Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Thoughts For Sunday...!

Sometimes words just can't say out loud the thoughts you have inside!

At times like that, I tend to turn to music to speak for me. This man has a way of doing it better than nearly anyone else I know.

So, for this Sunday before Memorial Day, here's my thoughts for today!

That's all for me!

Now, fresh coffee on the patio this morning. How about it?


  1. Pour the coffee while I tell you about a quote I read recently at the end of someone's blog. It said, "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read it in English, thank a soldier."

  2. Morning Sit Hermit! Coffee early this morning, 5:45, don't know why.
    Thanks to the soldiers, but I'm sorry , I absolutely can not stand Johnny Cash

  3. ...that man has a song fer every mood,sometimes ya just can't get enuff Johnny Cash,know what i mean ?...

  4. Hey Granmo...
    Good to see you today! I've seen that quote and I have to admit that I agree with it!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

    Hey Ben...
    Sorry, buddy! I'll try and find another singer next time!

    One good thing about the American music scene, there are many talented folks around!

    Thanks so much for coming by tody, my friend!

    Hey Ken...
    Guess ol' Johnny had a song for nearly every aspect of life! Lots of the older singers did!

    Many thanks to ya for coming by today!

  5. Mechanic in IliinoisMay 30, 2010 at 10:08 AM

    Thanking our soldiers and Johnny Cash in the morning,you can't get much better then that. Thanks for another great lesson.

  6. Hey Mechanic...
    Kinda goes with the coffee pretty well, I reckon!

    Hey, buddy...I appreciate the visit!

  7. Nice video and appropriately timed. I saw that Merle Haggard was on "CBS Sunday Morning." I missed it though. Merle's another goodie.

  8. Hey Ginger...
    Merle and Willie and Johnny...all good guys for singing what we all feel!

    Is it getting hot out in your neck of the woods? ( woods being figurative, of course!)

    Here's hoping you have a great day...and thank you for the visit today!

  9. Johnny of the greatest. Nice tribute to our hero's. God Bless them all.

    I'll be at a parade tomorrow to remember them all.

    See Ya.

  10. Hey Tony...
    Glad you enjoyed the tribute...enjoy the parade tomorrow!

    Thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  11. Good Morning My Special One
    beautiful Tribute

  12. Hey JoJo...
    I was wondering where you were hiding! I figured that you were busy painting the trailer or something!\

    Glad you liked the post...and certainly glad you could come by today!

  13. HJ, It's warm today but believe it or not, as recently as yesterday afternoon, I was wearing a lightweight sweater over my sleeveless shirt. Sans the hail, the weather here has been marvelous. Come out and see us!

  14. What a beautiful tribute!
    I've been looking around, and sadly, it seems that not many bloggers or folks on facebook realize - or even care about - the importance of this day. Oh,some do, but they sure seem few and far between.
    Even though I'm in Oz right now, I've taken the day off work, and I'm flying my flags with pride!
    Gob Bless them all...

    The dead soldier's silence sings our national anthem.
    ~Aaron Kilbourn

  15. Hey Tatersmama...
    Sad to's becoming more and more that way all over!

    \I wish I knew the answer, my friend, but I don't understand it myself!

    I do appreciate you coming by and hope you have a good day!

  16. Hey Coyote...
    My pleasure, Coyote...My pleasure!

    Thanks for coming by today!
