Saturday, May 22, 2010

Don't Want To Stand In Line...?

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this particular development.

I am the very first to admit, I don't like to stand in line! I hate having to stand in lines...! I think that's a hangover from the military days, when we had to stand in line for everything! So anything that can prevent me from standing in line is a good thing!

Have gun, will travel into the Texas state capitol

By JAY ROOT Associated Press Writer © 2010 The Associated Press
May 21, 2010, 4:27PM

AUSTIN, Texas — With security concerns on the rise, metal detectors finally are finally being installed and turned on at the Texas Capitol.

But there's one way citizens, lobbyists and other visitors can escape the lines: Carry a concealed handgun.

In the building where the conceal-and-carry law was written, Texans are not only allowed to pack heat. Under the new security procedures, there's now practically an incentive to be armed — or at least to hold the license for it.

Officials are creating one line for the masses, one line for lawmakers and their staffs and then a totally separate procedure for concealed handgun license holders. The general public has to get scanned at the entrances. State officials — and gun-toting citizenry — do not.

Now it seems to me that it would almost be worth the trouble to get the license to carry, even if you really don't intend to do so. That is, if you are going to be going to the State capitol on a regular basis!

It seems strange to me that you can carry a gun concealed in the state capitol, but can't carry in a restaurant or a bar! It seems strange that you can carry a concealed weapon inside, but aren't allowed to smoke within 50 feet of the front door!

It's all too confusing to me! I'm basically a simple man, and I like things to be laid out in a simple fashion! Somehow, this doesn't seem to be simple!

Now, my friend, let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! Don't worry, no lines and NO scanners!


  1. ...kinda makes sense,i guess it's like my CCW acting as a NICS check...i don't have to get 'checked' at moment of purchase if i show my license,maybe they figure yer o.k if ya passed the checks fer the permit(?)

  2. Hey Ken...
    Seems to me tat Texas could simplify all the CCW laws a bit more! Probably other stares as well!

    Sort of funny in a way...that the armed folks get in the capitol before the unarmed!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today!

  3. What Ken said was what I came to say.

    So I'm off to the kitchen for more coffee.


  4. It seems to me that my CC "permit" is my very existence. There are no "priveleges", only natural rights. No permit required...

  5. Hey AV...
    Looks like most of us are on the same page here so far!

    Help yourself to the coffee, my friend!

    Thanks for the visit today!

    Hey Mayberry...
    I remember the quote...don't remember from who, that "an armed society is a polite society"! I think it was Kirt Vonegut!

    Hey, I appreciate the visit, my friend!

  6. Good Morning My Special One,
    It seems your damned if you do and damned if you don't.
    Sitting outside and having coffee is a wonderful thing

  7. Hey JoJo...
    oly thing good about it is the not having to stand in line...and not getting hassled for carrying weapon!

    Thanks, sweetie, for coming by today!

  8. Mechanic in IllinoisMay 22, 2010 at 10:45 AM

    I think Texas is just trying to state that they back the 2nd Amendment and no one is going to take that way from them. Be thankful you don't live in a communist state like Illinois where we don't have any carry rights. Thanks fro another great lesson.

  9. Mechanic in IllinoisMay 22, 2010 at 11:01 AM

    Hey Jim, Mayberry is kind of down and it would be nice if you could send him a message. We need to stick together because we're some of the few left that gets it. Anyone else can contact him at Mayberrykeepitsimple. Thanks everyone.

  10. Hey Mechanic...
    I have to admit that Texas is pretty good about their CCW laws and the 2nd amendment!

    The good guys are getting to be at least as armed as some of the bad guys...and many a burgler and home invader has paid dearly for that fact here!

    Several have been shot and killed and have lost 2 running gun fights! I'm thinking the good guys are better trained!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  11. Mayberry and I think to much alike.

    See Ya

  12. Hey Tony...
    I hear ya on that, buddy! I certainly hear ya on that!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!
