Monday, March 1, 2010

Thanks From My Little Tribe...!

First of all...let me say "Thank You" for all the encouraging words from everyone yesterday!

It only goes to show that the friends i have on the Net are very caring folks! But I already knew we all did!

I certainly appreciated all the kind words and hope for the return of my furry buddy! Last night, while I was sitting here at the computer, I heard a familiar voice and lo and behold...there was ol' Smokey in the flesh!

First a stop at the food bowl, then a big ol' hug for the two legged "Roomie", and a very noisy greeting from the smaller brother! Plenty of hugs, plenty of looking around, plenty of checking out the home place, then out to the patio for a bit!

I figure that where ever he was, he somehow got out or let out...and found his way back home! C.B. was glad, I was glad, and I believe that even Smokey was glad!

Any way, a little song to celebrate this morning...and thanks again for the kind words!

Now, my friends, how about some coffee on the patio? Seems warm enough this morning, don't you think?


  1. So glad to hear he made it home!

  2. Hey Catman...
    Thanks, buddy! I appreciate it a lot!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  3. Here we all have worried over this Smokey and he's probably just been out being himself, a curious cat. I'm glad he came home quickly, Hermit, and none the worse for wear. There were two Smokeys in this family, both total gray; a Persian and a slick gray blue-eyed deaf buddy boy.

  4. Yay!!!! Smokey's home!!!
    Give him an extra squeeze for me, Jim!
    Now, let's enjoy some coffee, knowing that our loved ones are all here and accounted for!

  5. I'm glad he's home, Jim! If someone did have him penned up hoping to 'adopt' him, he's probably wiser (and warier) now for the experience. All's well that end well!

  6. Glad he's back safe and sound, HJ. Ain't nothing like worrying about a loved one to give ya gray hair.

  7. I,too, am glad he's home. Could he, perchance, have followed a lady kitteh somewhere? You never know with cats. Give him a hug for me and thanks for the coffee.

  8. Just got on after a few days and say that your buddy was missing. So glad he's returned!

  9. Good news at last.I'M happy for Ya Jim.

  10. HJ, been off the net for a couple of days and just read these two posts. Glad he got back okay. My Meow Meow does the same, I figure he's out bein' a Tom cat, after all, that's what Tom cats do best, apart from arguing over who gets the bed.


  11. Awesome news - I like a happy ending . . . (sniffle) :^)

    Thinking on this, maybe Spring Fever has something to do with this, I know the neighborhood cats outside been giving us some free serenading. If Smokey has a silly grin on his face, maybe a talk about Birds and the Bees might be needed.

    Glad to hear he's back.

  12. Good Morning My Special One, I know your heart is singing this morning. I am so glad that Smokey is home again. I guess he was out there being the King of the nieghbor hood. I am happy he is home and unharmed.
    A good reason to enjoy some coffee with friends this morning.

  13. Thats a cat for ya. Glad he came back. Chew him out? Na just glad he came home.

    See Ya

  14. Baby Sis (Texas Red)March 1, 2010 at 8:22 AM

    Yeah, you leave those little decorations under his tail, and he's gonna do this again! So glad to hear the big guy is back - and he deserves a big hug for the prodigal son's return. You know my old cat just disappeared one Thanksgiving, but hubby says she did not want to hurt me so went away to die somewhere else. Still hurt, though, especially after 12 years. That's why my flame point Siamese is my first totally inside cat. He doesn't seem to mind, though.

    Bigger hugs than usual -

  15. Hurray! Glad to hear he came back--nice to have good news on Monday!

  16. Such good news! We were so sad here when we read about Smokey being missing. The Hermit Jim trio is intact again - bravo!

  17. Wonderful news, Uncle Hermit!

    I am so glad that Smokey made it back home safe and sound. :)

    Big hugs to you all this morning!

  18. I hate to say it....but I told you so. Glad the little brat is back, they do worry us don't they. Give him a big ole hug from me and if he is a 'Tom', well, get him to the vet. I know its not easy for a man to do such a thing to his pet, but, it would be for the best. He'll get over it.

  19. This ole lady is doing the 'Happy Dance' for you and Smokey! Am so glad your little furry friend has returned.

    I will have to have my coffee in the kitchen-I'm having rain/snow mix this a.m.


  20. ...let us just hope he didn't use up any of his lives...if he's a typical Tom,he only has half dozen left...maybe less...

    PowerOfPositiveThinking,big brother...power of positive thinking... thinks the prayers helped too...

  21. Mechanic in IllinoisMarch 1, 2010 at 11:00 AM

    I'm glad for you and C.B. he's home and safe.

  22. Hey Sissy...
    Yep, sounds just about right! Just being a cat, I mean.

    Never know what these guys are going to do, for sure!

    Thanks for the visit this morning!

    Hey Cath...
    I sure do appreciate your concern and your visit, my friend!

    Means a lot to us here at the Hermit's homestead!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey WWRWH...
    I do hope you're right about being a little more wary of going inside the house of strangers!

