Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Redneck Riverboat Cruise...!

Now that Spring has sprung here in the Lone Star State, I thought that a good way to applaud the season would be with a riverboat cruise!

This season we are introducing our newest flagship into the fleet, and this cruise should be memorable, to say the least!

It's on the fabulous new Gypsy Queen Cruise Line ship, The 'Dixie Belle'. All airfares, transfers, food and drinks included - with dinner at the Captain's table as his personal guest.

The Flagship ' Dixie Belle' as shown below...

Your first night's meal promises to be scrumptious, featuring fillet Of Catfish, Hash Browns and Potatoes!

Boy, I wish I was able to describe just how much fun you are going to have! One of the many things to look forward to, is the famous 'Ole' Muddy Midnight Skinny Dip, with your hostesses Eulla Bell And Krissie Mae.

Since ya'll will have the presidential suite, you'll have a balcony view and the finest facilities. What a deal...!

If ya want to put in your reservations for our first cruise of the season...just give us a call on our newly installed phone line. The number is "BR-549"!

Now, let's get some coffee and sit in the kitchen for a bit. We can look at some pictures of last year's trip, OK?


  1. Wonderful :-) :-) :-) What a shame that we´re having that ash cloud from Iceland stopping almost all airline flights over the ocen at the moment :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  2. Morning HJ,
    Boy howdy, now that's freedom, right there. LOL.
    Got quite a chuckle. Thanks.

  3. My eyes really hurt after sticking forks in them to remove the images of this post which were burned in my retinas - Thanks HermitJim!


  4. LMAO Good Morning MY Special One,
    I have seen some of this one before. LOL but not the guy on the pot. Now here is a trip I will buy your ticket for you and we can really have a blast.
    Hope I can stop laughing long enough to swallow my coffee.

  5. Hey Christer...
    I've been meaning to ask you about the ash! I imagine it's posing quite a problem for you right now, isn't it?

    Hope it doesn't mess things up for you too badly!

    Thanks for coming by today!

    Hey YeOldFurt...
    I can imagine that the riverboat police are hiding just around the corner!

    Ya know, it kinda looks like it might be fun! Think I might want to get some new hostesses, though!

    Hey, thanks for the visit, buddy!

    Hey Anon 7:20...
    Those images do sorta stay with you, don't they?

    Wonder if they have access to a float-by beer stop?

    I do appreciate the visit today!

    Hey JoJo...
    Don't know about you, but I want a bunk on the top floor!

    Just think, we can fish right off the back porch!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  6. That's funny right there, I don't care who ya are!

  7. Hey Mayberry...
    It does put a grin on your face, doesn't it?

    I just couldn't help myself this morning!

    Thanks for dropping in today!

  8. HJ, I have posted quite a few Redneck themes, but that riverboat, that is so cool. Loved the story.


  9. Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close," says study leader Joe Vinson, Ph.D. Although fruits and vegetables are generally promoted as good sources of antioxidants, the finding is surprising because it represents the first time that coffee has been shown to be the primary source from which most Americans get their antioxidants, Vinson says. Both caffeinated and decaf versions appear to provide similar antioxidant levels,Antioxidants in general have been linked to a number of potential health benefits, including protection against heart disease and cancer.

  10. PhysOrg.com) -- While it is too early for physicians to start advising their male patients to take up the habit of regular coffee drinking, data presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference revealed a strong inverse association between coffee consumption and the risk of lethal and advanced prostate cancers.

  11. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 20, 2010 at 11:08 AM

    You're right when you say the police are hiding and I doubt if they're going to come out. I know I wouldn't. Anyone that want those hostesses company can have it. Maybe those two could cheer up Mayberry,he's been down lately. Thanks for some great entertainment.

  12. Hey AV...
    Glad you liked the pictures and the post.

    Sometimes we all just need a grin!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

    Hey Ted...
    Thanks for the info on the coffee. I didn't know that about the antioxidents.

    I appreciate you dropping in today!

    Hey Mechanic...
    I have a feeling that any riverboat police in that area just could be related...if you know what I mean!

    We'll have to see if we can start a redneck escort service, and send a couple over to Mayberry's house to cheer him up!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

  13. Hi Jim!
    We can´t see the ashes here at all, it´s spread to thin for that. But there are no planes up in the air at the moment.

    They have only one hospital helicopter in the country that has a special filter that can fly now, and it flew over my cottage this morning. Felt a bit strange actually :-)

  14. HJ, have you been going through my family photo albums again??? :)

