents a can. Today I found canned tuna in another food store for the same price! You see where I'm going with this, right?

The thing is, the cats will eat the cat food...but I won't! They REALLY like the canned tuna, and that is something that I'll eat as well! Now, I figure that we can share a food source and all be happy!

So here's the plan for now. I'll stock up very heavily on the canned tuna, and only buy the canned cat food when it goes on sale! That way, when I run out of canned cat food I can feed them tuna fish...with a clear conscience. I'm really not wasting food, but instead I'm buying a smaller number of cans to feed us all! At the same price, see? Now does that sound like a crazy idea?

I mean, I'm going to eat regardless and I'm going to feed the cats anyway so it only makes sense to me!

Besides, I can't wait to see the look on the faces of folks when I tell them that I eat the same foods as my cats! That look is priceless!

Now I can hear some of you saying..."how can you feed your cats canned tuna when there are so many hungry people in the world?" That's simple! I just open the can, split the tuna into three parts, and place their share on the floor. My share I use to make a sandwich with. That's the three of us sharing one can of tuna that cost less than .50 cents. No guilt for me, sorry!

Now, let's get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen, my friends. I just glad that the cats don't like coffee!


  1. What a great idea, and I can't see any problem with it at all! However, here in Australia even the cheapest of cat foods runs me about $1.30 a can, so my babies get food that I can't really afford to eat myself. The only way I can get around that is to feed them dry food 50-75% of the time, and that way I can afford the occasional treat of meat. Plus, I often buy soup bones, boil them down, use the broth for my soups and then add a bit to the girls canned food to stretch it a bit, or add it to their dry food.

  2. Hey Tatersmama...
    It's our responsibility, as pet owners, to take care of our pets just as we would the rest of our family. Just one thing that folks should take into consideration before getting a pet.

    The cost of feeding them is just one of those things that we should try and reduce the cost of...while still providing a safe and healthy diet. I figure that since we all like this option, it's a win-win situation!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. That sounds like a good idea. Our two housecats remind us every day that the dry food they are eating is fine, but a little 'treat' now and again would be equally appreciated.

    Your three way split sounds good, certainly a good way to share a meal with friends.

    Have a good day HermitJim - just getting that cool front this morning down in RGV, 43 as I drove into parking lot at 4:50.

  4. Nothing wrong with stockpiling tuna and sharing it with our fur babies.

    Our cat Chloe is is about 15 years old and has a hard time chewing. I give her soft food mixed in with her dry most of the time. Never thought about comparing the tuna and cat food price, I will do that the next trip into town.

  5. Don't forget makeral and salmon. It's usually cheaper than tuna.

  6. Good Morning My Special Friend,
    Your such a good daddy to the roomies. Smart idea.
    Coffee in the kitchen sound good.

  7. I have finally caught up reading your posts. I missed them while away, but wouldn't have missed the trip for anything. I used to try to share with my kittehs when they were alive, but they liked their cat food better! Go figure.

  8. Hermit,
    No apology needed here, we feed canned tuna, salmon and even home canned Northern Pike or Walleye to our cat. She doesn't like dry and won't even smell the nasty canned cat stuff, LOL! She also suppliments her diet with mice and we also share bread and steamed veggies with her, she loves it all.

    Have a great day, we enjoy your blog! Keep'em coming.
    Blessings from,
    The Never Done Farm

  9. They don't like coffee...yet! Better watch 'em, you start sharing much and they might get ideas! ;D

  10. Hey, Mister Hermit, sir...the outdoor kitties here at Casa de Crazy are keen to share whatever table scraps Someone cares to give them - I guess when you have to get your dinner on the hoof, you're happy for whatever doesn't up and run away!

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  11. Hey Anon 5:15...
    I imagine that it will continue to get cold there in the RGV for a bit! I'm sure that you are just about as ready for spring as I am!

    Yeah, we gotta take care of our furry friends!

    hey, thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mamma Bear...
    I had really never paid attention to how close in price the two were before. When you start looking at them as a comparison, you look at tuna in a different light!.

