Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Make A Little Music, Lose A Little Weight...!

Now this might just be one of the best ways to get someone to take the stairs that I have ever seen!

Many times, when we have a choice of taking the stairs...we don't. But if it were fun to do so, we might be more inclined to get some exercise. I think this is a pretty fun way to get a small workout.

Who knows? If this were more available...we could all benefit some...ya think?

In my personal opinion, this is pretty smart and very effective! Even the old guy in the video looks to be having a good time! How cool is that?

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside on the patio. Pretty day outside!


  1. That's too funny! My kids would go crazy stepping on that...
    Have a grand day, sir!
    It's a wet one here...

  2. What a great idea! I think it would be fun. I know my grandson would have a blast. Will be outside here, it's a beautiful day.

  3. Love to sit outside but it's dumping snow here and blowing sideways. I think I'll have mine next to the fire place.

  4. Maybe we could put Obama's face on the stairs here.

  5. Hey Cath...
    Amazing how adding a little fun to something can increase it's popularity, isn't it?

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Momlady...
    Glad you are getting a good day for a change!

    Maybe Spring is finally gonna stay at your house for a while...

    You have a great day, and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Jeremy and Jenny...
    Wow! Snowing? Man, it's like 80 degrees here at 10:00 in the morning!

    Maybe you should come down here for the Winter months?

    Hope you get some good weather very soon! Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Catman...
    Yep...that might do it, alright! I have a feeling that many folks would welcome the chance to wqalk on him, just to repay the action...ya know?

    Thanks for coming by today!

  6. That is so cool. I would definitely try the stairs if those were available.

  7. Hey Rae...
    It's like hiding the the medicine for a child inside a treat!

    Whatever works, right?

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today!
