Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wonder Why That Is...?

Now days, things are making me wonder more and more!

Now I know that I'm getting older, and I may be just a little out of touch...but every day I find something that I just really don't understand.

For instance, why do some men spend so much time getting a haircut to look good...then comb their hair peaked up on the top of their head so they look like Woody Woodpecker?

Why would some men start to let their beard grow...then keep it neatly trimmed in a permanent 5:00 shadow length? Grow the beard or shave, for goodness sake!

Why is it that somethings that were wrong by all standards to even talk about a few years ago...like phone sex, are now being shown as commercials on television?

Why is it that some of the most watched shows on television today are about such unpleasant things like parking tickets, getting speeding tickets, compulsive hoarders of trash and junk, people with addictions being forced into interventions, folks facing repossessions, all this kind of fun stuff?

Why is it that I daily get bombarded with ads trying to sell me products like Viagra, condoms, KY Jelly, and all manner of things like this? Do I fall into a special age group that somehow turns into sex maniacs who are physically unable to perform for some reason?

I'm sure that there are good reasons for this stuff, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is! Just like I can't figure out why a video of young girls in various stages of nudity making out with one another is so popular!

I luckily am old enough to remember when most of the folks I knew had a totally different set of moral values. I'm not saying things didn't go on...but it just wasn't acceptable to make it public!

How many of my friends were into that sort of thing? I'll never know, because we just didn't talk about it! Now, I'm not a prude...but I still do believe that somethings are better off behind closed doors, so to speak!

Told ya I was old and out of touch, but you know what? I like it better that way!

Now, what say we get some fresh coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit?


  1. If that is what the definition of old and out of touch then I'll hop on that list as well.

  2. Hey Smunkey...
    guess we are just old fuddy-duddys by today's standards...but I think I don't mind that at all!

    Nice to know I'm not alone, though!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Add me to the list of old and out of touch. I don't understand it either and I'm glad I don't. I'm an old fogie and intend to stay that way.

  4. It has gotten pure embarrassing to watch TV in mixed company. Because of some commercials we don't let the grand kids watch TV. We have a nice selection of "G" rated movies.

  5. Well, I'm only 39 but I guess I'm an old fogey, too!

  6. What is really telling are the 'Hollyweird' set. Back in Olden Times, most of the movie stars portrayed themselves as people to be admired, dressing the part and acting civilized. The bad behavior was kept under wraps, for the most part.

    Compare that with today - everyone appears to be outdoing each other with 'What outrageous thing can I do today to get my name in the headlines?' Silly, really silly.

  7. Amen, amen, and amen. I am WAY behind the times and I sure as hell wouldn't want to raise any kids in today's society. My three turned out ok and did us proud.

  8. Some of today's t.v. is embarrising enough to watch while alone!
    Referring to yesterdays blog..
    I am glad Ben in Texas didn't get a gift from me the year I gave the message in a bottle. He would have hated it and wondered what I spiked my coffee with while I thought it was such a unique gift. I can guarantee it was sent with love!

  9. Interesting that you brought up age today. Just the other day while at a store it dawned on me that I was most likely the oldest person in the store. I will turn 65( the official OLD FART age) next month. And dammed proud of it!!!

  10. Good Morning Special Freind,
    I was told.... Its the new world. OK then I will be glad to stay in the old one.
    Coffee in the kitchen sounds wonderful with people from the old world. We are going to get hit with yet another winter storm by tomorrow, THIS is getting old now.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I like being where I'm at too -old and out of it, Hermit. It 'pears to me the world has "gone to hell in a handbasket".

    I used to get offers to buy Viagra and sex enhancements/enlargements! Ye gods - I'm a girl. Embarassing to say the least for these to pop up before my eyes.

    It 'do seem' the world totally runs well-oiled on sex matters. Poor fools, there's more to life than this; we find out only upon older age and "maturity". Some still sigh though and utter "Ah, the good old days"

    Getting these offers so often, I feel your security is not high enough. I don't get such as this but now but don't ask me how to fix the security issue for I forget more daily than I learn in a week.

    Computing is becoming so hard. Think I'll take a nap or then again, I need another cup of coffee to jar me more awake this morning.

    Really enjoyed your post today. Good! Very good!

  13. Those things are one of the main reasons I don't even watch TV anymore. I find a great deal of it sickening so I guess I'm out of touch too, but that's fine with me.

  14. ...don't sell yourself short,age has nuthin' to do with it...scared to think whats next to come down the pike,sum it up in a word...'morals' or lack thereof...

