Monday, May 10, 2010

How Great The Human Spirit...!

Lately I have found myself feeling more and more as though I was losing ground.

I started feeling that I was losing sight of my dreams, unable to accomplish the things I wanted to do. In short, I was giving up before I even gave myself a chance to get started.

I was beginning to listen to those that told me what I wanted could not be obtained, my dreams could not be realized, and my options were limited more than I wished.

I was getting depressed, started feeling sorry for myself, and was becoming less positive day by day!

Then, by a stroke of luck, I happened across this gentleman and his music! He had a dream, was told he could not succeed, and went ahead anyway! This video shows just how successful he was in his quest!

Now, after hearing this man's story, after seeing the pure wonder of the human spirit as shown by him, I am rejuvenated and once again determined to remain positive! How could I not?

It is the nature of most men to dream. It is not the nature of successful men to give up! To give up on a dream before even attempting to reach it, is or should be foreign to our way of thinking.

So, positive again, in pursuit of my dreams again, and much more confident than before...I now set out to start my journey into my future anew. I am only limited by the restrictions that are self imposed. These are the only voices that should guide me, the only ones that really matter! Success perceived is success achieved...and the personal joy in such achievement is it's own reward!

Now, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside for a bit!


  1. What a beautiful post. I too have been going thru this off & on for awhile. I have found out that this is common among us that are entering our "twilight" years. Our past is so much more vast than our future and therefore we feel that our dreams are no longer valid. Our future has now become a yoke around our necks because time is ticking away much too fast. BUT as you have beautifully put it..."it is never too late to pursuit our dreams." In fact is is never too late to live life for any age. You are truly what YOU think of yourself. Now lets have that cup of coffee eh?

  2. Hey Diane-Sage...
    The past does seem to be the main focus for me as of late. Maybe just because I tend to remember the good and forget about the bad.

    I think it's time for me to start seeing my glass as being half full instead of half empty!

    Thanks for the kind words and for dropping by today!

  3. This is perfect... and more timely than you can imagine! Dreams are what brought me to Australia in the first place, and dreams are taking me back again. After losing 2 children in their teens, I just reckoned that life is sometimes short, and you have to live fully while you have the chance. Nothing, and no one will stand in the way of me accomplishing my dreams!
    Thanks for the inspirational video, my friend!

    Now, where's that coffee? I've been out in the yard all day, and I'm frozen to the bone this evening! Brrrr!

  4. A very uplifting message from you and the ones who have commented. I needed this just at this moment. Thank you Hermit.

  5. Bubba -
    I'm glad to see you picking up that bag of dreams again! I know that there is a load around your neck right now, but please don't give up on YOU! I love you more than you'll ever know, and pray every day for your happiness and fullfillment. And many more thanks for the beautiful card yesterday - I'll treasure it!

    Big hugs -

  6. A great post. Just goes to show that if one wants something bad enough it's possible. Never stop dreaming, my friend. Dreams can come true.

  7. Thank you this. We all struggle from time to time, some more often than others. This post just made my month. Thanks.

  8. Good Morning My Special One,
    This was truely a great post, what determination this man had. Never say never. I know you have a responsibilty at this time,but don't let it get you down. We can achive our goals. Some times they just take longer than we would like them too.Its just one small step at a time. Look at this old lady. I had this traveling dream for half my life. Things started to change and I thought it would never happen. Woke up one morning a little over a year and half ago and said why shouldn't it happen,there were a few bumps and set backs. And now I am doing it. So don't you dare give up on your dreams, you are younger than I am. LOL Just keep on planning and keep faith my Special Friend.

  9. Hey Tatersmama...
    Dealing with a great personal loss is never easy, and during those times of healing afterwards I think that just maybe we fall prey to negative input more than we should.

    I do hope that you are able to pursue your particular dream, and that you continue to have some peace in your heart!

    Thank you so much for coming by today!

    Hey Sissy...
    It's lways good to see you! I'm glad you liked the post, my friend, and hope that it can be of some help to you!

    It's always nice to know that you are not alone, and amazing when you find out just how many are really pulling for you!

    I appreciate you dropping by today!

    Hey Sis...
    I'm certainly glad you liked the card! Sort of reminded me of when we aere kids, ya know?

    Mom was all excited about getting to try different things on her adventure yesterday! I'm thinking it was a very good experience for her!

    I appreciate the kind thoughts this morning...and the visit!

    Hey Momlady...
    I'm not sure when I started losing sight of my dreams, but I think that things are coming back into focus now! At least, I hope so!

