Thursday, April 8, 2010

It Took A While, But The Feds Got One Right...!

The old saying goes..."even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while!"

Although it only took them 4 years, the Feds finally decided to let Mother Nature take care of her own...without stepping in like they normally do!

This is a rare step for the Feds, who seem to want to control everything...including Mother Nature! I'm sure She appreciates it!

Feds deny request to protect 2 insects
© 2010 The Associated Press
April 7, 2010, 12:32PM

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has denied a petition by environmentalists who were seeking endangered species protection for a stonefly and a mayfly found in the Southwest.

The agency says the petition did not present substantial information indicating that listing either species may be warranted.

The agency had initially turned down listing for the stonefly and the mayfly in response to a 2006 petition that sought protection for hundreds of species. The decision was challenged, and the agency agreed to review the two insects as part of a settlement.

The stonefly has been found in: Dona Ana County, New Mexico; El Paso County, Texas; and Huerfano County, Colorado.

The mayfly has been found in Gila County, Arizona, and California's Riverside County.

Finally, they decided to let nature take it's course. Now, if we could only get them to stay out of OUR business...think what a joy that would be!

Now, my friends...let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! OK?...OK!


  1. They´ll never stay out of peoples buisness, what would they do then all day :-) :-)
    We have the same saying over here, but we say a blind hen instead of hog :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Hermit Jim,pour me a cup of that mud would while I sit here and daydream of life without big Govt.AAAHHH.Have a good day,Friend.


  3. Too bad the PTB didn't refuse to allow the import of kudzu and the Japanese hornet. The EPD has outlived its usefulness and oversteps its bounds too often.

  4. Good Morning My Special Friend, Why what a wonderful thing. Yes now if they can stay out of our business.
    Heading for the White Mountains for the summer. Great fishing, clean air, wild life, cool temps.

  5. The government staying out of people's business is like asking a child to watch a bucket of candy but not eat it. It just isn't going to happen. Enjoy your coffee and the sunshine :)

  6. There is probably something that they're gaining from NOT protecting these pests.

    Probably kickbacks from some monied interest.

  7. Hey Christer...
    Thanks pretty cool, that you have a saying close to what we do! Guess we are closer to eing the same than we knew!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey China...
    Glad to serve up the mud, buddy! Nothing like a fresh cup to help the daydreams along!

    I sure do appreciate the visits this morning!

    Hey Momlady...
    Kudzu is a good example of the results from interference from the Feds. I went through Georgia once...and was amazed at how it was like driving through green-walled canyons at some places!

    I understand that the stuff is very hard to kill! Don't know about the wasp!

    Good to see you this morning...thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    What a great place to spend the summer! Sounds like you have a good plan, my friend!

    You just be sure to stay in touch, OK?

    Thanks, sweetie, for stopping by today!

    Hey K.D...
    Good to see you this morning! I guess it is asking a lot for them to stay away...but we can dream!

    I sure am glad to see you again, my friend!

    Hey Catman...
    You're probably right about getting some kick backs or other inducemets to stay out of it! I cn't see them just doing it out of common sense!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

  8. Chalk one up for our side. That's increasingly rare these days.

  9. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 8, 2010 at 12:16 PM

    Holly cow! I can get my flyswatter out without the feds coming to arrest me. I hope they're on a roll to stay out of our lives but I doubt it. Thanks for another great lesson.

  10. Hey Bob...
    Maybe we should mark this day on the calendar, ya reckon? Like you is indeed extreamly rare!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!

    Hey Mechanic...
    I agree...bring out the old flyswatter! If they want to go after something, let them pick on the 'skeeters here on the Texas coast!

    I appreciate the visit today, my friend!

  11. So glad someone up there in DC got their collective heads together. Shoot, they gonna regulate us Humans out of existence as a nuisance to wildlife if we let em.

    Think I'll go make me up a Spotted Owl and snail darter minnow sandwich! :-) Tasty!! :-)

  12. Hey Ben...
    Don't know how it happened that they only took 4 years to agree! It would be nice if this was a glimpse of things to come...but I doubt it!

    I think I'll pass on that sandwich, buddy! Minnows remind me too much of sardines!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  13. It is extremely difficult to imagine the Feds not taking some authority. Taking authority is sort of their reason for existing. We need to take that tendency away from them.


  14. JUST A THOUGHT I THANK MY god FOR THE PRIVILAGE TO LIVE IN A COUNTRY WHERE i"m free TO EXPRESS MY THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS WITH OUT FEAR.I do believe my government had an has something to do with that.So I would like to keep it around .I'm A proud AMERICAN CITIZEN

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hey Ted...
    As always...your thoughts and your visit are appreciated, my friend!

    God Bless America !

  17. It happens once a year when they have to pull the head out to breath.

  18. Hey OGT...
    That's probably about the best description that I've heard! Thanks for the input, buddy!

    I appreciate the visit today...!