  15. Call me old gal. We no longer have tv, well we have tv, but only watch movies, no cable to converter boxes, just good ole netflix

  16. Hi Uncle Hermit~

    Hmmm...I dunno, the whole 5 O'Clock shadow look on the right guy is kind of appealing. ;)

    As for the commercials and the like, I'm really good at tuning them out. The TV is rarely on in our house anymore so I don't see a lot of them anyway.

    Have a great day
    P.S. I don't think you're old and outta touch, maybe just well seasoned with a heap of common sense, a dash of wisdom and a pinch of chivalry. ;)

  17. We're with Phelan on the netflix only on the TV. Found that even the few shows we enjoyed watching weren't worth the commercials. And many of the children's shows aren't teaching anything good either--a lot of whining and disrespect and making parents look like they don't know half as much as the kids in the show. Not okay at my house. So now we choose what we want to watch and our kids get looney tunes and Hogan's Heroes and Pink Panther, just like the good old days. :)

  18. Bubba -
    The one that really bothers me is females kissing each other on tv. Now, I still kiss my mama and my baby girls (age 31 and 39) and other special ladies and babies, mostly rellies, but it's not the same thing. I remember being embarassed in my teens when a commercial for "feminine protection" came on when I had a date over to watch tv. Now they'll show you why you need such things!
    On another note, just saw your old post regarding the lawyer and the homeless.. well, I have volunteered at that particular place, and all the men and women I saw were polite, thankful, and respectful, even clearing their plates off the tables after eating, and saying "thanks" on their way out. I don't know what they were doing on the outside, but while inside the church building, I could find no fault with their behavior, even when they were told we had run out of hot coffee and there was no more - no riots, no cursing, no dirty looks. Just gratefulness. Maybe I had on rose colored glasses, but if so, it was to cover my tears. Be thankful, as was already said - there, but for the grace of God, go I.

    Big hugs...

  19. Hey Rae...
    I think we all would be better off just staying in our "out of touch" frame of mind!!

    I really am not interested in all this stuff! Sad reflection on today's world!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mamma Bear...
    I, too, keep a large selection of old timey movies for the grand neices to watch, if I can't get them outside to play!

    Great minds think alike, huh?

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Gen...
    Well, at least you are in some very good company! Besides, at 39 you are just a young thing! Wait until you get to be my age!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:12...
    Hollywood has become a hiding place for folks that have taken their own press releases way too serious!

    When we started losing Hollywood stars with backbone and clear thinking, we lost a great way to influence kids!

    Besides their talent, they offered up some good examples of who to pattern our lives after!

    Opps...showing my age again! Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey tjbbpgobIII...
    I have to agree with you in the not wanting to raise kids in today's world! I would probably stay in trouble all the time! Don't like having someone else dictate to me how to run my life or raise my kids!

    Sometimes I'm glad I'm old and single...hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I still have the bottle, and I thought that it was a unique gift as well!

    I'm guessing that a lot more of us are in agreement about some of those TV spots!

    Hey, Sis, thanks for coming over today!

    Hey Ben...
    Welcome to the "old fart" crowd! Turned that age myself just last November...

    Strange thing is, I don't feel any older than I did at 50...but I tend to move a lot slower! In some cases that's a good thing!

    Hey, buddy, I appreciate you coming by today for a visit!

    Hey JoJo...
    Yeah, we do have a great bunch of "well seasoned" folks here in the kitchen today!

    Guess I'd rather be with the crowd in the Old World, than spend too much time trying to figure out this new one!

    Sweetie...I sure am glad you came over today!

    Hey Sissy...
    Boy, I'm with ya on both the forgetting thing and on the nap! I function better with both!

    Don't think I can ever stop all the junk from getting into my trash bin...and that's where it all goes without being opened.

    I really appreciate you coming by today, my friend!

    Hey ER...
    Looks like our numbers are a lot stronger than I thought! I'm thinking that being a little out of touch now days is really a good thing!

    I really appreciate you dropping by and having a cup with us today, Girl!

    Hey Ken...
    Does draw to mind some pretty scary things, doesn't it?

    Sort of makes the "adult films" of the 70s and 80s look pretty tame...and most of these are on television!

    Can't believe that some of us are actually paying for this crap!

    Hey, thank you so much for coming by today, buddy!

    Hey Phelan...
    Netflix is a good thing! I have a pretty good supply of DVD and VHS movies ready for when I move to the country! Plus, I do know how to read! Imagine that...book reading!

    Think that's another thing that we older folks must all have in common!

    Thanks so much for coming by today, Phelan!