    Thanks so much for being concerned and for coming by!

    Hey YeOldFurt...
    Sometimes it's like having kids around the house again...and right you are about getting all gray around the hair line! Lucky I was already pretty much gray, huh?

    Thanks, my friend, for coming by today!

    Hey Momlady...
    No doubt he was following a female around somewhere! That has gotten a lot of us in trouble at times, because like most males...he lost all his common sense when he saw a good looking female!

    Sure glad you could come by today!

    Hey Gen...
    Thanks for the concern and glad you are back on the air!

    Guess the weather has been giving you a fit up there, huh?

    So glad you could come by today!

    Hey China...
    Thanks, my friend! We all appreciate that!

    Sure makes for a more stress free nights sleep!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

    Hey AV...
    Right you are, my friend! Just out doing what comes natural, I guess!

    mine don't seem to argue too much about where they sleep! They have their own special place (chosen by them)

    Glad you are back on the air...and that you could come over today!

    Hey Anon 7:33...
    Yeah, happy endings are always the best!

    I'm thinking that the talk about the birds and bees may be too little, too late!

    I sure am glad you dropped in today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Thanks, Sweetie, for being concerned! Yep, I sure am glad he found his way home...although I figured that he would sooner or later if he were alive!

    He knows where the food bowl is, for sure!

    Thanks, Love, for coming by today!

    Hey Tony...
    Yep, I'm glad he's back! And not even a new set of visible battle scars! Guess that's a good thing!

    I'm thinking he'll stick close to home for a day or two!

    Thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Sis...
    I do know what you mean...and I should get that taken care of!

    These two sure have become a lot of company to me, but you know that better than most, right?

    I really like having them around, ya know?

    Thanks for showing up means a lot!

    Hey Marie...
    Good way to start the week, huh? A little good news never hurt anyone on a Monday morning, that's for sure!

    Thanks for your visit today!

    Hey Tramps...
    I like that...the HermitJim Trio! Sounds like a folk singing group from the early '60s, doesn't it?

    Anyway, I'm glad you came by and I appreciate you sharing my good news with me today!

    Hey Felinae...
    Thank you, my pretty friend! Being a cat person yourself, you know how much I worried that bad things had happened to him!

    I appreciate you and the Catman coming over and sharing the news this morning!

    Hey Sharon...
    Think you may be right about taking the trip to the vet! Necessary evil, I reckon!

    I think that Smokey just wants to rest up for a few least for now!

    I'm very glad you could come over today!

    Hey Cotton Lady...
    Now, don't dance so hard you pull something important, OK?

    Don't want any of my friends getting hurt on my account! I am certainly glad that you came by today, though! I appreciate it a lot...!

  23. Hey Ken...
    I'm thinking that you are right on all accounts, my friend! Especially on the positive thinking thing!

    In that, I'm a true believer!

    Hey, buddy, as always I appreciate you coming by for a visit! Thank you!

    Hey Mechanic...
    That is the main thing, for sure! Made it home all safe and sound!

    Hell, I felt like I had my sons out with the car for the first time, ya know?

    Hey, my man, I appreciate your concern and your visit! Thanks!

  24. Fantastic! -- Marji

  25. Hey Marji...
    It is good news, isn't it?

    I am so glad you could come over today for a visit! It means a lot!


  26. I am so glad your beloved cat came home safe and sound.

  27. Hey MsBelinda...
    Good to see you again!

    I appreciate the good thoughts, and i'm glad he managed to find his way back as well!

    Sure am glad you could come by today!

  28. YAY! What a relief! The damn things can near break your heart at times, can't they? But then again... they're CATS and follow no master but themselves. I've had plenty of sleepless nights over my old girl (Jazzy -13yrs old) who thinks that she needs to sleep outside at night. The other 6.5 never give me a moments worry!

    Coffee on the patio sounds excellent.. and we can visit with Smokey while we're sippin'!

  29. Hey Tatersmama...
    Guess that is what they do best! I have to admit, since he has come home...Smokey shows no sign of wanting to wander, at least for a while!

    He won't let me get out of his sight he'll be joining us for coffee, I think!

    I do thank you for coming by!

  30. Well I guess you can tell I haven't been on here for was sure nice to read of your good news. In a way I am glad that I did not know what was happening...for it would have broken my heart and tears would fall uncontrollably.

  31. Hey Diane-Sage...
    Man, it is good to see you again! I was wondering what happened to you...

    I was pretty upset when he disappeared, and was just as happy when he came back! We can sure get attached to these guys, for sure!

    I'm glad you could come by today!

  32. I was thinking of you this weekend, Mister Hermit, sir, as we told kitty tales at Mum's place. No time to comment yesterday, but I did look at the moon last night and mutter "Smokey, you get your furry butt home." So, yeah, you're welcome.

    I'm glad he's back...

    Shade and Sweetwater,

  33. YYYEEEEEAAAAA! so glad and happy for you!!
