Friday, May 14, 2010

Too Old To "Cut The Mustard"...?

Do you have any mustard in your Preps?

I found some interesting things that mustard can be used for, besides just adding to a hot dog...that would make it a great thing to have on hand.

Seems like our old friend Mustard is very useful around the house! Evidently it has been for some time, so just maybe we should double check and see if we have plenty on hand!

Mustard has a myriad of alternative uses, most of them health related. Surprisingly, the condiment can be used to prevent or relieve ailments and some diseases. Its medicinal value may not be as potent as a prescription drug, but it sure comes in handy during emergency situations. Mustard, aside from its therapeutic uses, can also function as a makeshift cosmetic product and an odor remover. With its overall usefulness, you’d be glad to have a bottle around. Here are 12 of the most surprising uses for mustard.

1. Sore Throat Relief

Mustard can be used as an ingredient of a natural sore throat relieving solution. Mix mustard with some lemon juice, a spoon of salt, honey and a half cup of hot water. Let the solution settle for about 10 minutes. Once done, gargle the solution until your throat clears. The solution’s effect should last for about a couple of days. If your sore throat returns, just make another batch of the gargling solution.

2. Bottle Deodorizer

Many products are packaged with attractive bottles. The problem is, the substances previously held by those containers may not have pleasing aromas, which can still be smelled from inside the bottles. Mustard comes as your unconventional solution for this concern. Place a little mustard inside a bottle then add hot water. Shake the bottle vigorously. Once done, rinse off the mustard solution. The bottle’s stench will be gone right after.

3. Chest Decongestant

Mustard, for some reason, can help eliminate the buildup of phlegm inside the body. In place of a topical decongestant, you can rub mustard on your chest. Place a cloth, soaked in hot water, on top of the mustard. Within minutes, you will feel better. Do the same for your back and if you have sinusitis, your forehead.

4.Cosmetic Mask

Aside from enhancing the flavor of food, mustard can also accentuate the beauty of your skin, particularly your face. Spread a thin layer of mustard throughout your face. Let it settle for a few minutes then rinse. After rinsing, your face will be smoother and will bear a nice healthy glow. Though, before proceeding with the facial treatment, make sure that your skin is not highly sensitive.

5. Skunk Smell Remover

Skunks are notorious for leaving a pungent aroma on random objects that they encounter. If you accidentally run a skunk over, your car will pretty much smell like a roving trash compactor. Remove the odor by mixing dry mustard with hot water. When the odor-removing solution is ready, splash it on your car or any affected object. Let the solution settle for awhile then rinse. The skunk odor will then be gone, down to the last bit.

6. Stink Bomb

Want to play a prank on your dorky friends? Mix mustard with vinegar and fish sauce then place the smelly concoction in a small plastic bag. Inflate the bag then seal it. With the stink bomb ready, go to where your dweeby buddies are. Pop your annoying little creation then hide. Watch their faces form constipated expressions, as they gag on the stink bomb’s stench. (For more information on stink bombs, read how to make stink bombs

7. Muscle-Relaxing Bath

Athletes and old people often complain about their stiff and strained muscles. You can remedy this condition by tossing in mustard and Epsom salt to your bathwater. Mustard will amplify the therapeutic effects of the chemical compound, relieving you of muscle pains at a much faster rate than bathing with Epsom salt alone.

8. Relief for Tired Feet

A busy day may take its toll on your poor feet. Give your feet some TLC by preparing a refreshing mustard-based “footwash.” Mix two spoons of mustard with hot water in a pan or basin. Soak your feet in the solution for about half an hour, which is enough time to drown your foot aches and pains. When you step out of the basin, you will have a pair of clean rejuvenated feet.

9. Backache-Treating Bath

Having a sore back is pretty discomforting. It restricts your movements while you endure the pain. You can end the agony by making a bath that remedies aching muscles, including arthritis and sprains. Fill the bathtub with hot water then add 8 ounces of mustard. Mix the two until they blend. Bathe in the solution for about 20 minutes. When you leave the bathroom, the aches and pains will either be gone or greatly reduced.

10. Weed Growth Prevention

According to scientists, the substances released by white mustard seed onto the soil can prevent the growth of weed and other pesky plants. Plant a handful of mustard seeds near your prized plants or scatter the seeds throughout your garden. Garden weed will still sprout but they’ll be significantly less in number. Just uproot them with your bare hands. Remember, before planting the seeds, you should do some research first. Some plants are harmed by mustard’s secretions, just like garden weed.

11. The Unwanted Scent of Men
Research says, sweat mixed with the body’s natural scent comes as a natural aphrodisiac, which works only for humans. For large garden pests like deer and other wild animals, that scent makes them flee the area. Recreate the scent of sweaty farm workers by placing a generous servings of mustard on several tin plates. Hang the plates around your garden or lawn. Upon smelling the mustard, Bambi and his fawn friends will instantly realize their limits, when it comes to grazing.