    I hope you had a great day yesterday, and I do thank you for coming by this morning!

    Hey Tess...
    You are more than welcome, my friend! It's always nice to hear that something I said came at a good time!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today...and I hope that you have a great day!

    Hey JoJo...
    I think you may have me confused with another young guy again! I think I'm OLDER than you, sweetie! At least, it seems like it!

    Speaking of traveling, are you still shooting for the 17TH as the date you leave for your Summer quarters? Must be nice, having an adventure lurking right around the corner!

    You know how much I appreciate you coming by today...thank you!

  10. Mechanic in IllinoisMay 10, 2010 at 10:37 AM

    Back when I was in school and on the honor roll my father's only comment was,"You can't claim stupidity for any of your actions". I had to rely on spirit for the drive to succeed in life. Good thing my dad had a big foot to help me along with that spirit! Thanks for another great lesson.

  11. Hey Mechanic...
    Amazing what a father's boot can offer in the way of guidance, isn't it?

    Although my Dad didn't say much...I could always tell when he was proud and when he was disappointed in me!

    The good thing was, I knew without him having to say it, that I was loved either way!

    Learning to trust in our own strength is an important lesson that stays with us, I think!

    My friend, thank you for coming by today!

  12. I've said it before, Never give up your dreams, BUT keep your drams real and obtainable! And out dreams change over the years don' they? One early dream I had was to be an Air Force officer and retire as such. Well physical issues put a stop to that, so I changed my dreams. Haven't completed my "Bucket List" yea, and it gets edited on occasion.

  13. Hey Ben...
    Nice thing about the "bucket list" is the fact that they CAN be changed without too much trouble!

    Very Important to hang on to a dream> It's one way we keep our direction in life!

    Hey, buddy, thanks for coming by today!

  14. "Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true."

    Uncle Hermit,
    I believe anything is possible if you are determined enough to go after it. Don't ever give up on your dreams they are what helps to keep us young at heart.

    Hugs to you, my friend,

  15. Yes My Special One date for leaving is still set for the 17th. I would leave right now if I didn't have a commitment for the 16th. :)I am so ready. Didn't realize how much there is to do around the house before you leave for so long. Put the phone on vacation, shut gas, empty toilets put plastic wrap on the toilets to keep bugs out of the house cover all drains and unplug everything. By time I leave I will be exhausted. LOL but the rewards of arrival to pines and lakes will be all worth it. Can relax and enjoy, before I start to explore and take pictures for the blog.

  16. Most Gnomes are 7 times stronger than a man, can run at speeds of 35 miles per hour, and have better sight than a hawk. These abilities help the Gnome to do many things, such as find wounded, dying animals for which they feel they are responsible for. Because of their love for animals, all the animals of the forest are the Gnome's friends and are willing to help him at any time. Many people say that gnomes have elevated practical jokes to an art form. But most especially they love gems and jewelry and are considered by many to be the best gem cutters and jewelers in existence

  17. I think we all have those moments and I´m glad You are back on track again:-)
    Can´t see the video though.
    Have a great day now!

  18. Hey Felinae...
    Right you are about not giving up! I think I must have just let things get to me too much!

    i appreciate you coming by and giving me a gentle reminder!

    Hey JoJo...
    I'm glad you are sticking to your schedule. I know you'll have a great time in the new spot!

    Thanks again for coming by!

    Hey Ted...
    Gotta love those gnomes, that's for sure!

    I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Christer...
    I appreciate the good thoughts, buddy. Hoping I stay on trck from now on...

    Thanks for coming by today!

  19. Thank You for posting this! I love your blog - keep up the great work!!

    Common Cents

    ps. Link Exchange???

  20. Hey CC...
    Thanks for the kind words today...and also for coming by!

    I appreciate it a lot!

  21. Done with the pitty party Jim? Want some whine with the cheese? Shape up buddy! I'm older than you and I'll never give up my dreams. I'm side tracted right now helping a friend who needs me, but the dreams are comming true. Keep the faith brother you can do it.

    See Ya.

  22. Hey Tony...
    Thanks, buddy! Got the message loud and clear!

    Glad things are working out and I appreciate you coming by today!

  23. As Jimmy Valvano, the North Carolina State basketball coach, said before he died of brain cancer "Never give up, don't ever give up" Dreams and aspirations are what keep us going. No matter what they are, it's important to not lose sight of them.

  24. Hey Rae...
    I just feel prey to the old enemy of "lack of vision", I reckon.

    hard to remain that way when you see a story like this, though!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming over today!
