Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Newer Gateway To The Blue Nowhere...!

I should have given this update yesterday, but i didn't!

The trip across town was a real adventure, to say the least! But I did find a nice little computer for Mom that was better than what she had before...and a heck of a lot faster!

She couldn't get over how much faster it was...and because of that, she will probably enjoy using the computer a lot more! At least she won't get as frustrated with what is supposed to be a fun activity, ya know?

Here's what I brought home from the store for her. Keep in mind that she does mainly basic stuff like email and limited browsing. I'm sure this will more than meet her needs, and if Mom is happy...I'm happy!

We all know how that works, right?

I've used HP several times, and have to admit I've had fairly good luck with them. So, keeping that in mind and because of the price being so good...the choice was made!

HP 1.6gz, 512mb Ram, and 40 GB HDD.... Plenty of memory, plenty of speed, and plenty of room for her to play with!

Heck, I had so much fun doing this, I may go shopping for another 'puter for myself! Just what I need, right?

Think I would be better off investing in some more canned goods! Computers are nice, but ya can't eat least, I don't think so!

Let's get some fresh coffee and sit outside for a bit! OK, my friends?


  1. Stay focused HermitJim, food, fuel and ammo. We might have six months.

  2. Hey YOF...
    I can only hope we have that long! The way that things are going lately...6 months may be the limit!

    Luckily, I have plenty but, with Preps, more is better, I think!

    Like you say...I need to stay focused. We all do!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

  3. Jim, glad you found something to suit mom. Did it come with a big ole Monitor so she can see it well? Bet so. You are a good Son.

  4. Keeping your Mom happy and busy is so important. My Mom is on her second conputer since my Dad passed away ten years ago. She is still learning and still wants to, which is great. Her grandson got to order this one, so it is pretty powerful. I am going to visit her next week to do some intensive, repetitive computer re-training at her request. She will be 82 this year and I want her to be with us for many more years. Will try to do some prepping for her while there. She isn't concerned enough by my standards...

  5. Hey 2Tramps...
    I think that Mom (84) is wanting to learn some more...but with her old pc being so slow, she would give up before when I was trying to show her something!

    like you said, keeping them happy and comfortable with the computer is one of the secrets to helping them learn, IMHO!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today.

  6. That was very sweet of you. Are you still considering leaving the area? A long time ago you posted a pic of Missouri & I was wondering. (curiosity & cats you know)

  7. hey Stephanie...
    I still want out of the Houston area, especially with the weather acting up so much as of late!

    I want to get back to the country, but feel I have to wait until I know that Mom's health is OK!

    Been looking even in your neck of the woods! who knows, we could some day be neighbors...!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  8. I can understand that she is happy! I´m waiting for my own new computor (that seemes to have gotten lost on it´s way to me, I´m getting it via mail). Nowdays it takes 25 minutes just to start my old one :-) :-)
    Have a great day now!

  9. Hey Christer...
    I know you've been waiting for your new one for a while now! Bet you are chomping at the bit for it to show up!

    Guess it's not only in the States tha the mail runs slowly, huh?

    Good luck with the new PC nd thank you for stopping by today!

  10. I got a 10 year old HP. The power supply went out once (and they are expensive!), but otherwise Computersaurus Rex is still kickin'.

  11. I found a great blog! hmmmm looks like many other have found it too. Keep up the good work HERMIT!

  12. Thanks for the update and for mentioning which model you bought her. You are a good son Mr. HermitJim!!

  13. Hey Mayberry...
    Glad the old PC is standing up to the test of time! You're right about the cost of the power supply!

    Hope it continues to work for a long, long time!

    Hey, thanks for oming by today, my friend!

    Hey Cowboy...
    Glad you found our little corner! Welcome...and pour a cup of coffee!

    I hope you enjoy the visit and that you can come back again!

    Thanks for coming by, my friend!

    Hey MsBelinda...
    Good to see you again! I appreciate the kind words...and I appreciate the visit as well!