    Hey Felinae...
    I certainly appreciate the kind words today! Don't know about the common sense, but I'll fess up to being well seasoned!

    You know it's always a pleasure to see you in the mornings, my friend! Thank you!

  20. Hey Angela...
    Looks like we are all on the same wave length today!

    Used to be, the parents had (or took) more control over what the kids watched on TV. I guess all that went out the door when the television became the electronic baby sitter!

    Bad enough to see what the kids of today have to face in real life, ithout having them subjected to all this "STUFF" on television and other ads!

    I think you are doing a good job with the choice of programs, my friend! Keep up th good work!

    I really appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Careful now...you'll start to show your age here pretty soon!

    That's another thing that we used to do...invite friends over to actually sit and watch TV at our house, sometimes even with the folks, and i don't think anyone was ever embarrassed about what was on or uncomfortable with the parents being ther!

    Although, we all were probably glad when they went to bed, or at least in the other room!

    Times have changed so much...and not always for the best!

    Thanks so much for coming by today, Sis!

  21. Well I'm probabely one of the oldest "farts". I've seen it from start until now. Where is John Wayne when you need him?

    Common sense died, and moral values now come from the toliet.

    Glad I don't watch tv.

    See Ya

  22. Hey Tony...
    Guess ol' John would be pretty disappointed with things the way they are! come to think about it, so would my Dad!

    Guess we just came from a much more pleasant time, buddy!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  23. Do You know what? I´m wondering about the same things! I can´t for my life understand these things! I do wonder how it will be in another ten years :-)
    Have a great day now!

  24. Hey Christer...
    Scary stuff to think about, isn't it?
    Guess the problem crosses all boundaries and borders!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  25. I’m possibly the oldest old fart here (71 yo). Don’t have TV, and haven’t had it for years. Like someone else, I have a DVD player and a subscription to Netflix. I watch what I like and don’t have to bother with commercials. As for the hair thing; I don’t have enough left to worry about. Buzz it off and go bald. Sure feels good in the summer and I can wear a hat in the winter.

  26. There were Greeks 4000 years ago that said the same thing.... Well, not EXACTLY the same thing but pretty much. "What are we coming to? What is happening to our morals, values, culture,decency, etc...." Morals and societal standards expand and contract on a pretty regular basis.

    The thing that gets me is pretty petty.... (I'm 45 now but I used to be one hellacious, rebellious pain in the ass.) I see GROWN MEN sit down in a restaurant and eat an entire meal without removing their caps. WTF? Did you have a mother? Ever? Were you ever in the service? Why do you think that that is acceptable?

    I'm a youngish, cranky old man.....

  27. Hey Bob...
    I have to agree that movies are the way to go! Also on the hair! I have a LOT of hair...and a buzz is a lot cooler in the summer!

    I can remember as a kid, the first thing we did in the summer when school was out...was to go get qa crew cut! Lasted all summer!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  28. Hey Winter...
    I know what you mean about not removing their hats...we had a football coach, Bum Phillips, who wouldn't even wear his cowboy hat inside the Astro Dome because it was inside!

    Times are changing, sadly for the worst. I feel that it's not only our right, but a duty to gripe about it!

    Sure do appreciate you coming by today!

  29. Jim, it's called the degradation of western society. Proudly brought to you by the "progressive" movement, makers of the FEMA camp, "universal healthcare", socialist programs galore, destroyers of Individual Liberty, and destroyers of property rights. A society who spawned Dr. Phil and "The View". "Reality" TV, and "shock jocks". "Gangsta" rap. Gangs and grafitti. The enablers of every sick, twisted, demented thing you wouldn't dare think of....

    I guess I'm old enough to remember good people with morals too. I miss the "good ol' days" (which for me was the late '70s/early '80s, which ain't sayin' much!).

  30. Hey Mayberry...
    They do seem to be throwing a lotof things our way, don't they? Seems a lot to me like when the Roman's gave the folks in the gladiator days "the games" to keep them contented and obedient!

    Glad there are some of us that are still hanging on to the old standards and morals. For us, at least, there is hope!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by!

  31. I remember when the first product for atheletic itch was shown on tv - my grandpa just about choked to death yelling at the tv & someone to turn the chanel because there were kids in the room & everything that was said in the comments. I wasn't really that old but remember vividly that commercials like that were not a good thing!!

  32. Hey Stephanie...
    Guess ever4y generation has something that really jerks their chain like that!

    Looks like nothing is ever going to change, but we can always hope!

    Guess it just finally got the best of me...

    I sure do thank you for coming by tonight!
