Monday, March 8, 2010

How Great Is This...?

Once in a great while, an idea comes along that truly long over-due!

Sometimes, this idea is the brainchild of one individual, or of several like minded individuals, that are so taken by the possibility of making this idea...this dream a reality that the process is started to do just that!

This is such a wonderful effort, such a beautiful concept, that it almost is beyond belief that someone is doing this just because it needs to be done.

I am very proud to say that this project is being built here in Texas, by Texans who all felt the need to get this done. Many of them have very personal reasons, many just wanted to be of some help!

Whatever the reason, this will be an outstanding monument when finished.

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit. Quietly, for a while, OK?


  1. Beautiful idea. Thanks for posting this. Good coffee this morning.

  2. If this posts twice I'm going to be ticked.
    I think the fountain is a wonderful idea even though the video didn't want to work for me. Every time I walk by a soldier, policeman, fireman (and women), I say thank you. Most are startled, some say you're welcome. We need to say thank you more often.

  3. Wonderful think he is doing. Oddly enough Bob Philips had a story on the guy here on his Sunday show. Thanks for posting that link, I added it into my bog as well.
    ( I've got an idea that maybe everyone put a simple something in in every email they send that mentions the veterans. ) What ya think? Start a movement for all our servicemen?

  4. God Bless our service men and women. Thank You.

    God Bless Texas. Wonderful job. Got something in my eyes.

    See Ya

  5. Good morning! I can't watch video on my internet connection but did see that the story was to be aired on "Texas Country Reporter" as Ben in Texas mentioned. I wish I could have watched it.

    Like Momlady, I thank service men and women - soldiers, fire fighters, police officers, etc. Sometimes, it feels a little awkward, but it always feels right and good as I walk away. I saw a video on youtube a couple of years ago that was a movement to start a universal "thank you" hand gesture. The hand gesture could be executed from a distance and the service member would know exactly what you meant. I wish I could watch video so I could find it.

  6. Hey Ranger...
    It was my pleasure to post this. Glad you liked it, and glad you could come over!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'm sorry that you can't see the video, but you can read the story at !

    I am totally sure that thee thank yous are greatly appreciated...

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    That's where I got the program idea from...Texas Country Reporter!

    Wonderful idea, huh?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

    Hey Tony...
    I'm really glad you could drop by today, buddy! Thank you!

    BTW, I sure like the new shooter!

    Hey Ginger...
    I know your thanks are greatly appreciated and I'm sorry that you can't watch videos, my friend!

    Glad to see you are doing OK...

    Thanks for coming by today!

  7. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 8, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Good posting. Seems the people that need the most thanks get the least,except in your case. Keep up the good work.

  8. Hey Mechanic...
    My friend, you are exactly right! But if the truth be known...I don't think that most expect any thanks anyway!

    They just are doing what they must...and thank God for that!

    Lest we forget...FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!

    Thanks, friend, for stopping by today!

  9. AFternoon Jim!! Wish that clip would play properly for me!! Darn it! I'll see if you tube has another clip that I can see.
    Anyway, you have a wonderful day, my friend!

  10. Hey Cath...
    I found this one on YouTobe...and there are others posted there as well as on the web site!

    Sorry the clip doesn't play for you...but I;m glad you took the time to come by today! Thank you!

  11. Yes thank all of those great people who fight for us in all aspects of life.
    And thank you Me Special One for allowing us to see the video. It is going to be a beautiful tribute.

  12. It is a great video, isn't it, Jim? I, too, saw it on Texas country Reporter. Both of my parents were in WWII and my brother and late husband are veterans. I love'em! Thanks for posting.

    Let's have fresh coffee and some banana bread warm from the oven. Can you smell it?:)

    Blessings, my friend.

  13. Hey JoJo...
    Never can thank them enugh, I'm thinking! You're right about the waterfall being a thing of beauty when it's finished!

    Thanks, Sweetie, for coming by today!

    Hey Cotton Lady...
    That oven fresh banana bread sounds like a wonderful idea to me! haven't had any of that in a while...!

    Having close friends or relatives that are veterans always makes it easier to remember the price paid by some for our freedoms.

    Thank you so much for coming by today!