    Glad you don't think I'm crazy!...and glad you could come by today!

    Hey Dakota5...
    You know, I actually tried the mackerel before, and the cats didn't seem to like it very much!

    I didn't cre for it either! Hey, I sure do appreciate you coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    I think they only keep me around because they haven't figured out how to open the cat food yet!

    Thanks, Sweetie, for your visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Glad to see you back!! I hope you had a really good trip, and a ton of sunny weather!

    We missed ya around the table at coffee time!

    Funny how different cats can have such different taste...sorta like people, huh?

    Welcome home, Linda!

    Hey Kelle...
    One thing about country cats...they have the food thing all figured out! I can remember my Uncle Bill's barn cat...he would eat anything that was smaller and slower that he was!

    I am glad he doesn't like canned cat food! Better off with home grown or home made!

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey ER...
    I'm keeping an eye on them around the coffee, for sure! The minute they start asking for their own cup, then we have a problem!

    I really am glad you came by this morning, my friend!

    Hey K...
    So, home is the wanderer! Welcome back, Girl!

    I'll bet the gang at the Casa De Crazy were glad to see you! Heck, I'm glad to see you!!

    Can't wait to see the pictures, that's for sure!

    Welcome home, and thanks for coming by today!

  12. I have been buying the tuna for the cat/us for a long time. Be sure to buy the tuna in water, then occasionally you can just give the cat the tuna flavored water for a treat. I also found it much easier to convince my wife that buying tuna a case a time was a good idea since it was "for the cat" and not some crazy prepper idea of mine.

  13. Hey Anon 10:41...
    That's a very good point! They seem to like the juice best no matter what I feed them! Drink the juice, then eat the food!

    Being single, I don't have to convince anyone, but I can see where that is a good stragedy for the mate!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today!

  14. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    Feeding the cats Tuna once in awhile and in moderation is fine, but should not be their main source of protein. Continue to feed them the dry more frequently so that they get their required nutrients.

    There are numerous sites you go to research this, I will give you this one for no particular reason other than it was at the top of the list :)

    You can also find sites out there that have recipes on how to feed your animals raw meat diets and how to make your own cat food.

    Our nine eat indoor recipe Friskies, dry food. They refuse anything else. We split 2 small cans of wet food between them every morning. Once in awhile they get tiny amounts of tuna, usually it's a tablespoon split between a few of them, as not all of them like Tuna. We have one that loves bacon, he will get about 1/2 slice to himself, the others don't eat it.

    Then we have Mitty that eats and drinks everything. LOL! this one we really have to keep our eye on.

    Have a great day, Uncle Hermit

  15. Hey Felinae...
    I forgot that you have a lot more cats than I do! That must be a fun thing to watch at dinner time!

    Thanks so much for all the information and the links...and for dropping in today!

  16. I still remember the time dad mixed up cat food with tuna for his sandwich, I was 7. mom knew, told him after he ate it.
    about the time my parents got divorced...

  17. Hey Adora...
    Wonder if Dad didn't taste the difference? I think I would have...

    I can see that this might have been a sign of things to come...

    Thanks for coming by today!

  18. Hey Hermit, I agree with trying to save a little money and still taking care of the fur-babies. Archie, he's my Shih-Tzu, eats a handful of Nutro dry dog food, handful of Fiber-One Cereal, some boneless, skinless, boiled chicken breast and a handful of green beans,with 1% milk. When we first got him, he only weighed 11lbs and thru up any dog food that we gave him. Cleo will eat anything you give her, the cats? well, one will only eat hard stuff and the other three snack on hard stuff and share a can of wet every day. They are all happy and healthy. A word of caution, if you have neutered male cats, excess fishy food can cause bladder and kidney stones. Love your blog, read it everyday. Wish I lived closer so we could share that cup of coffee in person.

  19. Well, today being Lent, I'm gonna have me some tuna fish / toast for lunch. Trying to keep up my Catholic traditions, I'm giving up soft drinks - should be good for my waist line to boot.
