Monday, July 5, 2010

Company Coming For A Few Days...!

A friend of mine from New Zealand, a nurse, is coming to visit for a couple of days!

She has been in San Antonio for a convention, and now that it's over...she is coming to Houston for a visit!

I've known Minerva for a couple of years, but I've never met her in person. So this will be a chance to get acquainted and see each other face to face!

I don't know why those of us that can...don't do this sort of thing more often. Makes everyone more real, and talk about a photo opportunity!

I'll update things as I can and, of course, I'll include whatever pictures I can!

Thanks for understanding, my friends! Don't forget to drop in for coffee once in a while...OK? OK! Oh, and BTW, if you want to drop by the house...come on over! The more the merrier, ya know?


  1. How exciting! I was lucky enough to meet a couple of blogging friends when I was home in April, and I'm sure glad I got the chance!

    Enjoy your visit, take lots of pictures... and we'll be here when you get back!

  2. Enjoy the culture exchange and get her some typical Texas BBQ..
    Several years ago I got to meet an internet friend from Australia when she fly up to NM for the Albuquerque Balloon Festival.

  3. Have fun with your friend's visit, HermitJim. I agree with your comments that we should meet folks when we can. Years ago I did penpal exchanges and was fortunate enough to meet with 3 pen pals - 2 in Europe and 1 when he visited the US. Grenville and I plan to eventually meet some of our blogging "friends" face-to-face.

    Yes, it DOES make folks more real and what great photo opps you will have. ENjoy!

  4. Good Morning My Specail One
    That is exciting, and jus think of the intersting exchanges of worlds to discuss. Have a great time and will be here waiting for pictures and information.
    Meeting our blogger friends is fun I have met some too and this week will meet some up here.

  5. Far out Jim;

    Meeting friends we have never actually met makes the process complete. Enjoy your time with her.

    I may make it to Texas one day...Would love to shake your hand. Yeold fert to.

    See Ya

  6. Mechanic in IllinoisJuly 5, 2010 at 10:55 AM

    Feel lucky someone is coming to see you. Here in the communist state of Illinois no one has a good reason to come here. Most of the politicians chase everyone away. Thank her for coming and to have a safe trip home.

  7. Wow, how exciting and wonderful for you both.

    Enjoy your visit

  8. Hey, Bubba,
    I am sooo excited that you get to meet Minerva in person. I know you consider her a special friend. I would like to be there myself but at the same time I wouldn't want to interfere!
    I thought she was from the Pacific N.W.. Didn't realize she is from New Zealand. Have a great visit!!
    Be yourself and she can't hel[p but love you as we all do!

  9. It´s so fun meeting blogging friends that one sort of knows even if we never met! have a really great time!

  10. Hey HJ, I don't know how I missed this post, you realise that's where I'm from... small world and blogging makes it smaller. I've never met a fellow blogger before, you're lucky.


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