Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Finally That Time...!

You knew it was coming! We all did...!

So now it's here! The time for Winter to be over and done with...and Spring time is here! Here are a few facts that I thought you might like to know about the Spring, just in case you didn't know.

Spring begins with the vernal equinox on March 20 at exactly 1:32 P.M. EDT.

The word equinox is derived from the Latin for “equal night” and is used now because the days and nights are of nearly equal length.

The vernal equinox is the point at which the center of the Sun passes over the celestial equator from south to north, signaling the start of nature's renewal in our hemisphere.

After the equinox, the Sun will appear higher and higher in the sky, and length of day will grow longer than the length of night.

That, my friends, means that we have something to toast to with our fresh coffee this morning! That being said, let's go sit on the patio for a while, OK?


  1. Happy Ostara, Mister Hermit, sir!!

    I have a bit of soda bread, Irish butter, and strawberry jam to go with the coffee...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  2. Hey K...
    That sounds like a perfect way to start the first day of Spring!

    Thank you...and thank you for coming by this springtime visit!

  3. Yes finally it´s here :-) Soon we will have almost 18 hours with daylight here (well not entirely true, but the sunrise and sunset takes really long time here during summer). We sweeds really needs this now :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  4. We have three inches of snow! What happened? Time for another cup of coffee. This isn't the day to kick the habit. ~Liz

  5. I do enjoy a good equinox! But this morning I could sure use a double shot of your tasty coffee to get me going... Happy spring to you, H.J.! Tramp #2

  6. It's a great day to sit outside sipping coffee. What's the old saying? Spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the flowers is. Have a sunny day.

  7. Happy Spring my good friend!

  8. Thinking of you this fine spring day,my favorite Brother! Love.

  9. Hey Christer...
    I'll just bet that you guys in Sweden are really ready for Spring! It must give you a lot of joy to see the warmer weather and the longer sunlight starting to show up!

    Thanks for dropping in today, buddy!

    Hey Liz...
    That doesn't seem right, to have snow o the first day of Spring!

    Better talk to the weatherman!

    Hope it gets warmer soon, my friend...and thank you for coming by!

    Hey Tramp 2...
    Double shot coming up, my friend! I do hope the weather is starting to warm up a bit!

    I sure do appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Now that is one I haven't heard before!

    See, I learn something everyday visiting you!

    Thanks for coming over, my friend!

    Hey Rae...
    Happy Spring right back at ya, dear lady!

    Let's hope it's a good one! Thank you so muich for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I guess it's easy being the favorite brother, when I'm the only one!

    I appreciate you coming by this fine day, Sis...and hope you have a glorious day!

  10. Good Morning My Special Friend, Thats for the lesson, And Happy Spring to You. I can't wait for all this wind to go away so I can clean up the porch and get things in order again.
    Corn bread was a big hit the other night at a dinner party. Thanks for reminding me I missed the corn the last time. LOL Luv Ya

  11. Hey JoJo...
    Yeah, Mexican cornbread just isn't the same without the corn...!

    However, since you're from New Jersey...we'll forgive you this time!

    I'm glad it went over well, and glad you could come over today, Sweetie!

  12. So, Sir, With all your prophetsising, I just want to know, WHEN is this crap winter weather going to move out and warm up some?
    I got up to a cold drizzle and north winds with dropping temperatures.


  13. Hey Ben...Started off nice this morning, but now I see some rain moving in from your direction!

    No fair! You're suppose to keep the rain up there for a while!

    One thing about it, my friend! I this rain keeps on coming...then the fishing should be really good later in the season, ya know?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  14. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 20, 2010 at 11:11 AM

    It's 40 and rainy here in central Illinois but it's better then snow. Any day without snow is like a good day of hunting. Thanks for another good lesson.

  15. Hey Mechanic...
    I agree! 40 and raining is a lot better than snow, for sure!

    70's here most of the week, but with rain...and more rain!

    Skeeters are going to be big enough to carry off the cats this year, if I don't watch it!

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

  16. ...ahhh yes,skeeters,thats a whole other post...

    ...yep,time to get busy,with spring comes a boatload of chores...

  17. Hey Ken...
    Ain't it the truth? The skeeter problem should be HUGE this year with all the moisture we've been getting!

    One thing about the Spring chores...most of them we can do outside! That's a good thing, right?

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, buddy!

  18. Wow... this is something I was discussing (with a couple of Aussies) just the other day! They asked why spring (as well as the other seasons) starts on a different date in the US. Here, it's always the 1st of the month ... so autumn arrived in Oz on March 1st.
    Now I'll have a headache trying to figure out if it's actually on a different date here, or if they go with the first of the month simply for convenience sake!

  19. Ah, Spring! 40mph north winds, snow and sleet here in Lubbockland. I am so ready for the warmth of the sunshine. Glad it is warmer where you are Mr. Hermit. I think I will take hot chocolate by the fireside today.


  20. Hey Tatersmama...
    If you go to the Almnac can find out when the actual date is for the spring equinox.

    Anyway, it will give you something to talk about over coffee, right?

    Hey, thanks for the visit!

    Hey CottonLady...
    The last few days of Winter trying to flex it's muscle are always the hardest!

    If we can hang in there, the end is just in sight!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

  21. During the day it has felt like spring/early summer but the temps are still dipping down low at night. I might regret this later but for now looking forward to the warmer months.
