Tuesday, April 13, 2010

You Sure This Wasn't In Texas...??

Normally when you read about something like this, it is connected with Texas...or another southern state!

I'm glad to see that things like this are NOT restricted to those of us in the South! In a way, it offers a bit of solace to know that red-neck behavior is found in other places.

Indiana town picks 'Village Idiot'

Associated Press
April 12, 2010, 8:28AM

STORY, Ind. — A woman whose hair caught fire when her hairspray-coated follicles ignited as she lit a cigarette is now a southern Indiana town's reigning "Village Idiot."

Dani Hamm earned the honorary title this month by getting the most votes from regulars at the Story Inn, a restaurant and bar about 15 miles east of Bloomington where she's a bartender.

The title awarded every April comes with a $100 bar tab at the rural inn.

Hamm was driving to work in February when she lit up a cigarette and then heard a "whoosh" as her hair ignited.

She wasn't injured because she used her hands to douse her hair, which she had coated with a liberal layer of hairspray.

While I'm glad the woman wasn't hurt, and that she didn't cause an accident...I can't help but be amused at the picture that ran through my mind when I read this story!

I guess it's like the line from Forrest Gump, where Forrest says "stupid is as stupid does...!"

Might be a case of just a tad too much hair spray, ya reckon?

Coffee on the patio today, my friends. Are you up for that?


  1. LOL!

    I shouldn't laugh, but that happened to my Mom when I was a kid.

    My parents were getting ready to go out on the town with some visiting relatives. Mom sat down to do her make-up lit a cigarette and woosh the Aqua Net caught fire.

    Good thing she was in the kitchen, she stuck her head under the faucet. No real damage done, just some crispy bangs, they still went out. LOL!

    Have a good one, Uncle Hermit.

  2. Hey Felinae...
    Guess we have all known someone that did something similar to this.

    Like you said, we shouldn't laugh...but it is damn funny!

    Hey, thanks for coming by tonight!

  3. Okay I can't believe I am going to admit to this buit when I was about sixteen I did the same thing. I had gotten dolled up to go hang out with friends and while we were off to atlanta where we were sneaking off to btw I lit a cigarette and my hair on fire. My bangs came to about close to my cheek when we had headed out but by the time we all had gotten the fire out my bangs came to my eyebrows. No harm outside a headache where three of my closest friends and my self pounded on my head before throwing of all things a rum and coke LMAO LMAO! Needless to say we all think Karma was trying to tell us all something LMAO LMAO!

  4. Hey K.D...
    You BAD girl, you! You must have been a rascal when you were younger!

    I can visualize all of you pounding on your head, trying to put out the rfire! That image does make me grin...!

    Glad it didn't hurt you, but I reckon it was Karma, just as you thought!

    Thanks so much for coming by today!

  5. Thaks for the laughe! :-) :-) But I know that something similar has happened even here way up in the north :-) :-) But here it was during the spraying it happened :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  6. Morning Jim! Dropped in for a coffee and a giggle this morning! Thanks for that...
    Have a grand day!

  7. What's really amazing is that nobody, at least that I have heard about, has tried to sue the air spray makers.

  8. Setting Hair spray on fife of course is nothing new, but first time I've heard of it in years.
    Back in our stoppid college days we discovered that Auqa Net and a lighter would make a decent blowtorch!!

  9. They need to put that on the cigarette labe - CAUTION - CIGARETTE USE MAY CONTRIBUTE TO HAIR EXPLOSIONS! This sounds right out of a Hollyweird movie . . .

  10. I knew there was a reason I don't use the stuff. Plus I don't smoke anymore so I'm safe except if I did use it and was around someone who does smoke. And I agree with Anonymous about the caution. Coffee on the terrace sounds great.

  11. To Bob from Athens...it is just a matter of time. I,too, am glad she didn't have or cause a wreck when she used her hands to control the fire. Kinda gives "hot momma" a whole new meaning, huh?!

  12. It was very funny. The really bad part?? I didn't drink. I just hung out with kids who did back then LMAO! Try explaining that one to a parent LMAO! Oh and on my can of Rave hairspray there is a warning about smoking and using. Also on my perfume bottle LMAO Ya'll have a great day :)

  13. Good Morning My Special One,
    K.D. Do I know you, I would have been the one throwing the rum and coke LMAO good story.
    When I was young and in cosmetology school we had this stuff supplied by the school it was a lacquer for hair, talk about flamable. LOL

  14. Hey Christer...
    I'm sure that everywhere they use hair spray that some body has had a close encounter with disaster. We just don't hear about most of them!

    Hey, thanks for coming by, buddy!

    Hey Cath...
    Always glad to help you get started on the right foot!

    Have a great day...and thanks for coming by!

    Hey Bob...
    Maybe some of them can't read the label! That would explain both the fires and the lack o law suits!

    Who knows, my friend...! Thanks for dropping in!

    Hey Ben...
    We discovered a lot of things like this when we were younger, didn't we? It's a wonder that some of us made it this far, doing what we did!

    Thanks, buddy, for coming by today!

    Hey Anon 7:26...
    If they haven't, they probably will! That's almost a guaranteed thing now days!

    I know that on some of the ones I get, it says that smoking can keep me from getting pregnant...!

    Thanks for coming by!

    Hey Momlady...
    Coffee on the terrace it is!

    Ya know, hair spray does make a very good bug killer! Best if used on the porch and not inside, though!

    Thanks, Momlady, for coming by today!

    Hey Sis...
    Growing up in a house with 3 sister's, who all used the stuff I think...it's a wonder that we didn't cause an explosion at one time or another!

    I do know that the stuff really smelled in a closed up bathroom...

    Good to see you this morning, sis...Thanks for coming by!

    Hey JoJo...
    See...I find out something new about you every day! Didn't know you went to beauty school!

    Hey, Thanks sweetie, for coming by today!

  15. Mechanic in IllinoisApril 13, 2010 at 10:10 AM

    Somewhere in Illinois a village is missing their idiot and they found him in Washington D.C. Thanks for another great lesson.

  16. Hey Mechanic...
    I think that D.C. draws them like a light draws a moth!

    They must have a special club there or something!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit today, my friend!

  17. A $100 bar tab?! Where's that Aquanet....

  18. Hey Mayberry...
    Sorta makes you want to qualify, doesn't it?

    Actually, that's a pretty cool prize for an embarrassing moment, don't ya think?

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by!