12. Hair Conditioner

Mustard oil, in terms of treating damaged hair, works like a top quality hair conditioner. Pour a generous amount of oil on your palm. Rub both of your palm together then scrub and massage your hair. Once done, leave the mustard oil on your hair for about eight hours, or for the entire day, if you choose. Rinse the oil with shampoo and conditioner. Upon rinsing, you hair will be softer and more bouncy, as if it came right out of a shampoo commercial.

Mustard, with its number of benefits, is more useful than what its appearance suggests. For a relatively cheap price, the remarkable condiment improves your health in more ways than one, and most of them aren’t found on the label. You will find mustard’s alternative uses just as wonderful as the distinct flavor that it possesses. So during your next trip to the mini mart, be sure to purchase an extra bottle.

After finding all of this out, I'm thinking that even if you are getting too old to "cut the mustard" may want to store up a few extra jars, know what I mean?

Like insurance, better to have it and not need it...than need it and not have it!

C'mon, my friends, let's get some coffee and sit outside on the patio!


  1. I remember my grandmother always talking about mustard being used when differnt sicknesses hit, but most of the other things I´ve never heard of! If it removes skunk smells it must be usefull against other smells too (we don´t have skunks over here).

    Personally I can´t stand the taste of mustard, exept on our Christmas ham :-) For some reason I just have to have it on that ham :-) :-)

    Have a great day now!

  2. Hey Christer...I'm glad that you don't have skunks over there, but if you want a couple...I'll send you a couple!

    Mustard has evidently been used for many things other than seasoning for a ong time! I didn't know some of these myself...!

    Hey, thanks for coming by today, my friend!

  3. Are you speaking of the condiment, mustard sold in a bottle or dry mustard in the tiny cans, which is pure ground mustard seed? There is a big difference.

    Tomato juice will neutralize that skunk odor quickly too. Skunks thrive in my area. The dogs roused one last evening. Luckily they were penned, but a bath w/tomato juice removes the skunk's odor.

  4. Learned more about Mustard than I ever knew. Guess the one I thought of was "Mustard" gas , from WWI?

    Personalty, good ole Yellow French's on my Hot Dog!!

  5. Once again, my friend, you have come through with interesting stuff. I knew about mustard plasters for chest congestion but not any of the other. Wonder what the shelf life of mustard is. Wishing you sunshine.....

  6. Good Morning My Special One,
    There is another good lesson brought to us by you and your research. Thank you.
    Now for some coffee on the patio with good friends sounds wonderful.

  7. Like Momlady, I am know about mustard plasters, had them used on me when I was young. Gee, what a long, long time ago (grin).

    I, too, was wondering what form of mustard is used.

    Thanks for always brightening my day.

  8. Hey Sissy...
    What they are talking about is the "prepared mustard"and NOT the dry!

    I had heard that tomat5o juice was useful for skunks smell as well, and I'm hoping that this is one use I never have to try it for!

    you have a great day!

    Hey Ben...
    Mustard is one of those things we never consider for anything, except for eating.

    Hey, thanks for the visit today, buddy!

    hey Momlady...
    I have no idea what the shelf life on mustard is...but I reckon it's a long time!

    Glad you found today's post interesting...and also glad you could come by today!

    Hey JoJo...
    I'm certainly glad you found this interesting, sweetie!

    Just trying to keep you entertained and informed, ya know?

    Thanks, Dear, for coming by!

    Hey DizzyDick...
    I'm thinking they are referring to the mustard in a jar! I can't imagine using the mustard powder for tis! Way too strong!

    Never had a mustard plaster, but I've seen a lot of references to I reckon they must work!

    Hey, I appreciate you coming by today!

  9. Memories of my childhood hungry go to the kitchen an fix me a mustard sandwich. good memories.Shelf life for mustard is 100 years longer than a rock!

  10. HJ, they are not talking about the prepared baby poop you get in a bottle, they are talking about preparing mustard from the dry stuff. The stuff you get in a squeeze bottle is too weak to have the above affects. Some prepared mustard pastes might work. Mum used to make mustard plasters for us when we were kids; it's rubbed on the chest so you smell the fumes.

    But a good post.


  11. Hey AV...
    Thanks for clearing that up for me! I learn something every day from my readers!

    I love to learn new stuff!

    Thanks for coming by today!

  12. Mustard Plasters, garden mint, Vick's vapo rub,
    Ben Gay,
    and mud from the garden, under the water faucet, always kept damp there.

    All of these used to cure us kids of whatever was ailing us. Worked too, cause if they didn't the cod liver oil was next. We got well out of self defense.

    Dry mustard, mixed with vinegar water to a thick paste, with some mint mashed into the paste and all of it spread on a flannel cloth, rub chest with vicks, wear flannel pj's, and have the mustard plaster cloth pinned to your jammie top. Worked every time.

    Oh, we also got a cup of hot sage/mint/lavender/onion or garlic tea to help us get well..

