Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Road Trip Today, But I Need A Favor...!

I'm going to be gone most of the day today, so this will be a short post!

I have to go to the V.A. to do the blood test thing...but I wanted to have you do me a favor, if you will!

Today is the nephew's birthday and if you don't mind, I'd like you to go by and wish him a good day! You can find him HERE.

While you're in that neck of the woods, I have another friend, Momlady, who lives in that general area! This young lady lives a log cabin in her own wooded piece of property, complete with a stocked pond! How cool is that?

Momlady doesn't think she has very many visitors, so I thought it would be nice if you have the please go by and wish her a very good day!

I appreciate it, guys! I know they would be glad to see you! I'll be back tomorrow, good Lord willing and the creek don't rise!

Coffee's in the same spot, so just help yourself...OK?


  1. Mission accomplished. Be careful Jim.......

  2. Glad to help, I like Momlady's blog, I thought I was reading about myself when I read her about me page... :)

    Thanks for turning me on to her page.

    Oh and wished a happy B-day to your nephew too, I'll look his site over more in a bit.


  3. Good luck today Jim!!
    Hugs to yah,

  4. Mission accomplished!!

    Like the others have said, good luck today, your worst danger is the dammed traffic.

    Hurry home!!!

    And you said, "Lord willing and the creek don't rise!" I was going to post about just that on my humble blog today. You Do know that refers to the Creek Indians don't you? Look it up..

  5. Thanks for the plug, Jim. Hope I can live up to people's expectations. Also hope all went well at the VA.

  6. I hope you studies dor your tests - they get more difficult by the day! :-D

    I baked a yellow cake. Chocolate icing will be applied this evening. Mmm...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  7. Hi Uncle Hermit,

    I hope all goes well with the tests and that your trip in and out isn't too filled with stressful traffic.


  8. Wishing you the best with the tests!
    Oh, and I stopped by Momlady's place and became a follower - so thanks for the heads up!

  9. Hermit,done and done.I hope all is well Buddy.Thanks look to good blogs.


  10. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 24, 2010 at 9:38 PM

    I hope everything is ok, please keep us advised.

  11. Hope your tests came out well. Thanks for sending me to Momlady. It looks like she has an interesting blog. This prairie-living lady loves anything with trees and wild beasties! I miss that from where I used to live in Iowa.

    Take care. Blessings!

  12. It must not a 'risen, Uncle Hermit, because you scooted more folk over my blog than I thought existed!!! Thanks for the reminder that, like fine wine, I am getting better!! HA!!!

    Hope all went well w/ the monthly trip, sir!

    Slainte-- and thanks again for all the traffic!!!

